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Who to vote for??

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I've never voted for a republican and can never imagine voting for one...I agree Gore who is harmless over Bush who is only harmful...as for the supreme court, if we choose Bush and he appoints a right-wing justice, we women could lose all sorts of rights, from abortion rights to maternity leave...ugh.



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The Nader people raise an interesting question. Should you:

1. vote for a candidate you know has no chance to win whose positions you agree with, or

2. vote for the lesser of two evils in effort to try and prevent the greater of two evils from winning?

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Do you think if everyone on this board voted for someone who isnt a candidate we could get enough votes to get mentioned on the news. Imagine if we all voted for Digweed and they reported that he got so many write in votes on all teh network news shows. That would be a victroy to me!

Lets do it!!!!

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Originally posted by aljedynak:

I am voting for Bush because Democrats take all the money a person with a real job makes and give it to all the poor homeless welfare knocked up bitches and their crack head babies fathers. I'd rather keep my money. Screw everyone else!

Yea, that's a nice attitude. rolleyes.gif



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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I'm voting for Jesse Jackson & his running mate Al Sharpton. Oh, wait that was a nightmare I had. I used to vote Republican but at this point I'm disgusted with my party so I'm voting Libertarian. I hate Democrats.


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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It is sad that most people believe there are only three choices in this election. Gore, Bush, or No Vote.

Vote Ralph Nader! Send the message to the government and the nation that we simple clubbers demand more than the same old choices.

In a country with almost 300 million people, how come there are only two major parties?

At least the two parties should allow Nader(and perhaps Buchanan)into the presidential debates. People should know that alternatives exist.

Democracy CAN be preserved. Take the government back from the corporations.


To help get Nader into the debates, visit: http://www.votenader.com/debates/index.html

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