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how am i still alive???

Guest ddg

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Guest pod

Shoulda called my agent. ;D

Well, now you have motivation to come across, so you can bask in my august presence.

I'm august in August.

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Guest pod

August is a word as well as a month.

au·gust (ô-gŭst')


1. Inspiring awe or admiration; majestic: the august presence of the monarch. See Synonyms at grand.

2. Venerable for reasons of age or high rank.

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Guest dahzel

it's been almost a year since the cabana breakage? wow, time flies. :-\

For real how time flies.. Unfortunately, Dave and I were taking a catnap in the suite so we missed the infamous cabana breakdown but heard all about it upon arrival. We then rejoined the festivities of talking schmack, monkey dancing, vodka redbulling, stargazing and enjoying seabreeze, all to the sounds of Johnny Ramirez and Patrick M.

After being at LC by 7am and staying at Nikki's till 10pm we called it a day and headed back North. That was definitely in my top three best party days last year, thanks Diego, looking forward to this year's festivities. Also people, let's not forget Diogo's b-day is a few days before Diego's.. What is the exact day, Diogo? ;D

you guys got off easy, since we then took to space till about 1pm the following sunday.

there will be nothing less than the sort this year. oh and Diego im calling not it!!! lol

yeah we did get off easy compared to all you guys. i would've bet $$$ that diego was goin no-where that night but all you guys kept goin til the next morning :o!! we would've never made it.

i know i've been out of touch with everyone for a bit but i really hope i can make it to this years b-day (s) festivities ;D!

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