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Finally, Ev's WMC Experience


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Man, where to begin here? Thank god what I’m about to write isn’t to be published, because I’m not sure if I can encapsulate the last week of my life in one subjective piece of writing.

Join me now as I elaborate from the beginning....

Last Wednesday night myself and my roommate Aryn left for Miami with DJ Dimaggio here in NY. Our flight down was fun...Aryn slept the entire way basically and I chewed Dimaggio's ear off until he couldn’t take it anymore and passed out about an hour from Miami. Charles, I commend you for having the patience for all of my questions and conversation---guys, this boy is a trooper!

So we got to Miami and Aryn, Charles and I rented an SUV and drove into SoBe. I was totally charged when I saw the colorful neon lights of downtown and the bridges around the city...driving down the causeway with the windows down was celestial, and of course it was great to stare out at the tremendous mansions that dot the little exclusive islands along the causeway on your way to south beach.

We stopped at the Shelborne and dropped off our shit, and we went to dinner at a little Cuban place and watched the hookers, crack heads and spring breakers make fools of themselves. An eclectic blend of people, to say the least.

Thursday Aryn and I woke up early around 9:30am and were on the beach by 10. We sat out all day...Christ what a contrast to the mud, snow, dirty tower, cumulo-nimbus cloud ridden wet/freezing NYC environment that had been suffocating us for so many months! South Beach is, in my opinion, the most beautiful beach on the east coast...at least of those that I've been to, and I've been to many...

Anyway I'll jump to that night. A bunch of our other friends arrived so we went to Nobu---where we were told that after 10:30 pm we could walk in. Not the case. They were completely booked but they sent us to an Italian restaurant around the hallway where we sat down and ate. We indulged in more than several bottles of wine and ate some seriously delicious food...Anyone know the name of that restaurant?

We didn’t stick around the Shore Club too long, the party at the pool there was kind of beat and the bartenders were slow as hell, so we went back to our hotel room and met up with DiMaggio and Francis and were acting like idiots---DiMaggio, you should have stuck around...things got very freaky with Jessica and the girls---I will email you some digital pix shortly, once I get them, but they are outrageous. Ryan (tech), you definitely would have dug this 8) :P

So let's move on to Friday. Nikkis was off the hook!!! Holy shit, I had the best time there---Got there around 4 and it was already at capacity...went to the VIP line where Nick greeted us...Nick you looked pretty exhausted, and when we left you and went inside I must say that I could see all of the CJ hard work was paying off---the party was fuckin sick---music was perfect, people were dancing their asses off----we got heavily intoxicated here....dancing up a storm and hanging out on the beach and meeting awesome people....got to see some friends there that I haven’t seen since last conference, which was great----all in all I'd say Nikkis was definitely one of the two biggest highlights of my trip....4 sure. Congrats to all the Miami junkies who organized that party---DiMaggio sorry I couldn’t find you, I actually saw you up on the balcony but couldn’t get your attention. Our time at Nikkis was cut short when my friend Rebecca was pick-pocketed--- we were grooving around 9pm and her bag was in the sand…next thing we knew her brand new digital camera was missing, along with $150. That definitely was a huge buzz kill…I just don’t understand, almost every time I come down to Miami myself or someone I’m with gets violently robbed or pick-pocketed. Sux. I’m personally very, very careful when I’m down there.

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Friday night, in between Nikkis and Space, I was a bit intoxicated and don’t remember too much---Got changed quickly and went to Space, very eager to see Van Dyk.

