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I have something to say about Okenfold..

V. Barbarino

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He's an embarassment to djing, not only does he not give a fuck, his price is so high, thus why you see such a high cover, and the only reason you see him and hernan is because both of them happen to have gigs that got canceled or fell apart. On top of that, Murk is now over shadowed by a dj who has told many, he's just in it for the money. I spoke to one of his friends. Though no one knows I know this guy, so i can post it. His nv set was good for about 1.5 hours, but he turns his back on the crowd. Will he do this at Space? I dunno, but the guy doesn't give a fuck. I can name 20 locals that will spin for free beer, and give a fuck, and do a good job holding that room.

30 bucks? Heres an idea, You can pay me 10 bucks and I will kick you in the balls, and you can then go home, and you'll be glad you saved the 20 bucks.

100% I won't be there.

But hey if you do go there, cjs got you covered as usual.


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Guest macboy

Here's my prediction. He's scheduled for two hours, but he will do a 75-90 minute set. Then he will leave and come over to Nerve to hear Frankie throw it down. So all you people trying to figure out where to go for the night, just show up at Nerve. You'll have a much better time.

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Here's my prediction. He's scheduled for two hours, but he will do a 75-90 minute set. Then he will leave and come over to Nerve to hear Frankie throw it down. So all you people trying to figure out where to go for the night, just show up at Nerve. You'll have a much better time.

not to piss on murk or cj, but NO FING WAY WOULD I EVER PAY 25 - 30 BUCKS TO HEAR OKENFOLD!

Nerve it is...

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Guest shannon_coolj.

30 bucks? Heres an idea, You can pay me 10 bucks and I will kick you in the balls, and you can then go home, and you'll be glad you saved the 20 bucks.


yeah, i think i'll skip oakie.

he used to be good (a long, long, long, long time ago) but i think he's been doing it for so long, he doesn't care

his sets consist of terrible trance songs (at least the last time i heard him) and two second mixes

i think he should just put on a mixed cd and leave -- no one would notice and everyone would have a much better time

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Guest Skytraveler

Thing is that I use to pay $10-$12 to see Oakie back in 97-98

in Orlando SO $30 to see him is absolutely out of the question

and as it stands I don't care to see him anymore I experienced Oakie when he was doing it proper


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Guest ddg

i would never pay 20 or 30 bones to see oakenfold....but i am more than willing to pay 20 or 30 bones to see hernan on the decks, so i think of it as my money going to the real dj i want to see....but if it works out that i go, im outtie when hes done....werd... 8)

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Guest lyrik

I glad to see you guys coming out to Frankie...should be a really good time...Frankie is always great house.

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Guest ramon

ill be at privilege friday and saturday .. :o .. and then at space for afterhours with MURK. It is a damn shame they have oakenfold and catteneo ,but in a way its cool cause you get to hear a rare afterhours set from MURK. :)

what to expect: big basslines insane drums and vocals that would even appease the saleen.

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ill be at privilege friday and saturday .. :o .. and then at space for afterhours with MURK. It is a damn shame they have oakenfold and catteneo ,but in a way its cool cause you get to hear a rare afterhours set from MURK. :)

what to expect: big basslines insane drums and vocals that would even appease the saleen.

you can only appease the saleen with classics ;)

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Guest Eddy Guerra

you can only appease the saleen with classics ;)


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you can only appease the saleen with classics ;)


Mostly is only good enough for Miami. Where I'm from, if you are gonna play classics, then PLAY ALL CLASSICS! THIS MIAMI HALF ASSED CLASSICS THING IS ULTRA LAME! But I have composed a new theory on it. See I prooved to LP it's worth it, no extra out of pocket expense, etc. But my theory pins the blame on the djs, aka roland and oscar. My new theory is, they don't want to be labled a guy who does classics night. If you look at the change over in NYC with jr and JP, you can see, the old timers fans are now too old to party late night, thus why you see them having an earlier party for thier older fans, and with lots of classics nights. One could say, it's the begining of the end for djs like that. DT, JP, JR all are great examples of this. So maybe it's og and roland who tell spacious, they don't want to do it. With the slow season upon us, it makes no sense, not to do classics night. So no one has given me a good reason why they don't do it, so I think my new theory is on point. If they did disco night, then why the fuck not classics night????????????

