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I have something to say about Okenfold..

V. Barbarino

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Guest lyrik

For the record I NEVER approached this as a house vs. trance issue I guess that was bypassed.

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Guest vaughan

Sorry to do this Nick.. .I have much respect for you but I am going OVER your head and LOCKING THIS THREAD


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Guest nickjunkie

Sorry to do this Nick.. .I have much respect for you but I am going OVER your head and LOCKING THIS THREAD


Guess I'll let that one slide :)

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Guest LeVeL

You see this thread started because people thought that paying to see Oakenfold wasn't fare especially because of the pricing. But out of nowhere comes all this hatred labeling a DJ by his style instead for what he has done for the industry, shit I admit it Oakenfold is my favorite DJ, I heard great sets from him.

And me and Lyrik were having a nice little debate until this vaughn guy comes and tries to be funny with his Hall and Oates joke. I think if Lyrik needed you to stand up for him he would of asked, so stop trying to be a superhero. As far as my vinyl collection it is streakly Electronica early Rap music(Afrika bambatta) and the sound of Today.

I never said anything about House or Trance I dont know why people try to always bring that up and make an issue about it. Shit I like all kind of styles anything that makes me dance is ok to me from Salsa, merengue, Reggaeton, Reggae, Copa, House, Hard House, Trance, Hard Trance, Hardstyle, Breaks, Drum and Bass I love it all! So that bullshit of Trance vs. house didn't come out my mouth.

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Guest bcnjunkie

It seems every week someone else is trying to teach a lesson about something if its not Lyrik its BCN or Norah, ect the lesson keep on coming.

how did my name get involved in this non-sense ? I only try to post on what I know, I never claimed otherwise. Plus, everytime there's a house vs. trance bs thread I have always said that all of the genres have merit if played with quality. I have never bashed trance. I saw Oakenfold last in Ibiza in 99, and his set sounded random and he looked uninterested even while a crowd of 4000 jumped un and down, that's why you won't catch me at an Oakenfold event. But when someone like Saleen calls everything from Europe eurotrash or west coast dj's (that have become influential worldwide) west coast trash I'll defend it because those statements don't have any validity. btw when I do argue something I back it up not just ramble on senless opinion. I agree with crzyc, if you like trance well then GO !!! but don't tell me that Frankie Knuckles sucks ! plus dj's have jumped around anyways, George Acosta started spinning house and Ivano Bellini started spinning trance, the only one that stuck to his thing was Oscar G (all props to Oscar).

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Guest r3nz0

I have learned one thing from these boards.

And that is that drama, in some form, is apparently inevitable.

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Guest lyrik

Okay now that I am home I can dedicate a little time to respond to some things that were brought up and then shoot this dead horse to make sure its dead already. Some of these have direct intent and others are general responses to the various posts. Absolutely none are intended to offend or belittle anyone.

#1 I never approached this as a house vs. trance....as a matter of fact I don't really think anyone that was taking the house perspective said anything close to house is better than trance. Its more about one person's significance to our culture as compared to another...maybe a few comments were made on actual DJ ability....but never a clear cut point that we were stating house is better than trance or you should support house over trance. Statements made by me and others have been taken way out of context.

#2 I take offense to a comment that basically catagorizes me as a know at all and assumes that I disregard other peoples opinions, thoughts or statements. Its called having an informed opinion, which I wish everyone could display at one time or another instead following the lead of other people. If you knew me, you would know that I care about what people have to say and further more I care about people in general.

#3 There is no way to measure the aptittude of the board members in general and by assuming that everyone has the same knowledge or has been afforded the same experiences we are selling them short. Some people actually want to hear what people have to say and are willing to listen to someone that has an opinion that is put forth in a respectable or humorous way. Learning is a never ending process and its seems like some on this board are being a little contradictory to their own statements. I ask myself why people would be so defensive to a logical opinion based on facts....its not that I am trying to teach a lesson but rather sound like I know what I am talking about...much of what I have wrote I have experienced first hand and not read about in books or magazines. Isn't making assumptions that I do this to look more knowledgable than other people basically following the same supposed stride...aren't you coming forward in a manner indicative that I am wasting your time and you hold some superior information?

#4 It seems like the people complaining about this being the house vs. trance argument really haven't paid attention to everything that was written and are the ones that are making it a house vs. trance thing. This was about one man that has more social significance to our scene than probably any other person in the world and that was transformed into these house people are hating on trance. It was also about an out of state production company putting their best foot forward to offer South Florida a chance at a consistent monthly offering talent that has never been here...ever. That point has seemed to have gotten lost in all this commotion. To re-state that...these people are unlike any company down here because...they are not from down here, making it equally challenging to be succesful. They don't live here nor do they have a partner stationed here. They are doing this from over 1000 miles away and in my opinion that says something for them as a company and as people trying to push our scene forward.

#5 I know a lot of people off of multiple boards that have only been going to parties from anywhere from just now to maybe 4 or 5 years....can we really assume that all these people are included in the 75% that know all there is to know about our scene. This is also about preservation...once we forget where we originated and how things came to be we start to lose perspective and in time we lose our scene and sense of musical value. History is there to serve as a guide, a road map of past mistakes and accomplishments to be drawn on and remembered so we don't repeat those same mistakes but rather learn from them. So we can look back at accomplishments and marvel at the fortitude it took to achieve those things, they provide influence and direction.

I for one feel deeply for what I do and express that with passion because its the only way I know how. For whats its worth I will apologize for at least the 3rd time if any of my comments were taken to be offensive, it was never my intention to do that and in the future I will be sure to take into account that some people may be less receptive to outspoken opinions put on a message board.

Peace out homies :P

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Guest bcnjunkie

why are you apologizing lyric, no need to do it. Just because this guy gets offended over nothing. neither you nor Vaughan said anything offensive. He's one of those people that has to be right otherwise you are offending him.

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