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Tunnel last night.......?????

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Couln't make it to Tunnel last night. So for the people who went, how was it (music, crowded like last Sat?)

And for anyone who stayed there till the end, what time it close?






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There were SO, SO, SO, SO few people there... I had a good time none-the-less... Met a few good people... (WaSSuP to DAN from BERGEN... I'm that Korean kid that you were talking to for a while, Dave) Laughed at some people who were too fucked up to know that they were getting GRINDED by a transsexual... haa haa... and watched some phat light shows... interesting night... though it could've been A LOT better had more people been there... I missed last week, but i heard some good stuff about it so I guess that I was expecting more from it. I guess not even the great Johnny Vicious is enough to pull people away from an LINGERE party at SF... ah well...


If YoU'Re GoNNa PaRtY With Me... BeSt Be PrePaReD...

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yeah it wasnt as good as the first week, Id have to save about half as many peeps....I though Johnny was awesome though, what I heard of his set.......

Im thinking this party will really start kicking ass after Labor Day weekend casue its gonna be hard to compete with the hamptons on that....

And this weeks lack of attendance was prob due to BOTH the SF underwear party and Junior's Brithday on the same night.....

Ill be doing the main floor of Brazil in the Hamptons on Sunday......if anyone needs a comp Ill hook ya up smile.gif


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."

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