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Got My Ultra Tickets!!!!

Guest coach

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Guest orlando

i think you're misinformed.. dj's play for at least an hour big names play for 1 1/2 or more ..pic your favorites and have a good time ...

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Guest joeygk

I've been to the last 3 ultra festivals - I keep hoping each year that they get it right (but they never do)...........except for the headliners it's 30 minute sets.....the sound is always horrible (EDM is not meant to be heard outside) - but to each their own.

*although it is extremely comical to see a few superstar djs throw hissy fits when they get bumped or cut short. ;D Good times.

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Guest LeVeL
15 minute dj sets rule!  ::) 40 djs in 7 hours - umm, no thanx.  Ultra is the biggest joke ever.  

Your Totally Minformed.....But the truth is I have been going to Ultra for the past 5 years and till this date.......they still haven't perfected it. How your going to put Tiesto to play and then put Underworld right after him....I mean that was a horrible mistake....it totally brought the Vibe down. What they need to do is put the right Dee-jays after each other......with the same sound. They got to stop flip flopping djs around. And also Ultra needs to look around the world for New acts to expose during Ultra.......I am getting a little tired of seeing the same DJ's come down year after year.....Its time for a change.

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Guest coach

I'm sorry, but I think you guys are totally off the mark. I go to Ultra to try new stuff. I like to check out the smaller decks off to the side to see if I can discover someone that I've never seen before. I check out stages playing music styles that I am not as familiar with to open up my understanding of the artform. And I wander by the main stages for a bit every now and then just to see what all the hubbub is about. Like last year I ran into a newer DJ named Eve Falcon who was just amazing. And I heard Electric Skychurch for the first time and was blown away. Why go to a giant outdoor festival to see the 3 headliners who you've seen a dozen times? Why not go to see the other 37 acts that you've never seen before? 40 DJs in 7 hours is just about the most efficient way to sample a LOT of new stuff.

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[glow=red,2,300]joeygk on behalf of the UMF family. Lick my right tit and make the left one jealous you hater. Produce a festival of this magnitude and then tell us how to run it. Until then EMA from the authorities of EDM.

I love how everyone claims they know how to do it better but never have.

Happy New Year!

OH and to clarify 200 DJs & artists / 11 Stages / 14 hours.


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Guest pod

I see Ultra as a "showcase", sort of a quick place where you can see a good overview of the talent present for WMC...they do their sets at Ultra, then you can catch them at their "real" sets during the rest of conference...

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I see Ultra as a "showcase", sort of a quick place where you can see a good overview of the talent present for WMC...they do their sets at Ultra, then you can catch them at their "real" sets during the rest of conference...

I agree with your view Pod.

I missed last years Ultra, But I was there for Ultra 3 & 4. Had an awesome time and enjoyed the sounds of my favorite Djs.

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[glow=red,2,300] ;) Yes Andrew be different! Be daring! Don't be where 50,000 people are having a kick ass time!  Don't see the great DJs of our time and the new guys coming up in the ranks. I mean why would you support that? ::)

Will there be Kandy Kidz there? More than likey, along with a ton of people from all over the world and plenty of straight edge adults and industry people. Like myself.

I'm sorry to hear you won't be hanging out with us that day.[/glow]

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[glow=red,2,300] ;) Yes Andrew be different! Be daring! Don't be where 50,000 people are having a kick ass time!  Don't see the great DJs of our time and the new guys coming up in the ranks. I mean why would you support that? ::)

Will there be Kandy Kidz there? More than likey, along with a ton of people from all over the world and plenty of straight edge adults and industry people. Like myself.

I'm sorry to hear you won't be hanging out with us that day.[/glow]

Girl, you are HARDCORE!!! I like it! I hope I get to meet you, I would like to see the face behind the posts.


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[glow=red,2,300]Well POD I am just once of those silly fockers that wants to replace all the B2K's and Britney's on the radio and tv with the Underworlds, PVD's and Kraftwerk's.. :-/

I've been told I am a sellout for having this feelings. ::)

My 2 cents (er 10 cents) for 2004:

To conquer the world we must stick together and support each other. The music business, and it is a business, is like being on survivor! We know we are better! We know we are the stronger "tribe"!

But please realize becoming commercially successful is not selling out unless your music conforms for the purpose to gain the popularity. But if an artist stays true and accomplishes that success then we should applaud them. :-* It is the sign that people are waking up to what you and I knew all along.

I embrace the awaking of America to a real, intelligent, and informed music. Electronica is coming, now get the F**K out of our way or get run over! ;D[/glow]

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