When I arrived I instantly saw Carisa...so sexy in those sunglasses! Babe you are even more beautiful in person===I embraced her and then met Luis (is that the correct spelling?) I must say these two are the cream of the crop--- both are equally cool and both are fuckin hot--- I spent a good portion of the beginning of the night dancing with them, and Luis and I braved the crowd and were dancing right up front. Thanx for the sips of your potent cocktails, L. The beginning of PVD's set was pretty good, he had everyone going....and come on---that remix of "Crush" ! It's sickening! Clearly one of his best remixes as of late. I can’t get enough of it (im sure he will play it to death over the next couple of months, however.) But then he started spinning the same old shit, and to be honest I wasn’t very impressed with his performance at all after awhile...It was a total contrast to his New York set the weekend before....what the hell happened to him? And it got pretty dark and shitty…Disappointing to say the least. I spent a lot of time outside where the bleachers and sod-grass were. The grass was so loose on the ground you could peel it off the ground like dead skin. The projection on the wall of the venue was cool---nice touch...it was chill out there indeed...but the music was too ambient.

Saturday---went to Ultra, wasn’t that impressed with it...it was fun, but I think that I might be finished going to ultra. That announcer is such a douche bag, and there are so many cheesy ravers and all that---I think I'd have much rather been at Nerve for Danny’s happy hour....not sure...One surprise at Ultra was the quality of Oakenfold’s performance! I planned to go see S & D but ended up staying for Oakenfold. The first time in years that I was really pleased with his performance. But dude, get rid of that wacky wig!

Couldn’t get a taxi home from ultra until 2am! And it wasn’t even a taxi, people...a friendly man drove us back in his van....which had no seats in the back, so everyone had to sit on some wooden planks---of course I called shotgun immediately---

So that royally fucked our chances of making if to sasha and digweed...I didn’t want to go see Ferry at Opium....so we went back to the beach at the Shelborne and drank some beers and eventually passed out. I woke up around 9:30 am completely disoriented and not knowing why I was sleeping in sand. So Saturday was a bit of a disappointment to say the least...

Thank god Sunday came....I have been looking forward to Magik Muzik night for a long time...I cant even explain how much this night meant to me....I can honestly say that this night was, in total, the best night of music (for me) that I have ever experienced in my entire life...more so than any night in NYC or Ibiza combined...got there around 1am....the place was packed, but I was really twisted---I mean, the entire night I thanked god I had sunglasses on because I cant imagine what my face looked like...Dimaggio, Nick and Francis, I remember seeing you guys....I hope I didn’t embarrass myself--- I started that day just past sunrise and was well into things once I saw you...oh man---

Tiesto. I don’t care what anyone says about this man....this performance was epic for me---mind blowing....I'm not going to say "I died" or be overly emphatic here...but the man pleases me and this night at Space, was so intense, so over the top, so incredible---the vibe was crazy! Clearly the man adores Miami and loves Space…The crowd wasn’t that bad at all, at least from what I saw...early in the night I met a group of Dutch people (I love the Dutch) and was chatting it up...When we were exchanging names I realized that It was the Black Hole Crew....Some of them I have corresponded with in the past when had interviewed Tiesto for CJ, so we were totally going nuts---Montana and Ton B were two of them---Ton was saying what a great time he had spinning....we talked a lot about him...then Cor walked over and of course I recognized him right away---what an awesome guy he was! So gregarious, fun, constantly making us laugh---some of them were sober while a couple, one in particular---were truly annihilated. We danced for awhile together inside---It felt so good to dance with some goofy Europeans and NOT dancing around meathead NY'ers or slutty bitches knocking you around with their implants--- I had such a good time with the Dutch Crew---and it was great to have a chance to pick their brains and see what they are all about---we talked a lot about the scene in Holland as compared to here....

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As the night progressed they eventually went upstairs and I returned to my friends in the middle of the dance floor...there was totally more room to dance than at van dyk...maybe it was just where I was, but I felt like I could really move and actually express myself dancing rather than dodge sweaty people. Tiesto was tearing space a new one---track after track after track I was shocked at how well he was performing---jumping around---interacting with the crowd, he had us all in a frenzy....and he just wouldn’t stop! He must have played for close to 7 hours up there---they went by so fast....he was, as far as I saw, flawless in his mixing an his transitions and track selections-- I think for me this was probably the most intense performance I've ever seen him perform. ---the sound was so crisp, so loud, better than any sound system I've ever heard in a club....

