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Here we go trashin draper again. Now a whole thread's gonna start about how he plays to the crowd....or how he doesn't play new stuff....or how much everyone loves him...or how much they all hate him....find a place u like...if u dont like the music at exit, stay out....i personally love exit...mostly b/c of the place itself, it's jsut the best place to be in....and i think he does a pretty damn good job.....cuz he plays to the crowd

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also....JUST STOP TRASHIN DRAPER ALREADY!!!! he made it to where he is cuz he must have some skills right? when u spin at exit and replace him, then u can trash him. Give him some respect....im sure he worked hard to get where he is now, and he's doin his thing, and if he was really that bad, he wouldnt be at exit anymore...he muxt be doin something right

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Originally posted by xtcgspot:

also....JUST STOP TRASHIN DRAPER ALREADY!!!! he made it to where he is cuz he must have some skills right? when u spin at exit and replace him, then u can trash him. Give him some respect....im sure he worked hard to get where he is now, and he's doin his thing, and if he was really that bad, he wouldnt be at exit anymore...he muxt be doin something right

See i didnt want to start a fight, i wanted a discussion. but you made it a fight. Tony Draper is not skilled. He is in EXIT cause it is EXIT and no matter who is in there it will be packed. Dave the owner put him in there cause Dave is cheap,smart and doesnt give a fuck about the music. he knows that it will be packed no matter who is spinning. And wait a second you said that he plays to the crowd??? He plays to what crowd??? A bunch of 15 year old idiots who have no clue about music except that it sounds good when your rollin or in a hole. anybody could go up there and WORK THAT CROWD. Put him in a place where the people have some musical knowledge and see what happens. And yes i will stick to soundfactory cause Jonathan is a musical genius...

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SFCARZ, What da fuck can you do? Can u get 3000 people to dance their asses off and come every fri to an exclusive night club? I dont think so, why dont u do us all a favor, take ur fat donut eating, napster downloading ass and shut the fuck up. All ur doing is showing that u sweat dreping by giving him attention. And while ur at it, think this through, if his music sucks so bad? why do so many fucking people stand on line every fri dying to hear it? I doubt cause it sucks. So the next time u wanna share ur opinion, share it to drapers face and then we'll see how brave u are with ur fucking bullshit.



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nah that's not all true. i don't drop or drink but i enjoy Drapers set every fri.

one thing for sure though is if he started spinning at some other club, i would definitely not go back to exit cos they charge too much for admission and water.

i'm sure everyone else would agree with that.


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I see that everybody on the board loves Tony Draper. I dunno why. I think he is a horrible DJ. He can't program for shit. He has a very poor overall music selection. He rarely has any new trax. And when he does all they are, are very hard bass hitters and nothing else. He doesnt ever change his night up. Hey im not one for bashing but i really dont understand the big fuss over Draper. i rarely go to exit, but when i do go, i always regret it, due to the music.

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Originally posted by sfcraz01:

I see that everybody on the board loves Tony Draper. I dunno why. I think he is a horrible DJ. He can't program for shit. He has a very poor overall music selection. He rarely has any new trax. And when he does all they are, are very hard bass hitters and nothing else. He doesnt ever change his night up. Hey im not one for bashing but i really dont understand the big fuss over Draper. i rarely go to exit, but when i do go, i always regret it, due to the music.

So then stick to Factory....

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Guest peekhour

yea,,,,what is the deal with april 20th???? cwm11.gifcwm11.gif


AOL Name - NYR100


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I agree draper is waaaayyy over rated...

He has no new music, doesnt record shop, makes the corniest tracks ever, and to be honest the only reason he spins at exit is because they pay him $300 a week and no real DJ would play a room like that for such a pittance... and his best friends are the head promoters!

Originally posted by sfcraz01:

See i didnt want to start a fight, i wanted a discussion. but you made it a fight. Tony Draper is not skilled. He is in EXIT cause it is EXIT and no matter who is in there it will be packed. Dave the owner put him in there cause Dave is cheap,smart and doesnt give a fuck about the music. he knows that it will be packed no matter who is spinning. And wait a second you said that he plays to the crowd??? He plays to what crowd??? A bunch of 15 year old idiots who have no clue about music except that it sounds good when your rollin or in a hole. anybody could go up there and WORK THAT CROWD. Put him in a place where the people have some musical knowledge and see what happens. And yes i will stick to soundfactory cause Jonathan is a musical genius...


Beat Me Harder.

