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Bling's Markus and Tiesto@ Space REview


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Its 915 am and i just got home.... its been a 11 hr party for me. it was a privilege and honor to hang with the Cpers, Junkies, and esp the huge TA turnout.

The nite began very well. The presale line went very quick. I got to meet Hyperion from Clubplanet right in line....... Outside i meet up with Feli and Darkangel and Ambs. We head on inside and of course the main room is closed. Markus is already inside warming up the main room.

When who do I see but Mr Damon. WTFFFFFFFFFFF u talk so much shit and then u come to Space to party with the teenie boppers. ur a "markusoite" like the rest of us LOL

Funny moment of the nite. I call up Edgar V and first i say sorry for missing his first gig at crobar since his residency began. Then i tell him "bro u cant believe but Damon is here. he sold u out" He laughed then i put damon on the phone. and he tells him to play "Breathing" LOL

Finally the main room opens and we commadeer the front platforms. Inside it was great to see Rachel,Tranceman, VTec, MJM420, Katie, Arturo, Harold,Trancebrat,Happykandy(Melissa.. the best dancer ever. had fun dancing with ya) and of course Heather. And some CPers and CJ crew as well like Levelistic,Miss CrzyC, Jennice, Doug and Maribel.

Before I forget, Happy birthday Heather hope u liked our birthday card and cake OMG did u die? it was great talkin to you. and i just want to thank you and Markus for everything over the past year. It was awesome spending your birthday with you.

Markus Set

Amazing set .... My fav tracks in his opener were of course.......


2. Satellite

3. Clear Blue

4. Largo

Markus flawless in his mixing as always. At this point, Heather comes up to me and says OMG so funny this guy asked me if that was tiesto up on the decks .LMAO!!!! Someone obviously doesnt know crap about djs . oh well he should join either CJ, TA or CP.. to be schooled.

The place was disgusting slammed packed. I HAVE NEVER IN MY FREAKIN LIFE SEEN IT LIKE THIS. I was shoved around like a rag doll in that place. So i decide to go up to the platform with the TA's. and we get doused with the smoke blasts........... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh massive cooldown

Tiesto Set

His WMC set was Epic, tonite was just great. IT was a great set we got to hear lots of the best Tiesto tracks. But it just didnt have that flow like his set at conference.

AT some points the bass was so high that it was hard to hear him mix from one song into the next

Tracks he dropped

1. Just Be

2. Adiago 4 Strings

3. Love comes again

4. Traffic -OMFG is there any other song out there that gets people into such a damn frenzy.... no way . i dare anyone to find one that makes everyone go as crazy..... OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

there were tons more but my brain is mush LOL

Tiesto went till 5 then Markus went back on

Markus closing set

- AT this point all the TA's went into the booth and thats where we all stayed till 8 am Markus tore it up

He threw down:

1) Breathing-Damon died x 10 .. so did I i love that track

2) Beautiful Things - I died i love that song..... OMFG

3. White Room (as requested by Ambs ) on a piece of paper. and what did markus do. he played it as his next track...... sweetttttttt

Amazing set. He played nasty nasty stuff that only Markus can throw down. We were all dancing in the booth at times, while at other times we were resting on the couch.

At around 8 am the crew guys at space asked me "HOw many times did u die?" I lost count!!!

Great seeing everyone who came from Orlando, and as far as New York to come to hear markus and tiesto tonite. Love ya all........ ur all a bunch of trance whores LOL

till july 4th!!!!PVD, Markus and Edgar.......

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Guest Cosmigonon

. At this point, Heather comes up to me and says OMG so funny this guy asked me if that was tiesto up on the decks .LMAO!!!! Someone obviously doesnt know crap about djs . oh well he should join either CJ, TA or CP.. to be schooled.

glad you have fun, but come on!! Do you think everybody know what every dj looks like?? It's not like they're on MTV 24/7. You're sounding a litle bit snobish...

