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V. Barbarino

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I'm sure more than the clubowners have spoken up...the thing is, most people our age do not have the financial clout to influence government decisions...it's not an ideal democracy anymore...you can speak up and shout all you want, but the reps vote however the lobbyists want. I said it once, and I'll say it again, I think there's gonna be a Second American Revolution in the next 20 years. It's our job to make sure it's a Revolution and not a devolution into a new wave of paranoid conservativism, puritanical nonsense, and pretty much a conversion from a republic to a theocracy.

Bill Maher put it best on his HBO show this past Sunday...he said "Iraq is getting a new Constitution in six months...based on the United States Constitution...the 'lite' version that is in use today, not the original you're all familiar with!"

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MS knew last night, because i told him myself threw aim....

this is legit, it will close.....

im not saying this is not TRUE, i can forward you guys both emails i got from him....

and since theres nothing we can do right now, my concern today is why so much contradiction ... why nothing has been said on the website, why so sudden, why they keep announcing parties like if nothing had happened ......

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Guest bcnjunkie

Space was one of the best clubs not only in Miami but in the U.S., any person from abroad can tell you that this was a club with international recognition and it's a shame to see it go !

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Guest jdjr107

Yo ! That sucks ass. Just today I was reminiscing on some of the best times I’ve has @ the old space. It’s sad to know that yet another establishment that plays our music be it trance, house etc… will be no longer. Although I’m pretty sure we’ll dance those floors again, this should be a great disappointment to all electronic music fans.

It will be highly missed. :'(

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Guest saintjohn

actually, i blame the former space employees who have been charged with federal drug felonies.  i'm sure there are other factors at work here, but if lp is blaming pressure from law enforcement, then it's important to remember that the only reason the feds were interested in space was because the management couldn't (or wouldn't) take care of business.  the dea wasn't interested in the club kids - their investigation and subsequent raid was directed at the space staff.  this isn't a case of a few bad apples - it's hard to believe that nobody else at space knew (or cared) what was going on.  

you want to know who's destroying the "scene"?  greedy nightclub employees who aren't "all about the music," who aren't satisfied with their paychecks, who are willing to risk the club owners' investment and our so-called culture for their personal gain.  this isn't about a bartender or a bouncer selling your friend a few pills - this is people getting seriously rich at the expense of legitmate nightclubs and dance music in general.

sure, "we" could've done more to prevent the rave act language from becoming law, but the space arrests had nothing to do with that particular legislation.  "we" could blame ourselves for not discouraging illegal activity at the club, but it's not my job, as a patron, to tell the manager that his bar staff is dealing.  it's the manager's job to know what's going on and to terminate crooked employees (and not solicit "fees" for looking the other way).

lp knew what the risks were when he opened the doors.  no politician or law enforcement agency suddenly or unfairly changed the rules of the nightclub game.

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actually, i blame the former space employees who have been charged with federal drug felonies.  i'm sure there are other factors at work here, but if lp is blaming pressure from law enforcement, then it's important to remember that the only reason the feds were interested in space was because the management couldn't (or wouldn't) take care of business.  the dea wasn't interested in the club kids - their investigation and subsequent raid was directed at the space staff.  this isn't a case of a few bad apples - it's hard to believe that nobody else at space knew (or cared) what was going on.  

you want to know who's destroying the "scene"?  greedy nightclub employees who aren't "all about the music," who aren't satisfied with their paychecks, who are willing to risk the club owners' investment and our so-called culture for their personal gain.  this isn't about a bartender or a bouncer selling your friend a few pills - this is people getting seriously rich at the expense of legitmate nightclubs and dance music in general.

sure, "we" could've done more to prevent the rave act language from becoming law, but the space arrests had nothing to do with that particular legislation.  "we" could blame ourselves for not discouraging illegal activity at the club, but it's not my job, as a patron, to tell the manager that his bar staff is dealing.  it's the manager's job to know what's going on and to terminate crooked employees (and not solicit "fees" for looking the other way).

lp knew what the risks were when he opened the doors.  no politician or law enforcement agency suddenly or unfairly changed the rules of the nightclub game.

best post ever on this topic, space pulled the wool over these guys eyes, making it look like big brother came down on them, but it was 100% spaces fault even down to the other partner who by law cant be associated with a liquor license..

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Guest bcnjunkie
If that's the case then, shut down every club in town. Space just was a target due to it's visibility.


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Guest coach
sure, "we" could've done more to prevent the rave act language from becoming law, but the space arrests had nothing to do with that particular legislation.  "we" could blame ourselves for not discouraging illegal activity at the club, but it's not my job, as a patron, to tell the manager that his bar staff is dealing.  it's the manager's job to know what's going on and to terminate crooked employees (and not solicit "fees" for looking the other way).

Very nice post, John, just wanted to clear up a little bit of info about this part. There's actually very little "we" could've done about the Rave "Act". Note that the current Rave laws were never *passed* by the full body of our elected officials. Each time it came up, it was narrowly shot down. And, of *course*, it was never put to a public referrendum. What did happen was that it was attached to some other legislation, after that legislation had already been passed and was in the committee that finalizes the differences between the House bill and Senate bill. I am not sure how that is even legal, but it worked. So, only those few congresspeople who were in that committee had anything to do with causing the Rave act to go into law, and the president, of course.

However, I doubt if that would have made any difference in this case. Selling drugs has always been illegal, and if the Space crew was doing that, then they should have known better.

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Guest saintjohn

you are quite right about how the rave act language actually got attached to the amber alert bill in committee - thanks for the clarification.

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Guest lisa

I have to say a few things about the "rave act" that is supposed to benefit or help control the illegal drug use. However, raves or clubs are not the number one cause of overdoses or drug use ;nor, is mdma "e" the number one drug of choice. If the laws want to try to control the illegal drug use why not target the real problem, the highest drugs being used and increasing are oxycotin, oxycodeine, etc. and other perscription drugs. but thats "ok" the govt. over looks that why?????

i admitt i enjoyed the old space better and i did think the "friendlyness" wasn't the same, but i don't agree and am shocked with the decision to close.

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Guest zero

so now what's next? What club you guys think will take spaces' place? I just think that this is all bs how can they pass the rave act attached to the amber bill? i mean the amber bill applies to missing and exploited kids. I never payed that much attention to politics but when it hits close to home that's when you start to get involved, just like september 11 changed everyone's view on the world and the threat of terrorist that always existed before the attacks. All i know I went to space for the last month or so and i never missed out any saturday. I loved the music the people the vibe. i felt honored to be in there with great music week after week. I will miss space for sure. :-[ :'( >:(

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Guest pod

They do it all the time in Congress...a bill doesn't pass alone, so they attach it as a rider to a more popular bill...it's really fucked up, it allows fringe groups to exert control over this country that they really should not have. That's the biggest mistake in our legislative process...freedom is compromised in this fashion...it unfortunately allows the whims of paranoid moral conservatives to dictate what happens in this country.

They don't realize it, but their way of thinking is outmoded...such concepts of morality and "decency" are for a past era...who are they to dictate what substances I put in my body, what I do in the privacy own home with my girlfriend/wife/what-have-you...sometimes I feel like that myself and my friends are the only forward-thinking people in this country. It's sad when the laws of this country seem to originate from Peoria, Ill.

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