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Should Bling Keep on posting Reviews?

Guest LeVeL

what do you think about his reviews?  

  1. 1. what do you think about his reviews?

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Guest r3nz0

Hmmm...here's my take on it, Level.

If I do something that people don't like on here, I'm definitely not gonna stop doing it to please a few people. Really. So I don't see why Bling should.

As for Bling's reviews, they are his reviews for a reason. If you don't like them, that's cool. Just don't read them.

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Guest klit

I don't like them but why not let him keep puttin it up, like the other guy said if u don't like em don't read em. My opinion he should mix it up once a while, its the same review all the time except the name of the djs and club, but thats just me I'm sure tons of peeps like it cause they read them.

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so how do u propose i mix it up? there are so many ways to talk about a nite out ya know

i always shout out it shows the true hardcore clubbers that come out and represent

and then i just give a description of the nite for all those that werent there :)

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Guest XxGrOoVeERICxX


Do what you want!!! If you wanna write reviews, do it! I personally don't read all your reviews, only some. That's just me. I'm sure there are others who do the same. Some read all of them. Some just don't. And then there are some who wanna hate and tell you to stop. It's a very simple choice: read it or don't read it. :)

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what is this thread? >:(

I for one think his reviews are distinct, unique, and I love his emphatic reviews--rants and raves- I think that someone who is enthusiastic and loves life should never, ever be put down or called cheesy. I dont care if house music makes you happy, trance, or barbie dolls--- who the fuck cares? ::) anyone who puts him down and calls him cheesy should keep it to themselves- give me a break! He is a happy person having a great time dancing and living life- I dont personally get as amped when i meet a DJ or get an autograph or whatever, but bet your ass if it gives him a moment of bliss I will sit here and read endless stories about how he died. anyone who critisizes joy in someone else is a prick -

Dont let the opinions of a few people curb you from sharing your stories here. A forum is unedited and for you personally. This isnt meant to be published as a cover piece in DJ mag. If you'd like, post them in the NY forum, instead. I've seen your face light up in the club and loved the fact that your smile is neverending-

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Guest r3nz0
anyone who puts him down and calls him cheesy should keep it to themselves- give me a break! He is a happy person having a great time dancing and living life- I dont personally get as amped when i meet a DJ or get an autograph or whatever, but bet your ass if it gives him a moment of bliss I will sit here and read endless stories about how he died. anyone who critisizes joy in someone else is a prick -

Dont let the opinions of a few people curb you from sharing your stories here. A forum is unedited and for you personally. This isnt meant to be published as a cover piece in DJ mag. If you'd like, post them in the NY forum, instead. I've seen your face light up in the club and loved the fact that your smile is neverending-


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Guest JMT

if he wants he can post reviews until he gets carpel tunnel, it IS a free country. however, that doesnt change the fact that they are usually devoid of any real interesting details or descriptions of the events. instead, the number of "omfg i die"s seems to increase each time. and every new, big event that comes along is somehow usually better than all previous events. doesnt make sense to me, unless i had the memory of that guy in Memento.

thats just my opinion. and its a free country.

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Guest r3nz0
unless i had the memory of that guy in Momento.

Hmm, you just may have his memory.

The movie's name is Memento. :P;)

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wow ev thanks .. soo nice of you and thanks koky and carisa :) i gotta cut down on the omfg and i will but my review structure will remain the same. and ill just keep on smiling and dancing and hanging with all of u

its what lifes all about

partying with those u care about and living life to the fullest

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Guest JMT
unless i had the memory of that guy in Momento.

Hmm, you just may have his memory.

The movie name is Memento. :P;)

smart ass :P

yes, mEmento. i saw it tonight, the greatest movie ever!!! ::)


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Guest r3nz0
yes, mEmento. i saw it tonight, the greatest movie ever!!! ::) ;D

Yeah well, this isn't the Movies forum, so stop thread-jacking!



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Guest JMT
yes, mEmento. i saw it tonight, the greatest movie ever!!! ::) ;D

Yeah well, this isn't the Movies forum, so stop thread-jacking!



fyi... that was a joke.

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Guest LeVeL

Okay let me put my take on this...first of let me start by saying I probably started the thread but till this point I have still not voted. I met Bling in person I think he's a cool guy with a good heart. My intentions were never to hate, I just felt a thread needed to be started because of this issue.