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Why dont u all do draper a favor and GET OFF HIS BALLS!!. If u dont like him, tell him to his face. Complaning on the message boards wont get u nowhere, stop fucking being pussies and hide behind the keyboard. If you dont like the way draper spins, THEN DONT FUCKING LISTEN!!!!! U fucking faggots forget one major music law. It's universal and made to bring harmony. If i'm a love house and never listen to rock, does that mean i have to go and bash rock? U gotta respect all kinds of music and if u dont like the way the beats go then just dont fucking listen. If i start naming all the djs and all the songs i dont like, it's gonna be nuts. Why is draper the one always attacked? All you fameless fags that complain and nag about him need to shut the fuck up and stop jerking off to exit flyers.



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Dear SfCarz, you are obviously a fucking idiot. You keep proving it more and more with every post. 1st of, I dont know about everyone else's age, but i'm 19. I've been to Factory on more than one account, as well as limelight,temptations,twilo,cpi,Posh and much more. I have a very open minded outlook on Music as well as who they are spun by. Now, to better educate, try to understand that ur fucking ignortant and u have a 16 year old mentality right now comparing Peters to Draper. Only a fucking 2 year old compares Draper to Peters. I understand you have this gay factory pride inside u, but put it aside for second. As for u saying "Fuck Draper," those are all tough little words on the boards, like idiot, Take ur faggot ass, come down on a friday night around 2 pm, walk into the exit dj booth on the main dance floor, look into drapers face, and tell him "you suck." I wanna see what happens to you, better yet you'll never do that, and you know why? CAUSE YOUR A FUCKING PUSSY WHO HIDES BEHIND MESSAGE BOARDS. Do you even know what a "Vinyl" is? I suggest before u come down here and start bashing dj's whom are not even on the same fucking planet as you in terms of skill level, you fucking go and try to dj your self to see how hard it is. And after that, try to see how hard it is to score a job at exit. Then come back and start posting your idiotic opinion on draper. In my personal opinion, you should go back to preschool dork.



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wow, i guess i did kinda start a fight, i didnt mean to, i was just givin draper some props cuz i'm so tired of seein him just get bashed all the time. Sorry sfcraz01, i guess i came of a little too strong..didnt mean to dis u, or soundfactory.

just for the record, i'm not one of those 16 yr olds who has only been to exit...i'm not that old...only 19, but i only go clubbing in the city, and often, and i've been to factory, tunnel, and webster hall too, but i still beleive exit is the best i've been to.

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Originally posted by nychunk:

Dear SfCarz, you are obviously a fucking idiot. You keep proving it more and more with every post. 1st of, I dont know about everyone else's age, but i'm 19. I've been to Factory on more than one account, as well as limelight,temptations,twilo,cpi,Posh and much more. I have a very open minded outlook on Music as well as who they are spun by. Now, to better educate, try to understand that ur fucking ignortant and u have a 16 year old mentality right now comparing Peters to Draper. Only a fucking 2 year old compares Draper to Peters. I understand you have this gay factory pride inside u, but put it aside for second. As for u saying "Fuck Draper," those are all tough little words on the boards, like idiot, Take ur faggot ass, come down on a friday night around 2 pm, walk into the exit dj booth on the main dance floor, look into drapers face, and tell him "you suck." I wanna see what happens to you, better yet you'll never do that, and you know why? CAUSE YOUR A FUCKING PUSSY WHO HIDES BEHIND MESSAGE BOARDS. Do you even know what a "Vinyl" is? I suggest before u come down here and start bashing dj's whom are not even on the same fucking planet as you in terms of skill level, you fucking go and try to dj your self to see how hard it is. And after that, try to see how hard it is to score a job at exit. Then come back and start posting your idiotic opinion on draper. In my personal opinion, you should go back to preschool dork.


hahaha!!! alright im gonna end this cause its goin on and on and on. first off i know your lying about where you have been cause anybody in their right mind would not be at exit every friday night if they have been to factory and most of the above. and as far as me spinning at exit or whatever, i personally dont give a fuck. who wants to spin at exit all night and get BULLSHIT CASH, like your boy Draper. and your sayin that i must be stupid for comparin jonathan and those guys to draper. well you just basicilly proved my point. YOU CANT COMPARE THEM CAUSE DRAPER HAS ZERO SKILL. Dont be jealous cause your stuck listening to the same garbage every night. And if you like Exit so much why dont you go hear Boris on Saturday, who is a lot better. Or can you NOT get IN. HAHAHA!!!! What im tryin to say is that Tony Draper and Exit Fridays are horrible compared to the other parties in the city. Why is Exit Great? cause its big? Who Cares. Theres more to a party than a large room. When Eddie and Denny were there on Saturday, that was a party. This is not a party. This is some guy playin BASS in a big room with 16 year olds (oh sorry mentality of a 5 year olds) running around like its a fuckin playground. Exit Fridays is not a night club any more its junior highschool recess. You and your comments are fuckin weak. Im not gonna even waste my time responding to your next weak ass post. Have some sense before you stick up for a broke ass party like the one you love so much. have fun with the rest of the little kiddies. drop your 1 pill and have fun listening to draper play BULLSHIT. i feel really sorry for you. Maybe in a few years you'll know what im talking about.

