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What's the worst thing a friend ever did to you?

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I got all you "they slept with my girlfriend" suckas beat! Check this out...

Me and my bro were trippin' on a whole lot of shrooms, and we're chillin at the house of the kid who's babysitting us, and the kid just all of a sudden goes, "we're gonna go out and meet everyone just like every other night, then at the end of the night I'm going to kill you." Like at first, it was kinda scary-cool, but like he kept saying more stuff and saying all this evil shit to me, he followed me around all night and would whisper fucked up shit to me... I totally bugged, I was like crying... I was so freaked out, the shrooms wore off and I woke up the next day still thinking he was gonna kill me. I was all fucked up and paranoid for like months after. We talked about it though, he thought it was cool, cuz he trips out to stuff like that... He was really sorry, and we've become better friends since then at least.

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Ok, here's a story of mine...Freshman year of high school. I just started, and it was me and a bunch of my " friends " from grade school. We knew each other since kindergarten. We were like brothers. Did everything, hung out, we were there for each other. Ok, flash forward again to high school...We're in the back of the school bus, chillen, joking around. All of sudden, I noticed one friend look at the other and gave each other like signal. Then all of a sudden, six of my best friends jump me. They beat the shit out of me for no fucking reason. Broke my glasses, chipped tooth, fractured jaw...i was also a bloody mess. Also due to the bashing my head agaisnt the inside wall of the bus, I now have migrains that come and go. They also stole my money...and what made it worse, one of them was holding my girlfriend back and making her watch.

They never said why they did that to me. From that incident, I fell into a depression for almost two years in high school. Only person I trusted was my girlfriend.....well.....up until senior year.

From what I've heard what happened to those assholes, few of them are in jail and one was shot by police while running out of house with TV. Well...there's my uplifting story.


Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. spin.gif


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This so called friend started Fucking a guy I liked and I told her and so did the other girl that she was wrong and she did it anyway and then had the nerve to invite me away for the weekend with them. thinking I actually go ...... ASSHOLE

Not you baby!!!!

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4 Years ago, i watched a man get Stabed 36 times in the Face, In my old building.

i told my best friend. About it we went to the police, and we told them That we saw the whole thing. And 3 months later, Come to find. The guy who killed the other guy, was my BEST FRIEND Pete!

Fucked up!!!




"This MuTha Fucka!! comes up to me!!! , and pulls out his D---,And gets all up in My shit, and has the mutha fukn nerve to ask "Am i hurting you" i was like "Mutha fucka, you are tickaling me, get your fat,crust,skanky,wanna be down"Fat ass off me............and pay me my 20 bucks!>> Sweet Pussy Pauline(NYC)

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I grew up in a fuct up neighborhood at one time, so it was wise to have a large group of friends. I was friends with this one kid, we were tight. At the time I would've died for him & vice versa I hope. We even ran away to Cali together when we were 19 years old, but that's another story. Well anyways he went off to join the army. The times that he came back he was having family problems & it was me who threw him welcome home parties & gave him a place to sleep, fed his stupid ass etc. When his tour was over 4 years later he told me that he joined the KKK, was the head of some crazy neo-nazi organization & that he couldn't be friends with me (I'm Jewish). At first I thought it was some kind of sick joke, but then I saw him on A&E on some special. The kid is dead to me at this point, but the best thing to come out of all this is that his mother is dating a black guy & I know this kills him. I love irony.


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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