Does anyone remember the version of traffic he spun? Wtf was that? It mind-fucked me...I know the track is pretty old now and a bit over-played, but he did something to it that murdered us all--- every track, with that sound system, was elevated----brought to another level, accompanied by the sweet intoxication I felt and the buzz of being of being at a conference event----I couldn’t stop smiling--

Once Tiesto finished Cor Finjeman came on....and he blew the place up as well-----That man spun us all a ridiculous set...so many trax tiesto was spinning years ago---it felt like Tiesto's Dutch Dimension set----some of it was a bit cheesy but at that point I didn’t care-- I went up to the terrace a few times and reconnected with the Dutch boys and girls----around 10am Sander was done spinning and that man was completely wasted, unless he is normally like that--- and I’m not sure what his deal is, but he seemed pretty g-a-y to me! Maybe the male affection he was showing was simply substance-induced, or maybe the Dutch are just really close people....I don’t know what he was on, but him and his friends were totally fucked--- I mean, I couldn’t even understand what he was saying, I was talking with one of his friends who was equally warped-=== he eventually left with us but ill get to that later....

So Sander on the roof was kind of bugging me out. So many people up there, and like Luis said, so many meatheads packed in there and the rest were just so tweaked out from the night that I was really turned off....it was nothing like Danny Howells on the terrace last year---maybe it was later, but at that moment it seemed like a crackfest, and all those signs that people were holding up that read "everybody waits in line" was pretty funny?

Anyway, we finished out Cor's set downstairs...had such a good time, and we were bugging out at how small Space really is! Looking around when it is basically empty, I mean, it's the size of my pinky. His set was awesome and we spoke to Cor and the rest of the Dutch crew for a sec before deciding it was time to leave or else we were going to start digging our own graves. The terrace was still packed with people…so many people were chewing off their own jaws…I went up to one young man in particular who had a monster face, and said, “dude, control your jaw!â€

We left with one of Sander’s friends…he was totally cracked and almost crying still…I brought him out to a taxi and he said with his great Dutch accent “I’m going home to smoke a spliff, thanks for your courtesy.†I gave him a hug and got into a taxi. So many trucks were honking their horns and it sounded so much like the horn in Space….that coupled with the bright sun and traffic---I just closed my eyes and yearned for the playa and a spliff of my own! (Chuckie thanx again for the towel-over-the-head lesson…it was put to good work)

What an insane night that was. 11 hours straight of some of the most intense and best music I’ve ever experienced consistently. One of the top nights of my life for sure. Tiesto buried van dyk!

After this experience I was finished. I gave away my privileges to see Danny Howells @ Bed Monday night…I heard it wasn’t very good anyway…So I’m not really harping on that- I slept Monday from around 3 to 8pm….tried to go to a few bars that night but ended up passing out in a booth at an Irish pub on Washington as my friends drank a few bottles of wine. Que sera sera…I was just finished.

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Tuesday we relaxed on the beach for a bit and checked out of the hotel late afternoon.  Grabbed a bite at a Mediterranean restaurant on Ocean Drive---drank a few Bloody Mary’s and had a bite before our flight at 8pm.  I passed out shortly after take-off and awoke 15 minutes before landing.  There was a group of meatheads on our flight from Brooklyn that were completely obnoxious---  It’s because of Douche Bags like them that NY’ers have such a reputation for being obnoxious across the country and the globe.  They all should be lined up and picked off in a mass firing squad!  

