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V. Barbarino

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Guest web_norah

DT would only leave Arc if

1) a liquour license went into effect...


2) building was sold...

he will be away a lot during summer 2004 but that doesnt mean he'd stop the party.....

some people just dont know but like to claim they know stuff...whatever!

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ARC only got a booze permit for NYE thats it...

But this DT deal is based on other deals in the city. Things are going to change very soon. I can't lead on since i'm sworn to keep my mouth shut but think about it.

You have








and a couple other places.

Even JP left Factory, the longest running party in NYC. Jr just left Exit for Factory.

Calerone is at Crobar

The market has changed so much in the last month, and new clubs are still opening up. Arc has a shitty Phazon, and most of NYC hates ARC.

You can't have 3 mega clubs open up and exspect the DJs to stay in the same clubs. DT is not the god send you guys speak of, in nyc hes just another dj...

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Guest web_norah

strangely enough, most people think SF is shit too! hell it even made MTV's "I am a Clubber".......

JP left SF cos Junior got him canned....anyway, JP's crowd follows him ..

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Guest bcnjunkie

attn. web-norah:

dude don't answer that misinformed guido !, I haven't seen one thing he's printed come true.  He makes up things for attention, sad but yet funny !, then again, answer him for a good laugh ! ;D

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attn. web-norah:

dude don't answer that misinformed guido !, I haven't seen one thing he's printed come true.  He makes up things for attention, sad but yet funny !, then again, answer him for a good laugh ! ;D

good post all the stuff i was wrong about::

go for it...

you know i'll make it easy for you

just name 3 times i've been wrong...

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actually saleen is extremely on point there...

DT is just another DJ here,

but it is spirit, not sprite ;)

NYC has gone through an incredible renaissance this fall, and it isnt over yet. Clubbing in general has been given a huge shot of adrenaline---

spirit crobar and avalon....they've brought so much flavor and life into our city again----especially avalon....every single weekend is an adventure, and the week is too if you want it to be, but ive managed to cut that out of my life---my occupational responsibilities dont permit it.....

in the past month or so, Ive seen Sandra Collins, Ferry Corsten, Steve Lawler, Nick Warren, Paul Van Dyk, John Creamer, Dave Seaman, BT, and im sure im forgetting a couple others. I love it, I cant get enough, and they are all throwing down incredible sets (except creamer, his was garbageee)....finally, new york is again living up to its reputation----as a mecca of nightlife and debauchery and all the in betweens....im elated---there is a revitalized electricity present that I havent felt since I moved into the city two years ago---

but the weather has had the opposite effect. It has consistently been the worst in years. its absolutely horrible...whatever, it is worth it, besides, new yorkers have south florida as our home away from home....


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quote me where i said pacha was going to buy space, please show me...

becasue i never said that, i said they were in talks to buy it, and so was crobar and avalon, and even the owner of space emailed me and and asked me to stop posting because clubs were reading it before they even sat down to discuss it..

JP fired from Factory or left bla bla bla, I never reported that on here or anywhere, i never broke that news either....

keep trying, it will be hard to find 3....

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Guest djdimaggio
attn. web-norah:

dude don't answer that misinformed guido !, I haven't seen one thing he's printed come true.  He makes up things for attention, sad but yet funny !, then again, answer him for a good laugh ! ;D


That's so funny! And so true. It's called sensationalism and that's the name of this guidos game. It's a common tactic for loud mouthed paisans. And being from the city and reading all the shite this guy is writing about what's happening in clubland in New York, it is blatantly obvious that he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. He can't even spell the names of the clubs correctly...and I understand he has a degree in Economics. Hope he doesn't work with numbers the way he spells or somebody is defy gettin' ripped off! :o ::) ;D :-*[/glow]

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Guest djdimaggio
actually saleen is extremely on point there...

DT is just another DJ here,

but it is spirit, not sprite  ;)

NYC has gone through an incredible renaissance this fall, and it isnt over yet.  Clubbing in general has been given a huge shot of adrenaline---

spirit crobar and avalon....they've brought so much flavor and life into our city again----especially avalon....every single weekend is an adventure, and the week is too if you want it to be, but ive managed to cut that out of my life---my occupational responsibilities dont permit it.....

in the past month or so, Ive seen Sandra Collins, Ferry Corsten, Steve Lawler, Nick Warren, Paul Van Dyk, John Creamer, Dave Seaman, BT, and im sure im forgetting a couple others.  I love it, I cant get enough, and they are all throwing down incredible sets (except creamer, his was garbageee)....finally, new york is again living up to its reputation----as a mecca of nightlife and debauchery and all the in betweens....im elated---there is a revitalized electricity present that I havent felt since I moved into the city two years ago---  

but the weather has had the opposite effect.  It has consistently been the worst in years.  its absolutely horrible...whatever, it is worth it,  besides, new yorkers have south florida as our home away from home....



You are 100% wrong about DT being just another DJ in NYC but it is only because you are young and relatively new to the city. DT was spinning in this city when you were still crawling around on the floor sweetie and he is revered by ALL the big name DJ's around the world AND in NYC. I don't know of one DJ(and I know alot of them) who doesn't revere Danny with great respect. He's GREAT at what he does and he's been doing it for over 20 years! He put Arc on the map and kept it there through the toughest times clubland has seen in years. Danny T is a true NYC resident DJ...not the visiting tourists you mentioned that stop by to share a taste of their wares; Let one of them try to set up and hold a 5 year long, weekly Friday night residency. It's a whole different beast. I was a resident for 2 years in Brooklyn. I know how hard it is, week in and week out! Just ask Oscar G or Edgar V. I'm sure they'll tell you. The weekly is toughie to fill every week! DT does it weekly to a packed house, every Friday night-A true NYC resident![/glow]

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Guest joeygk

how can you say DT is just another DJ - you should hear the other big jocks like Sasha, Lawler & Howells talk about the man. He really did make a huge impact on the scene - it's funny b/c Pete Tong always refers to people on the Essential Selection as "the new tenaglia" or "tenaglia-esque" - why do you think that is.

Be yourself.

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Guest djdimaggio
(Notice the lack of reply from the so-called CLUB GURU)


[glow=red,2,300]Don't worry, it's coming. He can't help himself...and he sloughs things off after he's exposed by saying "Look at how I got you people talkin'...I'm Saleen" Isn't that what Fox News or E Entertainment does. Shock valued gossip. In journalism it's called sensationalism. Here it's called a message board.[/glow]

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Guest djdimaggio
:'(thanks for makin me feel like shit, guys.  i guess im not cut out for this message board...or this scene in fact.  i'm off to clubplanet.com.


[glow=red,2,300]Is that what happens when you can't take the heat in the cooljunkie kitchen? Go directly to jail, I mean club planet, do not pass go or collect $200 bucks? Oh come Evan, keep your chin up sweetie pie, it's not all that bad! [/glow]

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Guest pod
:'(thanks for makin me feel like shit, guys.  i guess im not cut out for this message board...or this scene in fact.  i'm off to clubplanet.com.


And then you'll come running back here when you realize the sewer that place has become ;D

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