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One of the worst feelings in the world...

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I swear, one of the worst feelings in the world is losing one of your friends in some argument in which they start lashing out and saying things you wish they had never said, because now that they've said it, there's no chance things will ever go back the way they were, it's finality to a friendship of years...you know, most friendships weather through the worse, but sometimes you just know it's the end because you just can't bring yourself to forgive them for what they said in their anger...it's really sad to see years of closeness and sharing evaporate in the span of an hour-long conversation...

Don't mind me smile.gif I'm melancholy and talking into the void of cyberspace...

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whaddup human, wink.gif

god, something i have come to realize is that friends also come and go. people used to say that about boy/girl friends, but no way! there are very, very, few, real friendships that endure the test of time.

i completely stopped all means of communication for the last 4 year with one of my former "best friends". it also sucks b/c we still have the same circle of friends, so it's always still awkward.

i hope it doesn't come to that point with you, but i guess i have learned the hard way that not all people were meant to be in my life. ergh! smile.gif

good luck. sorry for the shitty reply. i just had that on my mind.



*turn it around baby*

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I have this theory that every single person we meet rather they play a significant role or a very minor role . . . they enter into our life to help us to prepare for the next stage. It really sucks when that happen but try not to think of it as losing a friend but that this period or phase in your life is coming to an end and a new one is arising.

I know, I know it's sort of like the glass being half full instead of being half empty. But nothing good ever comes out of being pessimestic, right? When that happened to me, I just did the best I could to forgive that person. Even though our friendship was never the same again and that person just faded out of my life . . . at least our relationship ended on a decent note.



"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

- Burton Hills

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Friendship is a complicated thing, but i truly believe that there are reasons people enter and leave your life. If you and this person end up never speaking again just know that there is a reason why, and if you were meant to stay friends well then you will be.

Take with you the wonderfullness of that person and grow on that because thats what makes you a better person. As much animosity as there may be between you two, try and take away all the positive things from that relationship with you in your heart...then you win.

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It's sad but true. Some friendships you swear will never die but a large percentage of them do. Whether it's a fight or time or distance. Most don't last. You need to focus on what the friendship gave you while it was alive. It's rare to find anyone who will be in your life till the end. Those are the friendships you don't have to work on. They are just meant to be smile.gif


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I have this theory that every single person we meet rather they play a significant role or a very minor role . . . they enter into our life to help us to prepare for the next stage. It really sucks when that happen but try not to think of it as losing a friend but that this period or phase in your life is coming to an end and a new one is arising.

I feel the same way that Blueangel does. Every person we meet have some kind of role in our lives. I have had friends come and go through out my life. Some friendships end too soon. I stopped talking to most my friends. One friend I have no idea where our friendship stands. She hardly talks and hangs with me anymore. I have two best friends right now and we have been through it all. These friendships I know will last.But sometimes you have to let them go and it might be for the best.


web.gif I'm still here, I just abandoned my body...


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Thanks for the replies peoples and no doubt you are all correct...it's just one of those things that you wonder why they happen...wouldn't it be ideal if all our friendship was true and pure? The fact that we could actually be stabbed in the back by people we consider dear to us is just really really sad...nothing more smile.gif

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It's sad for me because all of my closest friends are not around anymore!

It is a total trust issue for me! Every girl I have ever been friends wit, tryed to play me in one way or another! That suckz sooo bad! My bestest friend in the world is a dude! That sucks too cuz my man of 5 years does not really like us to chill! Nither does his girl!

I dunno I guess I'll keep searching for that one true friend that I will be able to trust!



})i({ SmilePimpette })i({

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I have only two close friends. I've known both for years, and I think we'll stay close with each other main reason being that we are very much alike - our brains work the same way. It happens very rarely.


May be one day I'll be an honest man... Up till now I do the best I can.

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Every relationship in your life no matter how apparently significant or insignificant is UNIQUE, and should be respected as such......from your partner to your boss to your close friends to your drycleaner.....even ppl here on this board ;)


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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