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Originally posted by sfcraz01:

its pointless arguing with a bunch of 16 year olds, who only go to exit cause thats THE ONLY PLACE YOU CAN GET IN AT. none have any clue about music. you want to hear a REAL DJ?? go hear jonathan rip shit for 17 hours at soundfactory. and each hour keeps getting better and better.

argh, time for me to put .03 in.

first off, I never went to a club before i turned 18. maybe it's cause i look young, i never got the chance to go to exit before i was 18, bc of the id situation. so its not that ALL 16 year olds go there...yeah i did try to get in when i was 16-17...but it didn't happen, so whatever. it's not as young of a crowd as you think.

draper spins for his crowd, ok yeah whatever he drops some old stuff, but i don't think he'd be doing that if the crowd didn't want to hear it. it's wrong to bash people...no matter who they are. just put yourself in his shoes.

and I've also been to SF saturdays (and i go to exit...so it's not that i can't get in anywhere else, sorry) and heard jp spin. yes, he is good, but he is very overrated...i think people give him more credit than they should...considering you said jp is a REAL dj, what is your definiton? i think you fail to mention tenaglia, pvd, oakenfold! but whatever, everyone's allowed to have their own opinions.

just please grow up and quit comparing people...no two people are the same, or better than one another, etc. etc. etc.

so uhm shush and stop this thread already.



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays & TUNNEL saturdays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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in regards to you saying about not getting in on saturdays to places, didn't you NOT get in once too? everyone is under 21 at some point in their lives...



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays & TUNNEL saturdays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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Originally posted by lillizzy:

and I've also been to SF saturdays (and i go to exit...so it's not that i can't get in anywhere else, sorry) and heard jp spin. yes, he is good, but he is very overrated...i think people give him more credit than they should..




Tony Draper will NEVER EVER EVER be on the same level as Jonathan Peters..

I'm sure when you went to Sound Factory you sat on the dance floor for a majority of the night and listened to the man spin.. You listened to his mixing, and listened to him lay 3 tracks down at the same time and WERQ it..

Overrated?? HA! The man doesnt get nearly enough credit..

You know what I find funny?? The fact that Tony Draper was hired to OPEN up SF on friday nights and was FIRED after 2 weeks because he wasn't able to even get the crowd started.. Now THAT is funny shit.. If you dont believe me, go ask him yourself (I'm sure he will have a different story to tell)..

So before you praise Draper, and talk smack about JP, you really need to get a clue..

Thank you for your time..


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one act's on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unicen with others prolong and act's of sensations, with no limit's or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasure's of the highest sence..

Feeling's of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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i never talked shit about jp...i said he was good, but overrated...alot of people praise him as the god of djing, when he really isn't.

and how would you know what i did at SF? i think i fell asleep 2 hours after i got there...after hearing stranger in my house for 45 minutes looped



aim: woa its lizzy

EXIT fridays & TUNNEL saturdays: Lil Lizzy's Guestlist;)


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Yes, Jonathan is over rated, in my opinion anyway! But at least I can see why people like him, he has a style at least.

Just look at Miami - he was foolish enough to do a party accross the street from Danny's party on the same night at WMC. His party did 800 cheeze heads and stayed open till 6am. Danny's party did 10,000 people over the course of the night and stayed open till 8 PM the next evening.

Now if Draper had done a party that night, it would have done the promoters, security, and 20 sixteen year olds and closed a half hour after it opened. Why do you think Draper NEVER gets booked to DJ anywhere other than Exit? Because he is tired! And completely unknown outside of Exit!


Beat Me Harder.

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I personally think Draper and JP are good in their own way... draper has the nice hard bass and beats... and JP has got sick vocal mixes... I dont know about everyone else but i think that we should be trashing clubs outside of NYC because if you compare NYC clubs to clubs outside of NYC you will see a big difference... "lets all have thanks that we have these djs like Draper & J. Peters!"




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