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is it just me??? or is electronic/dance music 70% guys?

Guest sanmartindj

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Guest sanmartindj

Hey guys I haven't contributed to the forum in months but I think I've got a topic worthy of discussion......

WHY O WHY IS THER A 70%(men) to 30%(women) ratio on electronic/dance music...... (genere dosnt matter.

I live in Miami so I'm gonna use it as an example:

Space, Opium Garden, Crobar, Privilege (which I promote)...... seem to always be full of guys and not women???? I hate what I'm about to say but the electronic/dance scene is populated by mostly guys!!!!!!!!!! please tell me I'm wrong!!!!!!!!!!! but I always see 6 to 12 guys dancing around ONE girl in electronic/dance parties; and unless you take your own women it is very probable that you won't find a "hot" girl to dance with.

What do you guys think?? I'm I crazy or is this a reality that we are dealing with......

on a side note, electronic/dance girls ARE HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pity that there are too little of them......... or maybe I just need to meet new people

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Guest pod

Not sure why, but the scene revolves around the music more than picking up people. You want better ratios, you have to go to a hip-hop party.

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Guest Cosmigonon

Ok, but the question is why do electronic music attract less women than, let's say, hip-hop, WHYYYYYYYY?? ??? ???

And you don't go just because of the music, that's bs, that's just part of it, albeit the most important one, but it's not the only one. You go out basically because you want to socialize, meet people, hang out with your friends and dance your ass off, but we guys sure go also because of the women we might find. :P :P

Deep down inside the ultimate goal when we go to clubs, beyond having fun and everything, is getting laid, wether we put our efforts into it, that's what we all hope for. Otherwise I would just go to gay clubs, if it was all about the music.

Thing is I like electronic music, and I hate hip-hop, so you will never see me at hip hop club, and I will always be in EDM clubs, but still I wonder why are there are more guys than girll at our parties, like the question above said? Why?

Can somebody please answer this?? :'(

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I blame MTV and the top 40 radio stations. Most non EDM educated people see EDM as wierd and strange stuff. I just moved back to Ohio and the EDM scene is small here. People follow the masses and friends. It is not a safe bet for a club owner to open a pure EMD club since it will have a tough time drawing a crowd and making money.

the MTV crowd only knows that type of music.

I was at a club last night here in Ohio and the place was packed but the mian room had hip hop till around 12:30 and then the DJ started playing commercialized older EDM like Kernkraft 400 and Satisfaction, and the crowd was having a blast.

In the smaller room there was some decent house music, but it wasn't a dance floor, more of a smoking lounge, since there is a Anti smkoing ban here.

Just people follwing the masses. It is cooler to be into hip hop in mainstream culture. It is the total oppisite in Europe.

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Guest LeVeL

Well the reason why is because Electronic Dance music tends to have such a bad reputation that people think everyone in a house or trance club are high on drugs and taking X. But the truth is people dont really care on hooking up in a dance club because we go for the love of the music instead not for the full intention of hooking up....I for one can say that. Also as Kaikaze said blame the MTV revolution for being brainwashed by Hip-Hop and ignoring that Electronic Dance Music doesn't exists the truth is I enjoy myself 100 times more in a E.D.M. club than any Hip Hop club, I for one dont understand going to a club to listen to the same thing they play on the radio. I rather stay home an listen to the radio than go to a club where I will get to hear the same exact music format.

In the other hand people tend to migratre to E.D.M. clubs because you tend to hear tunes that you dont ever get to listen to. But I agree their is a 7 to 1 ratio when you go to a Space, Crobar, Nerve my opinion is bring your girl so that you have your girl with you and not worry on competing with the other 6 guys for that girl you see dancing by herself. But on a special night the girls will come out and you wont see such a big number of guys out numbering the girls. For example go to the Space patio and you will see a big amount of girls around 6 to 7 am.

Yeah the secret is out the patio is where all the babes are at.

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Guest coach

Yeah, Andrew is pretty much spot on. In any club or other musical venue, you will almost always find way more guys than girls. From my experience, the EDM events actually tend to have a better percentage of girls than other types of music, but still are guy-heavy. And, south Florida seems better than a LOT of the parts of the country. I have found that events that include either fashion or art aspects tend to have a higher female ratio.

However, I have kind of always pondered that same question, in a more generic sense. On any given Saturday, taking into account all the clubs in a certain city, you have about 3 guys out for every 1 girl. Where the heck are the other girls??? Sitting at home watching TV? Sleeping? What?!?!?

Of course, I guess the girls here can't help since they are the ones that are going out. But if somebody could figure it out, they would definitely make the nightclub industry a lot more money.