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Guest ramon

glad you had fun, bling. :)

i hate tiesto, otherwise i would have been there! lol

tiest-ho .. say it with me :P

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Guest shannon_coolj.

glad you had fun, bling. :)

i hate tiesto, otherwise i would have been there! lol

tiest-ho .. say it with me :P


doesn't tiesto mean flowerpot in spanish? dj flowerpot!

ah...we're going to get massacred by the tiesto-lovers on here once they wake up from last night

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Guest durrtylexx

At around 8 am the crew guys at space asked me "HOw many times did u die?" I lost count!!!

LMAO, your cool dude, I'm glad you can make fun of yourself.

Sounds like it was a crazy night.

July 4th party you mean you cant wait to check out Murk, Edgar, Markus, and George A.. jk be yourself...!! ;)

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Guest senorjw

glad you had fun, bling. :)

i hate tiesto, otherwise i would have been there! lol

tiest-ho .. say it with me :P


doesn't tiesto mean flowerpot in spanish? dj flowerpot!

ah...we're going to get massacred by the tiesto-lovers on here once they wake up from last night

Too brain dead to massacre....must get sleep....tiesto is good....why you must hate him???

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Guest durrtylexx

glad you had fun, bling. :)

i hate tiesto, otherwise i would have been there! lol

tiest-ho .. say it with me :P


doesn't tiesto mean flowerpot in spanish? dj flowerpot!

ah...we're going to get massacred by the tiesto-lovers on here once they wake up from last night

ha ha ;D we have to enjoy the bashing while we can...

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Guest web_norah

i dont hate Tiesto

i just think he plays cheese trance but everyone loves him....

i went to see Sasha at Crobar NY and he played the most average set of all times, with a few good moments, he didnt play as many breaks as i wish he had.....place was packed though!

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Well last night happened to be an interesting night. First off, I knew I protested going to space for a vareity of reasons, and go and see Edgar at Crobar, but a good friend of mine got me a ticket and was a very warm thing for him to do and I owe him big time. So that being said, Getting there and getting into the room to hear Markus tear it up, with solid hits like burned with desire, swing 2 harmony, and no one on earth, love those tracks, and then the man himself hit the decks. Now here are my pro's and con's about last night..

The con's-Now please dont get me wrong, Hanging out with peeps who are 18 and up I have no problem with that, some of TA's that I hang out with are tenny boppers, but the kids there last night were just off the wall and should of known better not be to rolling if u cant handle it. Space, the amount of people who was very overwhelming to a point that u couldnt get to the bar, cause it was what I said sardine central, I have been to space before and it can get packed, but nothing like last night soo packed that one point of the night, some fool trying to get passed our little group and wasnt gonna happen and kept trying and then put his hands on crzy, WRONG WRONG little boy, dont even go there mother ******, I wasnt about to get into a fight right then in there, but if I had no choice I would of, no one puts there hands on a female like that, fuckin punk, thank god some peeps around me pushed the kid away before I pulled the fire out and held me back, and so that was that with that kid. Space's new sound system, my opinion, the bass is soooo heavy that if u are in the middle of the room, u think u are having a heart attack, it is soo thick and drowns out the lyrics, but like i said thats my opinion. One more thing, whos idea is it, to have Buster come over the loud speakers and say the dumbest shit like if he was on the radio. I like that guy and all, hes a very down to earth person, but going over the speakers and ruining the set is not the smartest approach in my book.

The pro's- Markus opening was top notch, solid hits, and I agree with Arturo, I do miss markus at space like back in the day. Tiesto did a good set but last night, I say wasnt the best, not like his sets like at Ultra 5 and back at Space in May and July 03. But overall his set was good for 4 1/2 hrs and then markus came back to close. Some more solid hits, including my favorite Markus reconstruction of Rank 1-Breathing (breaks dub), should of stuck around darkangel, but next time and took off around 6:30. I say this, next time there is an 18 and up event again, whoever is spinning Tiesto, Armin, Edgar, markus, I dont think i be doing it again after the ordeal of last night, majority of the night was spent up in the patio to be able to breathe and walk around without to push people aside, but it was a great time last night with the TA/CP/CJ crowd with Markus and Tiesto, and celebrating Heather schulz's bday, so thats my two cent, and Im gonna post the same review on CP and CJ cause Im too lazy to write another one, so peeps, till the next time!!!

Damon 2.0

BTW, crzy I still have your glasses!!!