BTW, you missed out on roland, he ripped it! NJ style!!! ;D

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Guest LeVeL

Oakenfold has been great the times I have seen him......I skipped his set at NV though...I would never go to that place anyways. I'll be in attendance this saturday @ Space your getting a hell of a deal with al those djs playing in one lineup. So go see Frankie I bet you'll be at space on the latter time of the day.

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Guest lyrik

Oakenfold has been great the times I have seen him......I skipped his set at NV though...I would never go to that place anyways. I'll be in attendance this saturday @ Space your getting a hell of a deal with al those djs playing in one lineup. So go see Frankie I bet you'll be at space on the latter time of the day.

I'll take that bet! :P

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Guest web_norah

Oakenfold has been great the times I have seen him......I skipped his set at NV though...I would never go to that place anyways. I'll be in attendance this saturday @ Space your getting a hell of a deal with al those djs playing in one lineup. So go see Frankie I bet you'll be at space on the latter time of the day.

i will take bet as well

and about this whole topic, i will take the 5th amendment

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Guest LeVeL

The times I have seen Oakenfold it has been in Space. I will personally never see Oakenfold in any other venue, he seems to bring his "A" game everytime hes at Space. Ask anybody who saw him during WMC 2003 and 2004, the man lays it down. I love his tracklist selection I have seen him spin tracks no other DJ out there has spun.

So whatever hate on him now.......only because you heard of some people mentioning he had a bad performance doesn't mean he will have a bad performance for here on in. The world of mouth is sometimes not believable until your actually there.

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Guest web_norah

noone is hating

i rather go see Frankie Knuckles thats all

i think i will get more out of the whole experience

Frankie Knuckles is timeless and he hardly comes to Miami outside of wmc....thats got nothing to do with Oakenfold or Cattaneo, though i have to admit Saleen raised a very good point earlier on this thread

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Guest LeVeL

Well this thread was meant to prove a point....Oakenfold hardly comes to Miami also....so have your fun with Frankie I'll have mine. Its great that this saturday night there is going to be so much to do.

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Guest lyrik

Well this thread was meant to prove a point....Oakenfold hardly comes to Miami also....so have your fun with Frankie I'll have mine. Its great that this saturday night there is going to be so much to do.

I hear ya...but compared to Frankie ....Oakie is here tens times more often then he is...plus I have seen Oakenfold going back even like 8 or 9 years and to me he has always been boring and predictable...even when he was somewhat pushing an acid house sound. I need something with soul and vibe to hold onto and he has always been mundane to me. No hate just opinion, but what I like may not be what someone esle likes...so if you like Oakie more power to ya.

You know what though....sometimes you just have to show love to someone regardless of what your main taste is.....I mean Frankie has spinning records and making them since the mid-seventies...even before there were classifications of EDM...and really the only thing there was...was Disco, Funk, Soul and (real) R&B. The man has lived through 4 generations of dance music evolution. When oakenfold was just a wee little brit Frankie was breaking boundaries in music that would lead the way for people like Paul....years later. With alomst 40 years of DJing experience I would think that Frankie is a MASTER of his trade. This party transcends musical tastes and opinions....this party is history....the history of the scene we love so much. To be honest....and really this not meant to hate on people, but its a little insulting that true lovers of our culture wouldn't show up for Frankie. Maybe its lack of education about our scene and its music in general and in now way is that an insult...there are many things I am still not educated on....however its doesn't make me stupid it just means I have not had the opportunity to learn or take advantage of such a chance....well for those that are really interested in finding out how this whole thing started Nerve would be a great place to be this Saturday.........nobody is saying that you have give up your main tastes in music and if you are into trance convert to house. This is so much more...whether you know it or not....house gave birth to trance and every other form of EDM out there. This an event where we can all come together in one place and pay homage to the creation of our scene...show respect for what we love so much. In order to know where we are going we have to know where we have been. I hope some of you can see my point that this really isn't about house vs. trance, but rather a chance to feel a vibe reminiscent down to the very roots of our dance music dialect.

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