Come on people give me a break we all know this is a free country I dont think that needs to be mentioned here. A little contructive critisism will not kill nobody and it wont definetely not make you a hater! I believe after a little input from the rest of us in the board I believe Blings reviews would be way better than they are now.

We all can see that Bling had an OMFG I Died time but apart from that there were loopholes in his review that I think people who weren't there would of like to know. For example what hot tunes did Halo play, at what time did his set start and end, how much was the cover for the night, how full was the club ect... Aside from the shoutouts as a reader I would like to read a review that puts me there with you Bling enjoying the moment.

So this is not an attack dont be alarmed! And Evan thanks for calling me a prick, I love it when you call me names. ;D

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Guest r3nz0

Okay let me put my take on this...first of let me start by saying I probably started the thread but till this point I have still not voted. I met Bling in person I think he's a cool guy with a good heart. My intentions were never to hate, I just felt a thread needed to be started because of this issue.

Come on people give me a break we all know this is a free country I dont think that needs to be mentioned here. A little contructive critisism will not kill nobody and it wont definetely not make you a hater! I believe after a little input from the rest of us in the board I believe Blings reviews would be way better than they are now.

We all can see that Bling had an OMFG I Died time but apart from that there were loopholes in his review that I think people who weren't there would of like to know. For example what hot tunes did Halo play, at what time did his set start and end, how much was the cover for the night, how full was the club ect... Aside from the shoutouts as a reader I would like to read a review that puts me there with you Bling enjoying the moment.

So this is not an attack dont be alarmed! And Evan thanks for calling me a prick, I love it when you call me names. ;D

Dear Abby,

Ok, so let me get this straight.

You want us to give Bling constructive criticism, so that he makes his reviews better. If so, then why is almost every single one of your choices in the poll some type of hate, not a form of constructive criticism (like the things you mentioned)? ???

Write back,


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Okay let me put my take on this...first of let me start by saying I probably started the thread but till this point I have still not voted. I met Bling in person I think he's a cool guy with a good heart. My intentions were never to hate, I just felt a thread needed to be started because of this issue.

Come on people give me a break we all know this is a free country I dont think that needs to be mentioned here. A little contructive critisism will not kill nobody and it wont definetely not make you a hater! I believe after a little input from the rest of us in the board I believe Blings reviews would be way better than they are now.

We all can see that Bling had an OMFG I Died time but apart from that there were loopholes in his review that I think people who weren't there would of like to know. For example what hot tunes did Halo play, at what time did his set start and end, how much was the cover for the night, how full was the club ect... Aside from the shoutouts as a reader I would like to read a review that puts me there with you Bling enjoying the moment.

So this is not an attack dont be alarmed! And Evan thanks for calling me a prick, I love it when you call me names. ;D

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Guest LeVeL

Dear Abby,

Ok, so let me get this straight.

You want us to give Bling constructive criticism, so that he makes his reviews better. If so, then why is almost every single one of your choices in the poll some type of hate, not a form of constructive criticism (like the things you mentioned)? ???

Write back,


Renzo I happened to give 2 positives in the poll so dont even go there. Nothing personal buddy stop taking this so serious it only a forum. If I say it to your face would you you start a fight with me because of that. Come on we are all adults here we can take critisism without being all sensitive about it. So Renzo you want a tissue for that issue. ;D

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Guest r3nz0

Dear Abby,

Ok, so let me get this straight.

You want us to give Bling constructive criticism, so that he makes his reviews better. If so, then why is almost every single one of your choices in the poll some type of hate, not a form of constructive criticism (like the things you mentioned)? ???

Write back,


Renzo I happened to give 2 positives in the poll so dont even go there. Nothing personal buddy stop taking this so serious it only a forum. If I say it to your face would you you start a fight with me because of that. Come on we are all adults here we can take critisism without being all sensitive about it. So Renzo you want a tissue for that issue. ;D

Hmmm, I see you're missing the point, but no need to expand on this any longer.

Btw, I am NOT sensitive. In fact, I couldn't care less. If you started a thread like this for me, I'd tell you to STFU and I'd be done with it. Bling is not like that.

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Guest XxGrOoVeERICxX

Okay let me put my take on this...first of let me start by saying I probably started the thread but till this point I have still not voted. I met Bling in person I think he's a cool guy with a good heart. My intentions were never to hate, I just felt a thread needed to be started because of this issue.

Come on people give me a break we all know this is a free country I dont think that needs to be mentioned here.

I think none of this should be mentioned because this thread should never have been started to begin with ;)

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