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SF saturday.. place is dieing slowly..... disgusting

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i got to SF like 530... i felt almost disgusted to be there.. the only good part was the music.. but to tell you the truth i would rather of been @ exit with KTU on.

EVERY person in the club was walking around like a zombie i was there 2 hours saw 4 people get carried out convulsing. the whole place is walkin around wit a jar bumping till they fall down.. i usually enjoy SF but it is gettin outta hand.. almost like it was last year @ this time.. i don't understand how people can get like that. i paid 30 bucks for 2 hours i just had to leave it was disgusting.. it is just on big K-WHOLE




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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I guess that there is a reason that people here call the place 'Crack Factory'.

Like attracts like. If that is the way that it went, then I would imagine that SF is not that far away from a Vinyl-esque event.




Corporate Tool

North Jersey

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no way

EXIT is nothing like cracktory

SF is just filled a bunch of old skool clubbers tryin to see if they can do more bumps then last time

EXIT is filled wit alot of new clubbers goin there so they can go home and tell there friends that they were @ exit and tried "X" last nite..

totally diiferent scene




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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Originally posted by oasis:

no way

EXIT is nothing like cracktory

SF is just filled a bunch of old skool clubbers tryin to see if they can do more bumps then last time

EXIT is filled wit alot of new clubbers goin there so they can go home and tell there friends that they were @ exit and tried "X" last nite..

totally diiferent scene

Yet another reason why EXIT sucks.


I'm still here, I just abandoned my body...


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Dude, you're just finally seeing it?? Well, at least you're waking up to see what's goin' there.

As for Exit.....it's creeping up there just like Sound Cracktory. Just give it some time.

Dude,im totally agree with u!


UnderGround lives forever baby,we just like roaches,we never die!

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exit is not creeping up

once an exit boy/girl creeps up the crack chart

they become an sf (crack)head




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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exit is definetly in line for some trouble but all the clubs are looking at it- and factory is still worse then exit, only b/c there it is more of a driking crowd then exit, b/c mostly people dont' get to factory until at least after 5 if not later, so a they can't drink to get fuct up whereas exit whose afterhours don't last late-



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Hey, the place isnt for everyone.. What does it really matter if people choose to demolish themselves?? If it's not your scene, cool.. Not everyone gets all twisted out in there, but a lot of people seem to think that way.. Sure a majority of the place is on drugs after a certain time, but it has always been that way.. It hasnt gotten any better or worse over the years.. There will be drugs in every club, no matter what.. You dont like to be around drugs?? Go to a bar.. There are massive ammounts of drugs in Twilo, but no one seems to mention it on here.. Why??


Twilo Sucks..

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Originally posted by tranza:

Hey, the place isnt for everyone.. What does it really matter if people choose to demolish themselves?? If it's not your scene, cool.. Not everyone gets all twisted out in there, but a lot of people seem to think that way.. Sure a majority of the place is on drugs after a certain time, but it has always been that way.. It hasnt gotten any better or worse over the years.. There will be drugs in every club, no matter what.. You dont like to be around drugs?? Go to a bar.. There are massive ammounts of drugs in Twilo, but no one seems to mention it on here.. Why??

Yeah there are drugs at Twilo too. Not denying that. The thing is, I haven't seen the excess amount of drug use at Twilo compared to Exit & Sound Factory. Mainly because some people know their limits and know how to control themselves. Also the vibes and the music are better at Twilo than the other two mentioined clubs.


Any day above ground is a special day.


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Originally posted by tranza:

Hey, the place isnt for everyone.. What does it really matter if people choose to demolish themselves?? If it's not your scene, cool.. Not everyone gets all twisted out in there, but a lot of people seem to think that way.. Sure a majority of the place is on drugs after a certain time, but it has always been that way.. It hasnt gotten any better or worse over the years.. There will be drugs in every club, no matter what.. You dont like to be around drugs?? Go to a bar.. There are massive ammounts of drugs in Twilo, but no one seems to mention it on here.. Why??

Yeah there are drugs at Twilo too. Not denying that. The thing is, I haven't seen the excess amount of drug use at Twilo compared to Exit & Sound Factory. Mainly because some people know their limits and know how to control themselves. Also the vibes and the music are better at Twilo than the other two mentioined clubs.

Your right.. The difference between the two is that in Twilo people are more discrete while consuming their drugs, as to SF where people walk around with jars hanging out of their noses.. Whatever, it doesnt really matter to me.. I think the Twilo crowd is more into the ecstasy and the SF crowd is more into K.. Who cares tho?? A drug is a drug.. One isnt worse then the other..


Twilo Sucks..

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Originally posted by tranza:

Your right.. The difference between the two is that in Twilo people are more discrete while consuming their drugs, as to SF where people walk around with jars hanging out of their noses.. Whatever, it doesnt really matter to me.. I think the Twilo crowd is more into the ecstasy and the SF crowd is more into K.. Who cares tho?? A drug is a drug.. One isnt worse then the other..

So true.


Any day above ground is a special day.


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yea that is what i said b4

alot of other clubs everyone is into e

which doesn't make you look so bad

but sf people are just zombied out b/c of the k




GUESTLST @ exit, tunnel, sound factory 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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Sound Factory is a crackhead club. take a look at this guy. he the guy that comes up to you and asks you if you can get him K or E 100 times in one night, and then asks you where Dave went. Place is full of crack heads grinding their teeth and falling all over the place.



[This message has been edited by loudness (edited 08-28-2000).]

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They way people look there turns my stomach. They really should have sticks so you can poke these sad bastards to see if they are alive.

They just stumble around vomiting, can barely stand and look like they died ten years ago.

I had a "club buddy" once offered me crystal meth like it was a cigarette.

I agree with you, it's pathetic and disgusting.


Din Da Da

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Last time I was there was for Jonathan's B-day, I used to love the Factory and there is still a place in my heart for it, but that night a fight broke out right in front of me and every one was cracked out of thier heads. I haven't been there since. It used to be about the music and having a good time and now all the original Factory heads all say the same thing it's getting ugly there. Just my $0.02.


It's all in the music

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Originally posted by djchris:

It used to be about the music and having a good time and now all the original Factory heads all say the same thing it's getting ugly there. Just my $0.02.

It's true, It's true.

If jonathan Peters was smart he would get out of that club and go somewhere else, it's killing his rep. to play in a crack factory!



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Originally posted by Johnny Blaze:

LOL. Slowly? That place has been dead for 2 years +.

No offense to anyone that goes there. Of course.

Johnny Blaze "ain't a damn thing changed"

If by dead you mean that it is no longer a fun place for you, then I understand that.

However, if you are using dead to say no one likes it there anymore, I think you are mistaken. I went there a week ago, and the club was still packed at 9:30 or 10:00. There was still no room on the dance floor even. Even if you find the crowd repulsive (you all have a point there), I can't really call a place dead that still has 1000 people in it at 10:30, even if everyone of them is in a k-hole.

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