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Are most Americans prudes?

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I tend to think so. 2 seconds of a breast on live TV, and the nation goes to pieces. You'd think that we'd have better things to do...

The FCC is even investigating the "matter".

As a nation, I think we have to get the collective stick out of our asses. Sometimes I think Australia got the better part of the deal, they got the criminals, we got the puritans.

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Guest bcnjunkie

like I said, the only thing we should complaining about is the fact that Justin Timberlake performed at half time. Why couldn't they have Christina Aguilera ripping-off the suit to expose the tit ? as they both stared seductively into each other's eyes ?, IMO, why couldn't have they brought the dart shooting, smoking , ping pong-ball-jugling whores from Bangkok, now that would have been a true half time show with some true jaw dropping action ! (those ladies are so talented !)

I guess what I'm trying to say.... very prude !! ;D

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pod when you have kids, you'll get it... We never saw anything like that when we were younger... thats point... foreign people can say or do what they want, but the core values in  our country, say it's wrong

You make it sound like that's a good thing. The core values in this country imply that partial nudity is more obscene than the deluge of intense violence that is on our TV's 24 hours a day. It's pretty sad.

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You make it sound like that's a good thing.  The core values in this country imply that partial nudity is more obscene than the deluge of intense violence that is on our TV's 24 hours a day.  It's pretty sad.

dude, you don't get it

it was the largest tv audience of the year, a

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Guest bcnjunkie
pod when you have kids, you'll get it... We never saw anything like that when we were younger... thats point... foreign people can say or do what they want, but the core values in  our country, say it's wrong

move to Utah

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That, coming from Saleen?

Let's just say these "core values" are outdated. It's the 21st century for chrissakes, let's stop acting like it's the 17th.

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Guest bcnjunkie

dude, you don't get it

it was the largest tv audience of the year, a

let's see, again, you have insulted blacks, jews, latins and everything in between, you have no idea what values are, you have a filthy mouth, you write more offensive things than anyone on any board !, NO CREDIBILITY

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dude, you don't get it

it was the largest tv audience of the year, a

Well, you're right, I think it was somewhat inappropriate. But the reaction that it has had has been ridiculous. My earlier comment was more on a larger scale, of our society's misplaced "core values".

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That, coming from Saleen?

Let's just say these "core values" are outdated. It's the 21st century for chrissakes, let's stop acting like it's the 17th.

Dan, sometimes you really articulate my sentiments precisely...."core values".....these "values" have been the antithesis to our society's progression forward......Granted, there are many justified traditions, but some are simply outdated and cause more problems than good....

fundamentalism, religion, cultural seclusion, and so much more only further segregate ourselves from each other...the worst wars in history have been battled over religion...my god when you think about it!! people bludgeoning eachother over an afterlife...

Like george carlin says, we should all just fuck eachother until we're one color and one breed of human....we wont be able to make any distinctions between eachother...and then there will be one human race--

I'm down.

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Guest JMT

i totally agree with the notion that this country would rather censor a boob then a guy getting shot in the head BUT, ITS THE BIGGEST TV AUDIENCE OF THE YEAR. there is no excuse for that.

i mean, my 85 year old grandparents and 5 year old cousins watch the superbowl. i agree with Saleen on this one. furthermore, the whole halftime show was a joke.......S-H-I-T.

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Dan, sometimes you really articulate my sentiments precisely...."core values".....these "values" have been the antithesis to our society's progression forward......Granted, there are many justified traditions, but some are simply outdated and cause more problems than good....

fundamentalism, religion, cultural seclusion, and so much more only further segregate ourselves from each other...the worst wars  in history have been battled over religion...my god when you think about it!!  people bludgeoning eachother over an afterlife...

Like george carlin says, we should all just fuck eachother until we're one color and one breed of human....we wont be able to make any distinctions between eachother...and then there will be one human race--  

I'm down.  

Aahhh.....the dream of a utopia. One day....

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Guest bcnjunkie
i totally agree with the notion that this country would rather censor a boob then a guy getting shot in the head BUT, ITS THE BIGGEST TV AUDIENCE OF THE YEAR. there is no excuse for that.

i mean, my 85 year old grandparents and 5 year old cousins watch the superbowl.  i agree with Saleen on this one.  furthermore, the whole halftime show was a joke.......S-H-I-T.  

It was nipple, you can see one in most fine art, appreciated by everyone ! it's not like she exposed herself completely and had JT feel her up and down, c'mon !, It's a nipple !, you can see more than that just from going to the beach ! plus Saleen is hardly one to be giving moral advice !