Guys I'm sorry this is so long.  All in all I’d say that this conference was definitely not as good as the previous ones I’ve attended…I came down with too many people and there was too much drama at moments for my liking.  I also got NO Latin ass and I’m very disappointed with that…

Sunday’s experience saved my conference.  I wish I had gotten to go to Crobar on Fri night, or Nerve…I wish I didn’t miss the Infusion party, and I really would have liked to see Nick Warren Wednesday night.  Each year the conference is blowing up more and more…too many people are coming down, what are we going to do?  The venues aren’t going to be able to handle such voluminous capacities for long, in my opinion.  The conference has to be in a place like Miami…we must have that climate and aesthetics to complement the music festival, but I really think a city like New York would handle the masses better…but a winter music conference in NYC just wouldn’t be the same…there’s something about beautiful Miami that makes the WMC what it is…

I hope everyone had a blast, and regardless of the aforementioned small complaints, of course the conference was, yet again, a ridiculous experience filled with debauchery--- For the next few months I plan to settle down a bit, as Spring approaches and life returns to my barren city----I cant wait for the warm weather to come, for outside seating to return to our cafes and restaurants…trees and flowers to come back to life…the birds to return…wearing sleeveless shirts and sandals---Sunday brunches and outdoor flea markets...

Thanks Miami, see you all next year ;)

PS:  Im not psycho, i dont have ADD...i know this is really long--(had to break it up since it wouldnt accept all my text) -i'm just not very concise this week ;)

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Guest endymion
Ryan (tech), you definitely would have dug this 8) :P

Oh see now you're just teasing me. That's so wrong. I still haven't the slightest idea what you look like.

So wrong.

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so EVjunkie ur sayin tiesto was good ?

OMFG i died best set everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

bling, im saying Tiesto was truly one of the greatest set's that I've personally ever experienced. I never, ever expected the show to be that good...I had lost a lot of faith in Tiesto in recent months....everything was restored sunday night....

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bling, im saying Tiesto was truly one of the greatest set's that I've personally ever experienced.  I never, ever expected the show to be that good...I had lost a lot of faith in Tiesto in recent months....everything was restored sunday night....

that's what he does..... 8) 8) 8)

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Guest LeVeL
We left with one of Sander’s friends…he was totally cracked and almost crying still…I brought him out to a taxi and he said with his great Dutch accent “I’m going home to smoke a spliff, thanks for your courtesy.† I gave him a hug and got into a taxi.  So many trucks were honking their horns and it sounded so much like the horn in Space….that coupled with the bright sun and traffic---I just closed my eyes and yearned for the playa and a spliff of my own!  (Chuckie thanx again for the towel-over-the-head lesson…it was put to good work)


The towel over the head lesson always works, Evan.by the way how was the spliff.LOL ;D

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Guest JMT

The towel over the head lesson always works, Evan.by the way how was the spliff.LOL ;D

i dont think i know that lesson. please teach me it.

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Guest JMT

bling, im saying Tiesto was truly one of the greatest set's that I've personally ever experienced.  I never, ever expected the show to be that good...I had lost a lot of faith in Tiesto in recent months....everything was restored sunday night....

btw, i think its was Traffic (Montana Remix)

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Guest LeVeL

Yup the scene in the Netherlands is crazy, they have outside events happening every 3 months. And the best thing is that you have music for everyone to enjoy from house to trance, hardstyle to happy hardcore all these different styles are always showcased. I for one have the Netherlands on the top of my list for destination places.

So the dutch do know how to party, the only problem is when they get sweaty, the odor they release is umpeccable to any other. Spo yeah they have a bathing problem just like all the rest of the europeans.

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Yup the scene in the Netherlands is crazy, they have outside events happening every 3 months. And the best thing is that you have music for everyone to enjoy from house to trance, hardstyle to happy hardcore all these different styles are always showcased. I for one have the Netherlands on the top of my list for destination places.

So the dutch do know how to party, the only problem is when they get sweaty, the odor they release is umpeccable to any other. Spo yeah they have a bathing problem just like all the rest of the europeans.

I for one cannot understand cultures that dont

a.) circumsize

b.) when girls dont shave their pits

c.) showering on a DAILY basis...not bi-weekly!

many europeans dont see the reasoning behind these three principles.

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