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Guest tranceman

Nicely said! I thought it sounded better last night then mar. It all depends on where your getting crushed.

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Guest JMT

SOLID night, the place was fucking packed and going off. if anyone there didnt have a good time you are just plain ignorant. i only wish he threw in a couple more of his own classics like Suburban.

holy moly, tiesto at space, nothing else like it! 8)

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Guest Hibiscus

My 2 cents about Tiesto at Space Friday night..

I had a good time - not great, nothing mind blowing (no comparison to his Ultra set) - just good.

A few things truly disappointed me though that night, not about Tiesto, about Space:

a) Way, WAAAAAAY to many people. I've got my tickets ahead of time, and didn't even get to see the man. At some point they had to shut down the main room because there were just too many people. We were pushed out to the patio, which was a lot better anyway than being pushed and squeezed inside. I just think they got a little greedy and sold too many tickets. If the City Fire Dept. would have walked in and seen how many people were on that floor - I bet you Space would have gotten in trouble. Again.

B) I always loved Space (especially the old one). Now the new Space - what is up with their sound system?? Does it really have to be so GD loud and heavy??!! That bass was killing my ears and making me nausious!! It takes one time to blow out your ears to get ear damage for life!

I think it' time to go check some new places on the beach...


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about the system, yes they changed it and yes i dont think theres comparison right now with any other club in miami ..

the problem was (and i noticed this last night) seems mr Tiesto requested a change of mixers, so the usual RANE was swapped by a PIONEER DJM-600 .. now, theres a huge difference on both maybe thats why u will hear the bass just cracking up a bit sometimes

i actually like the pioneer a lot but is just not the right fit for a system like the one at Space ..

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Guest LeVeL

You know I believe in my eyes......Markus Schulz blew away Tiesto. Aside from all the kiddies in the house on this selected day. This was probably one of the coolest night I have had in a couple of weeks at Space.

The song of the night in my eyes was Peter Martin- Perfect Wave, yeah people sing along Perfect wave, wave,wave. My reason why I chose that track was because the vibe in the club at the time was at the ultimate high. The anticipation for Tiesto was certainly there and the main room was so packed that it was time for my," Club Space dance to get some room".

Tiesto did drop a lot of the usual tracks he has been playing in the other cities around the world. But what I think made the night great for me was that Space was so packed that it opened the patio and it was relaying the set for everyone could hear it. The vibe in the Patio was where it was at. I was totally annihilating my liver on this night, drank so much rum,vodka,cognac, champagne, and wine that I at the end of the night I wasn't even drunk.

It was expecially great tearing up the dance with Evan, Aryn, John, and Diego......"Yes Carisa, you heard right Diego was dancing". I have to give a special shut out to John....hey man your the greatest.

So besides my great night, I have to say I feel bad for the people who couldn't get in on this unfortunate night. I had a couple girls begging me for a ticket, but if they would of flashed me a boob or something then I could of worked out something for them. Also I had some people willing to pay 150 dollars for one ticket, which was ridiculous.

I even had Andrew Chibale of all people asking me for a ticket to go inside to see Tiesto. This night was toally something let me tell you..........lol ;D ;D

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Guest web_norah

one thing i dont understand.....

is why does the opening DJ need to *blow* the guest DJ away or take the room and rock it out before it is meant to? is this some sort of trick to earn the five minutes of fame??? i am not taking any talent away from Markus S or ANYONE but it is something i simply dont get about a lot of opening djs?????

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Guest LeVeL

one thing i dont understand.....

is why does the opening DJ need to *blow* the guest DJ away or take the room and rock it out before it is meant to? is this some sort of trick to earn the five minutes of fame??? i am not taking any talent away from Markus S or ANYONE but it is something i simply dont get about a lot of opening djs?????

To tell you the truth Norah, I beleieve right now Markus has a better tracklist put together than Tiesto. And since Markus has a radio show and people here in Miami listen to. A lot of people can identify with the tracks he plays. I personally like a opening DJ to play good tracks and have the crowd going thru a frenzy. This lets the other Dj's know that they have to bring their A game on this night. And it kind of challenges him to play better on the night.

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