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Guest JMT

It was nipple, you can see one in most fine art, appreciated by everyone ! it's not like she exposed herself completely and had JT feel her up and down, c'mon !, It's a nipple !, you can see more than that just from going to the beach !  plus Saleen is hardly one to be giving moral advice !

get real, its in a TOTALLY different context when some JT is grinding all over her ass the whole time and pulls off the top AS he sings, "ill have you naked by the end of this song..."

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Guest JMT

It was nipple, you can see one in most fine art, appreciated by everyone ! it's not like she exposed herself completely and had JT feel her up and down, c'mon !, It's a nipple !, you can see more than that just from going to the beach !  plus Saleen is hardly one to be giving moral advice !

anything other then the most watched event of the year, it wouldnt have been the same. thats why its all the more inappropriate.

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Guest bcnjunkie

get real, its in a TOTALLY different context when some JT is grinding all over her ass the whole time and pulls off the top AS he sings, "ill have you naked by the end of this song..."

how's that different than most of the music on the radio or stuff on TV ?

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Also, how is nudity inappropriate? I'd rather let my kids (if i had any, but I don't, thank god...) watch a porno flick than something like Bad Boys II.

Basically, it's easier to explain away why the guy and girl (or girl and girl) are bonking away than it is to explain why someone just got blown up. I don't mind shoot-em-up explosion fests, but I'm old enough to differentiate between reality and hollywood.

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Guest bcnjunkie
Also, how is nudity inappropriate? I'd rather let my kids (if i had any, but I don't, thank god...) watch a porno flick than something like Bad Boys II.

Basically, it's easier to explain away why the guy and girl (or girl and girl) are bonking away than it is to explain why someone just got blown up. I don't mind shoot-em-up explosion fests, but I'm old enough to differentiate between reality and hollywood.

;D ;D ;D

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Guest JMT

how's that different than most of the music on the radio or stuff on TV ?

radio is without pictures last time i checked, and they dont show shit like that on saturday mornings or on shows outside of late evening. the highest rated tv event of the year has kids watching. and like i already said , i dont agree with the violence being so commomplace, but that is irrelevant to this instance.

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Guest JMT
Also, how is nudity inappropriate? I'd rather let my kids (if i had any, but I don't, thank god...) watch a porno flick than something like Bad Boys II.

Basically, it's easier to explain away why the guy and girl (or girl and girl) are bonking away than it is to explain why someone just got blown up. I don't mind shoot-em-up explosion fests, but I'm old enough to differentiate between reality and hollywood.

you cant be serious.

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Guest endymion
Also, how is nudity inappropriate? I'd rather let my kids (if i had any, but I don't, thank god...) watch a porno flick than something like Bad Boys II.

Most rational thing I've seen all day today.

The root of the problem is that we have a lot of people in this country who don't really 'get it' yet that the world is a totally different place than it was in 1950. In a global information age you are going to be exposed to all kinds of things from all over the world that might offend your local culture. Deal with it.

In Iran they think that it's a national crisis that the whole country is looking at press photos from outside of Iran of women's unshrouded faces. The Taliban think that a woman's calves are dangerously erotic too. Here the big offender is a lady's nipple. The fundamental delusion in all of these cases is the idea that it's possible to enforce your own local version of prudence when everybody has access to video, news, and net feeds from all over the world now.

If your strategy for raising your children is that you are going to completely shield them from everything that offends your local preacher or mullah's notions of decency then you are going to fail because of television and the net. Even if you succeed then you are going to end up raising uninquisitive, repressed, computer-illiterate children. The appropriate solution is to participate in your childrens' lives and raise them to be prepared for the world so that they do not short-circuit into uncontrollable emotional depravity after glimpsing a nipple on television. If you can't commit to doing that then don't reproduce.

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Now I'm not suggesting that prime-time on the Big 4 be awash with porn, but at the same time, I can't believe a big fit is being made over about a second of video footage, and maybe 2 percent of the frame over the course of 20 frames.

But with TV rapidly becoming on-demand, I see less of this issue in the future. And live events will have a dynamic ratings system in place, so you can see the G-rated broadcast, or the NC-17 broadcast...CBS mentioned today that they'll have a system in place which will not only allow audio censoring, but video censoring on the fly...so the nation's children will be safe from the stray boobie.

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Guest JMT

i agree with all this. all im saying is i can see how its a big deal. the superbowl is football game, watched by kids, old people, and familes. there should not be tits, or people's heads exploding.

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