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Originally posted by Rows:

LOL you guys crack me up! Next time I come across a croch grabber I'm goona rip off Mr. Winky!!!! biggrin.gif

I'm right behind you!!!!!!!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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I know, I am a guy and shouldn't be responding to this one but....

I went to Exit 4 the first time last friday. I know that there is the occational "brush", but I have never seen so much flagrant gropes in my life.

I am a guy, and I like the feel of a womans body as much if not more that the next guy... but isn't part of that feeling, knowing that they WANT you to touch them and are enjoying it???

I swear more girls get turned off by it than on. And I wasn't about to start that shit. So if thats what it takes to get laid then i will just go home...

Thankfully, eventhough I wasn't feelin it that night, I still met a sexy woman named Jade. Goin 2 see her 2morrow, see... and I didn't even grab her ass...

well, untill she wanted me 2.



We Are Not Alone!

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Please... I completely understand where you are coming from Tara... Whenever I go clubbing, I inevitably get groped or grabbed. Even in "high class" clubs. I personally dont have a bf so usually if something serious starts I find a normal looking guy latch on and ask him to help me out... Thanks to all of you who are sweet and considerate! In the worst of places... dare I mention Exit or SF... i've had guys reach right up my skirt when walking buy, or aggresively pull me toward them. I will never forget the time this random HUGE juicehead came up started dancing and then suddenly began sucking (like vacuuming) my neck! My guy friend (who was half his size) grabbed him and shoved him. I was so disgusted I walked right out! Talk about gross... now i rarely dress provocatively when I go out. Too many stories to count.

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miss kitty you crack me up. i've had a guy come up to me and try to finger me. it was probably mr. crotch grabber. well i think i'll follow your advice and grab mr. winky next time.

miss kitty, and all the girls that posted here, i say we get together one night. we'll form a fiersome group and get our vengeance on all the crotch grabbers.

are you in?

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Originally posted by glowdancer:

miss kitty you crack me up. i've had a guy come up to me and try to finger me. it was probably mr. crotch grabber. well i think i'll follow your advice and grab mr. winky next time.

miss kitty, and all the girls that posted here, i say we get together one night. we'll form a fiersome group and get our vengeance on all the crotch grabbers.

are you in?

You can count me in........we should do what they do to us and grab them and stuff, but the sad part is that they would problably like it!!!!!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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Speaking of grotch grabbers, I've had the same problem with drag queens. It's the same thing, some of them just unabashedly grab you wherever they want. This sort of thing has happened to me at SF, Twilo, Tunnel, plus a lot of clubs in Philly when I used to live down there. It's pretty nasty. I think there will always be a percentage of males in clubs that behave this way (those few who are alcohol drinkers are the worst I think). It's too bad because I think in some cases it really scares off women from going.

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Dont dress like sluts and you wont be groped. If you let it all hang out, and look like your selling your body for the night, dont complain. Next time you go out, try not to dress like the next victim. For instance, if I wore a big sign that said " I hate all Niggers " in the Bronx, I would surely (and sorely) be reminded by someone kind enough to let me know that I should dress more appropriately. If you are wearing bootie chokers dont complain if some hormone raged weirdo grabs your ass. AFter all, why else would you wear bootie chokers other than to get a man's attention? ... Its the pot calling the fucking kettle black.


Condense thought into a vapor of nuance.

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Every year in Sydney there are two huge gay dance parties, Mardi Gras, and Sleaze Ball, each with 20,000+ partiers........

I'm a straight guy who tends to go ballistic on the dance floor, I've been to 3 or 4 Sleaze Balls but only 1 Mardi Gras.......why?

I've never been groped at Sleaze ball, but a few times @ Mardi Gras I've been grabbed.....

Well Mardi Gras is a lot more touristy with guys from all over particularly the US.....

BTW I never even accidently touch people on the dance floor, I guess I've got a good sense of and respect for people's personal space! smile.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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that is the most ignorant fucking post/statement ive ever read in my entire life. this is the same type of question that is raised in many a rape case...does a woman who dresses provactively somehow "deserve" to be raped? the groping of a woman's crotch or breasts is really no different than what happened in central park during the puerto rican day parade. its called criminal sexual contact/assault for your information. there was an article in the asbury park press regarding an incident at joey harrison's in seaside where a guy slid his hands up a womans skirt on the dance floor and grabbed her ass...security was alerted and they turned him over to the cops...the kid got locked up and is in a world of trouble...

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Is it really that bad?

Over here I've never experienced anything like it even when I dress provocatively (which I have every right to do. I don't think grabbing a woman's crotch qualifies as attention...).

If it did in fact happen there would be constant fights at every club in Milan. I never saw anything close to what you're describing in London either.

This weekend me and my boyfriend are coming to NY for 2 weeks and I wanted to go to a few clubs. If it's half as bad as you say maybe I'll change my plans...

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So you mean to tell me I can't wear what I want because you are a horny asshole who will stick his dick in anything that walks by him! If you're that desperate stay home and play with yourself!Don't make excuses for disgusting behavior! tongue.gif

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Alot of guys are just disrespectful mad.gif and they must get something out of it but there is no way in hell that i would ever give someone like that the time of day!! its a total turn off, and thats definatly NOT a way to get a girl thats for sure...


~Music makes the people come together~

[This message has been edited by neptune (edited 08-15-2000).]

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I wouldn't say that it's MOST guys, but it's def alot of 'em. I notice that the more hoochie-mama I dress, the more I get grabbed. So I don't dress much like a hoochie usually anyways, and I get lots of attention but not much grabbing.

Props to the non-grabbin' guys, and glodancer, I say again that yer advice was right on.

<sigh> Luv the men on this board...



blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.


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Oops, thought it was glodancer, but now i'm not sure whose advice that was... That time the guy wanted to know how to meet women at clubs and somebody gave him tips... That was right on.



blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.


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