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Space 4 Year Anniversary

Guest biznation00

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Everyone at Nerve was talking about Space this weekend ..they had me going crazy. So....Seriously...Till what time is everyone going to stay there. I never see CJ peeps in the patio...you guys usually leave early as hell. What's up with that.

The only ones I see is Pod, Biz, Turbo(Rick), Carissa, Levelistic(once and I think it was on Ultra weekend), and Zack.

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Guest pod

OK let's reminisce a bit:

1. When was the first time you went to Space?

2. What were your favorite nights?

I'll start it.

I first went to Space on March 17th, 2000.

Favorite nights so far have been the last two times Sander has been there, any given set by Oscar and Roland, most of the WMC parties throughout the years, and any time Danny Howells has graced the decks, to name a few...

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First time I went to Space.....................hhhmmmmm......I can't remember. I do remember it was the old Space, it was very dark, and I got lost....the only thing that saved me was the light that came from outside through the entrance. 8) I always have the best time of my life when I go to Space. The worst time was when I was peaking ::) and my friend started throwing up white liquid all over the main room. :-\

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Guest Cosmigonon

1. Well, first time I went, I was extremely excited for finally stepping into the world famous SPACE club I had been hearing about for more than 2 years and it was on July 19th 2003.

2. To me the best night was the last of the infamous "closing parties", with DT on the decks, and staying in the terrace till 2pm. God I love the terrace.

I wasn't planning on going this weekend, but if there's gonna be a CJ meetup I think I might show up for afterhours. BTW, nice finally meeting you Turbo!! 8)

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Guest durrtylexx


Now back to the question, the first time I went to Space well I can remember either like Ms.Loca, its was sometime when it first opened.A favorite time at Space, well one comes to mind, it was 2 years ago during the WMC Deep Dish kicked serious arse. I was there with 20 friends and we had a freaking blast.The worse time was when I g'd out and I was kicked out of the club.I learned my lesson and never drank ghb again... :P

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Damn Weston..don't do that again. Hey Cosmigo, I still havn't met you and I'm always hanging out with Turbo..let me know if you're going this weekend. I guess I;m going to go..everyone is going and I can't miss out. I lived at Space for the whole month of April and I told myself I wasn't going for a while..look at me now. It's a never ending story! 8)

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Guest pod

I remember the opening date like it was yesterday.

In 2000 I had been on the ground here for only three years. Up until then my clubbing experience had been:

Liquid 1.0



The Mix Afterhours


Amnesia (opium had yet to open)

Shadow Lounge


various little rattletraps

one-off events




various NYC venues

At that point, I considered crobar and Level my tops, since they were brand spanking new (Level opened in November 1999, crobar 12.31.1999), but they still felt too glam for me at the time.

I remember in early 2000 stumbling across a flyer near crobar that had the now-famous Space S logo, with the words 'downtown miami' at the bottom and 'Coming Soon' on the back, and a number to call...305.375.0001 for complimentary invitations to the opening night. I did some research, and found that Space was going to be this multi-roomed monstrosity in Downtown Miami, near the newly-completed AA Arena. Further homework led to EAW's website, which listed "142 NE 11th St, Miami, FL" as a venue with the latest Avalon system install...being a sound junkie I figured I'd check it out. Next day I call the number and get a machine...blah blah blah, opening soon, leave a message with your full name, phone number, and address, and we'll send ya an invite for you and a guest to come to Space's grand opening...so I did.

A few weeks pass, and I hear more rumours...that this club will have an unheard-of 24 hour permit, and that David Padilla will be a resident. I had liked what David was doing at the Mix at the time, so I figured that this club might have a fighting chance, with the license and a known DJ at the helm.

Around late February I get this little envelope in my mailbox from Club Space. In it is a nifty little trifold invite that said (let me go get it...):

louis puig

george nuñez

louis canales

emi guerra

an invitation


march 17th 2000


grand opening

club space


david padilla

patrick mohr

ivano bellini

rsvp 305.375.0001

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Guest pod

It took some convincing, but I convince the whole lot of my skeptical friends to go. It was the end of UM Spring Break, and most of the participants were exhausted, and my out of town friends were suspicious of going to this club in the middle of cracktown. We show up around 11:30, and there's somewhat of a line...a few limos, i think some spotlights, some tall guy for a doorman, the tall blonde girl from the Mix as a doorgirl. I flash my invite and go in, random girl in tow (shit what was her name), and my friends get in, with invites (the few who called), or the bulk paying (haha)...we get inside, and we're totally floored. The sound and lighting were on point, and I think Roland was revving the night up...I didn't know him at the time, but it wasn't Padilla, I remember that much. The club was half full, with people cruising from the Red to the Blue room and out to the patio and back. The patio was the big topic, very few clubs had outdoor areas, and Space's was quite ambitious, with a decent soundsystem even (some big ol plastic-shelled EVs if I remember...)...nevermind the inside areas with the slamming Avalon soundsytem and fresh-out-of the box Martin lighting. The "basement" hadn't been opened yet, and I later learned the club was running on a temporary electrical and water shunt...

