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CoolJunkie.com Pre-Launch Checklist

Guest endymion

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Guest endymion

Podster, your photos are WAY more compelling when viewed large. When I do porn sites I provide monster resolutions, it's just so much more compelling. Sure it gets ripped off, nothing you can do to cure that other than keeping on shooting. The difference between viewing some of your WMC gems on my big television versus viewing them as little 468 pixel images on the site is pretty dramatic. Some of your stuff has big emotional impact displayed large, displayed small it just doesn't have that punch to it. That's why I fought to have the standard publication size inched up a bit for the new site. I would love to see it go even higher because that makes you look even better.

I think that a lot of people don't realize that we have a world-class photographer in our midst, just because we don't do a good job of making your photos look good when we publish them. People, Podster here is the best photographer that I have ever met. Ever. And I have met a lot of very good photographers. He's just at the beginning of his career but this guy is going far, I assure you. The way that we present his work just doesn't do it justice.

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Guest coach

POD said: "Those pages you see are ads...to do that for every club would defeat the purpose of selling ads."

Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured, but I was just looking at it from an end-user standpoint. How to make it more useful for people wanting to check out the scene. Obviously, with my method, different revenue models would have to be considered.

POD then said: "As for the photos being small, well, that is in part to accomodate the folk still stuck on POTS modems, and also larger photos tend to get ripped off easier. As the generator of most of the photographic content on the site, I get quite pissed when my photos show up elsewhere without my consent."

Both points understandable. For the first, I would suggest a thumbnail style format. For the second, I might suggest a "property of cooljunkie" semi-transparant overlay for those photos. Something that wouldn't block view but would make them much less useful for other uses. Also, I'm not talking about really giant photos, just more like the size in the galleries. But you are right that every business has to balance it's customer experience vs shrinkage issue.

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Guest nickjunkie

Thanks for the contructive criticism. 8)

I guess the first point to make is that this is an early version of the new site - a fair amount of the stuff you highlight is on the way.

Calendar: We're actually going to be offering several calendar view options depending on your needs, including a general month-by-month layout. There are a few other very cool calendar features that you haven't mentioned which will follow.

Club Photos: I did a deal yesterday with a company in Europe who are coming to Miami to do 360 degree photos of most venues. Those panoramas will be featured on CoolJunkie.

Club Pages: As I'm sure you can understand, we need to generate revenues to keep CoolJunkie alive, and this includes club advertising. Our rates are low and most clubs have purchased or will purchase a page on the site.

Home Page: I think this is a balance - the other side of the coin that I've heard a lot is that people want to see more on the home page, because they can't always find all the features deeper in the site. Take some time to get familiar with it and then let us know in a few weeks what you think.

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Guest endymion
Take some time to get familiar with it and then let us know in a few weeks what you think.


This new site is built using tools that allow us to really quickly make structural changes and roll out new features. The whole idea is that everything is now totally fluid and we can move the site in whatever direction makes sense that month. Every city's vibe gets represented, whether it's trance, house, hip-hop, electro, salsa or live rock bands. The things that people want to do should be easy, like scanning the listings for every Timo Maas booking currently known, or monitoring a forum thread for responses. To make this happen we need feedback from you guys so keep it coming. My next focus is building out our event listing functionality to allow looking ahead more than a week.

Believe it or not the feedback from Saleen was even appreciated. He and I actually happen to agree on the layout issue. Nick likes a fixed-width layout, I like stretchy. The forums are mostly my thing which is a big part of why we have a stretchy forum layout.

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my comments are a based on facts, that say the avg internet surfer, will not scroll down to read the bottom content...

even with the vast majority of mouses have scroll wheels, study after study and my own experience in doing online ads, sez bottom of the page content rarely gets clicks..

you'd be shocked how little in a google search for instance, that the bottom 3 or 4 links get clicked on..

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Guest nickjunkie

That's absolutely true, which is why all key navigation and content is 'above the fold'. I read too... ;)

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Guest ramon

you all need to add quick reply to this thing .. :)

overall its quite cool how everything was intregrated into the forum :)

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Guest endymion
even with the vast majority of mouses have scroll wheels, study after study and my own experience in doing online ads, sez bottom of the page content rarely gets clicks..

Nearly every aspect of the new design is based on usabiity studies and real statistics. We are also incredibly sexy to search engines now, specifically Google.

Believe it or not, Nick and I are both at the top of our fields, we are very good at what we do. Between us we have decades of real professional experience doing exactly this. We are not high-school students in a garage building a toy hobby project.

I do still agree with you that the main site layout should be stretchy, personally. Nick has lots of totally valid points on why you and I are wrong tho, he won that one hands-down.

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Guest pod

Saleen is our Howard Stern. Not to puff up his ego, but his reviews and posts get a helluva lot of traffic.

Thanks for the kind words, TJ! ;D

I'm a bit pissy about copyright though. I've been burned in the past...not off of anything stolen from here, but from other places I've done work for in the past. Especially when I was shooting film, and my overhead was far more than it is today.

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Guest endymion

I get you Pod. Trust me, hot, naked women feel way more offended than you when their photos show up on Usenet. It's just something you have to learn to deal with. If you hide your photos behind shitty resolutions then nobody will ever fully realize how good they are. Take that panoramic photo of Bryce Canyon and rescale it to 468 pixels and tell me how compelling it becomes.

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Guest sarahcj

The site is a work in progress and we are always open to any suggestions people have so keep 'em coming! More cities will be here soon enough


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Guest ramon

The site is a work in progress and we are always open to any suggestions people have so keep 'em coming! More cities will be here soon enough


detroit what?!

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Guest pod

Well if you know any objective, serious writers in Detroit looking for exposure, then send 'em our way.

Photographers too. I'm in the process of determining a standard for photos, but that's like really difficult, since I have to allow for each shooters' personal style, gear, and so forth.

But basically, I need people who actually like shooting the scene, none of that GGW crap that other sites purvey.

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Guest pod

Girls Gone Wild...i.e. we're giving some unskilled pervert a $4,000 digital video camera and $2,000 digital SLR, and setting them loose in Cancun.

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Guest endymion

Oh man Dan, that's hilarious. One of the things that I did this weekend was give a pervert a $4000 digital video camera and a $2000 digital SLR and set him loose at a party full of frisky drunk exhibitionist strippers so that he could film them getting on each other for production into a GGW DVD.

If you know of any DVD producers who might be interested in helping us then let me know... :)

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Well if you know any objective, serious writers in Detroit looking for exposure, then send 'em our way.

Photographers too. I'm in the process of determining a standard for photos, but that's like really difficult, since I have to allow for each shooters' personal style, gear, and so forth.

hey, its looks like you just found your new Detroit Photograpgher ;D and general help.

I am actually moving back up to the area next week.

I will not be living in Detroit, so I will still not be out every weekend but for sure will be more than happy to continue shooting up there and helping spread the word about CJ Detriot.

nick, POD, and Tech, I guiess we need to discuss some more details.

I will also keep my ears open for interested writers.

Hey Ramon, I will try and showcase some Motor City talent.

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