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Guest bcnjunkie

ratio is unimportant to me....bring me some quality music and i am there!

even afterhours ?

especially afterhours !!!

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Guest web_norah

most definitely after-hours.....and rather add no comment to the way i feel about what we've got here at the moment :o

and again, if the music is good, whether it is 100 guys and one woman, gay, straight, etc.....i am there!

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most definitely after-hours.....and rather add no comment to the way i feel about what we've got here at the moment :o

and again, if the music is good, whether it is 100 guys and one woman, gay, straight, etc.....i am there!

i dont know you but i believe i have seen David for NV afterhours, where you there with him like 3 weeks ago ?

and did u like it ?

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Guest pod

It's odd though, you'd think girls would want to go to an event where they were less likely to be bothered...i.e. a house/trance event as opposed to hip-hop.

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Before I found Miami nightlife I would go to the gay clubs for the music. I think there are more chics at the hiphop events because it is the more mainstream music and girls usually go out in groups. I have found that in the EDM scene the girls are more independent in that respect and dont need other girls in order to go out. Also in the EDM scene I find that there are alot more TRUE friendships between men and women so that we hang out in more mixed crowds as opposed to a large group of girls.

As for afterhours....I dont know many chics that can hang that late especially if they have been wearing heels all night. But if you are REALLY into the music you will find that sometimes the more underground sounds are being played then.

Personally, I am friends with more men than women. I dress for comfort when I go to a club because I am there to dance not stand around and look pretty. I go to afterhours because for me it is ABOUT THE MUSIC.

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Guest web_norah

i have been a couple times to NV - friday after hours is allright, but i cant hang too long i get very tired

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Guest klit

i have been a couple times to NV - friday after hours is allright, but i cant hang too long i get very tired

I'm with you, I can't do afterhours. Stayin till 5 is already a stretch for me.

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I have to somewhat disagree. From my experience, it really depends on the night. Some nights I actually see more women. In all honesty though when I go to Space or Crobar etc. I go to enjoy myself and dance my ass off, anybody who has hung out with me and really knows me can confirm this. Whenever the music is good, and my soul is in tune with it, I get so caught up in my dancing that I don't really notice what's going on around me. And the funny thing is, the nights you don't look for women are usually the nights you end up either meeting a really cool one or going home with one. Especially for afterhours. I kid you not.....

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And the funny thing is, the nights you don't look for women are usually the nights you end up either meeting a really cool one or going home with one. Especially for afterhours. I kid you not.....

You are correct. Just enjoy the moment and let it happen.

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You are correct. Just enjoy the moment and let it happen.

I've said this a million times, many guys don't understand that women can see when you're desperate. Women are not stupid, they pick up on these signals quickly. They can literally see that you haven't gotten laid and that your whole objective is not to have fun but to take somebody home with you.LOL. That's why Saleen never gets any,lol...

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LOL.......so guys just dont act desperate then you might end up getting laid like my boy Turbo does. 8)

Make no mistake, I don't get laid everytime I go out, but I really can't complain. Let's just say I've gotten pretty lucky. Especially when out of towners come down.lol. ;D ;D Miami is certainly not a town for relationships, I don't see how any guy can be faithful. Personally, I am absolutely the worst boyfriend to have, because I will cheat unconditionally. ;)

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Guest sanmartindj

The only solution I see is just to take your own girls, because good music or not it would be cool to just be able to party and meet new people (guys and gals) while listening to good music.

People go to parties for different reasons, some like to go just for the music, but I go for the music and the socializing aspect of it. And it is tougher to meet new girls in a dance club than it is in a bar for example.

I love edm but we DO need more girls, and no POD hip hop is NOT an option >:(

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Guest durrtylexx

I agree BYOB lol...I have learned if your goal is to go out and meet a chic specifically to get laid it wont happen.BUt if you go with no cares, no worries, just go with the flow and have a blast you'll end up meeting a chic.Females sense it when your at a club on the prowl and they will ignore you.


enjoy it and dont force it... 8)

pimpin 101...lol

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Guest coach

You know, one of our favorite things to do is just people watch. And we see guys aaaaaaallll the time trying completely lame moves to get a girl's interest. All I can ever say is, "Has that *ever* worked?" I mean, I see some things so inane that I literally cannot imagine any girl ever, ever falling for it. And I'm thinking this is probably not the first time that he has tried it, but if it never works, why keep using it? So, either guys are a whole lot stupider than I think they are, or girls are (I'm guessing the former, but the continuation of the human race makes me unsure), or there is something I'm missing. It's just so bizarre.

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