Didn't affect me one bit....between the sound, the lights, and being in an incredible venue with none of the beach attitude, I was in heaven...finally, a place with a kicking sound system, lighting array, and great music, and you didn't have to 'be someone' or blow the doorman to get in fast...there was a line, imagine that!

The night was killer. David was the king of Miami's trance scene at the time, and it showed. The Mix regulars were there, and a small contingent of fans were jammin' to Ivano in the Red Room. Out on the patio it was Latin music all the way...decent crowd, but not my style...the "real" patio had yet to come...

Later, more than a few Beach impresarios came over, and by the time they left, they had this look on their faces like "ummm...shit....i think Louis and co. might have something..."

Not being a through and through club shooter yet, just your average joe with severe ADD that could only be eased by nightclubs, Space fit the bill.

They shut around 5:30 if I remember, and one of the bouncers told me they were still working out the scheduling and techniques for late operations, and in a few weeks they would stay open late. Even so I was hooked. Hell, I wanted to go back ASAP...too bad after WMC, they closed for a few weeks...finally around mid April I get word that they were open again, and this time it was Edgar at the helm. This time they stayed open late...and the place was slammed...no half-curious crowd of beach folk and clubbers...it was full on.

I was still a lowly college student at the time, and retreated to NYC for the summer...I came back in late August to find that my beloved Mix had closed, but all was not lost, Space had picked up the afterhours full throttle over the summer. People relished not being harassed by overzealous beach cops, and not having to deal with drama or driving to another club even...they could go out at 1 AM, and stay till whenever, thereby not risking life and limb by driving drunk from one club to another.

I finally went back for PvD that September, and it was even more slammed. Space was it...the beach was officially scared.

Needless to say, that's the tally of my first time at Space in excruciating detail...pieced together from flyers, emails, anecdotes and random ramblings.

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Guest LeVeL

Dam Pod you brought back some memories there...I for one dont remember my first time @ Space. But I certainly remember the way nightlife was here in Miami. I remember Shadow Lounge had Acosta playing every Saturday and Friday they had Ariel Baund and the Mix being the best Afterhours party in town. At the time Level was opening and Crobar had people talking because it was replacing Cameos. And since Crobar was one of the best Clubs in the US being originally from Chicago.

At the time the original Liquid and Chaos were slowly forgotten in South beach nightlife. Back in these days the nightclubs in the beach were more about being glamorous and having celebrities like Dennis Rodman and Madonna. The only exception being Shadow Lounge and the Mix which were more about the music and sound of Electronic Music.

I remember my friends telling me about this club in Downtown Miami which was built on some Old Warehouses....which at first shocked me. Supposively the club had afterhours like The Mix and the best part about the club was that it was bigger than Shadow Lounge and they didn't give you a hassle to get in. So I remember going for a friday night and having one of the best times there too.

After a couple of months a lot of the people started to take notice, since it not only had one of format of music for the night. But it also catered to the everyday average joe. And the best part was that they had a good resident DJ who knew how to rock the party! Now on friday nights Space was my home and on Saturdays it was Shadow Lounge for the Acostanation.

With the quality acts that Space was bringing in and resident djs in its venues after a while I stopped going to Shadow and now Space was the place. Then the day that Shadow lounge closed was the day that Space would reign supreme in Miami nightlife at this time Space was being compared to Twilo since it was built in a old warehouse and it had that garage feel. Eventhough Space was already getting more people in its venue than Shadow at the time. The the people who were faithful to Shadow were sad to see that venue go. But with that venue coming to close the party people in Miami wouldn't lose a beat having Space around.

4 years later and Space is still with us and going strong after a bump in the road its still cool to see Space open. It hasn't let its party people down like Shadow did thats one thing about Space they care about the people who attend their venue. Thats why I feel like Space is my second home....I hit my dancing shoes everytime I am at another venue and I say to myself there is no place like home, there is no place like Home Space baby!!

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Guest pod

I think the shift continues to this day. With the exception of Privilege and Nerve, and from time to time crobar, the Beach isn't much about music-oriented events anymore...it's largely tourist and cheese-glam driven. Music-oriented events will and are making a beeline for Downtown, and Space set the precedent four years ago.

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