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For all you French haters...

Guest Cosmigonon

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Guest Cosmigonon

...you can celebrate, for France's almighty football team, current European champions, was defeated yesterday by Greece 1 - 0. It was pretty interesting seeing all the French crying on the stands in the Stadium, and also the look of desbelief in Zidane, Henry and Trezeguet's faces... ;D

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Guest shannon_coolj.

Soccer is NOT boring...

it's one of the most action packed sports in the world!

why do you think it's popular almost everywhere but the us?

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Guest endymion

why do you think it's popular almost everywhere but the us?

Oh I can't wait for the spike after that setup...

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Guest pod

I'm surprised it hasn't taken off, since there is a fair amount of hooliganism involved.

I could give a shit about the sport, I'm only concerned with beating the shit out of the opposing team's fanbase.

It is why I like hockey, the crowd and players get violent.

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Guest web_norah

how you people watch soccer is beyond me. it's like watching paint dry...

hey but that david beckam kick was funny to watch on sports center, the only time soccer gets mentioned.

this is the only country where football isnt popular -or soccer as people call it here.

oh and it is THE major sport in Italy and rest of Europe, South America and Africa....... but how would you know, you havent ever been to Italy ???

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how you people watch soccer is beyond me. it's like watching paint dry...

hey but that david beckam kick was funny to watch on sports center, the only time soccer gets mentioned.

this is the only country where football isnt popular -or soccer as people call it here.

oh and it is THE major sport in Italy and rest of Europe, South America and Africa....... but how would you know, you havent ever been to Italy ???

i still am amazed at how baited everyone gets from Nick's web-sociopathism. Clearly he says things to get a rise and spark dialogue. ::) just dont reply. his statements are far from juicy and the mock-ignorance (how weird is that?? who does that?) is so painfully obvious there is no need to respond.

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Guest web_norah

how you people watch soccer is beyond me. it's like watching paint dry...

hey but that david beckam kick was funny to watch on sports center, the only time soccer gets mentioned.

this is the only country where football isnt popular -or soccer as people call it here.

oh and it is THE major sport in Italy and rest of Europe, South America and Africa....... but how would you know, you havent ever been to Italy ???

i still am amazed at how baited everyone gets from Nick's web-sociopathism. Clearly he says things to get a rise and spark dialogue. ::) just dont reply. his statements are far from juicy and the mock-ignorance (how weird is that?? who does that?) is so painfully obvious there is no need to respond.


word to you! uber analytical yet painfully right in your answer!

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Guest shannon_coolj.

yeah but i like saleen.

he's funny and i like arguing with him...it's all in good fun.

he and guyman just do it to get a rise out of people...it's no big deal.

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Guest web_norah

as long as there are no politics or guido bashing -it can be entertaining! musically, the so called club kingpin, is stuck in like 1995.

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norah still can find a man to fuck her..

at any rate, soccer is never going to be big here EVER! Even with Pela playing for the Cosmos, the league failed. MLS is a blip on the radar. International soccer and world cup is even less covered by US media. There is a reason, soccer has a fundemetal flaw in the game. There is no offense.

There is a saying on the pro level of football.

Offense sells tickets

defense wins games.

Soccer has no offense. 1 nothing games are not like 1 nothing baseball. Hockey is learning that they need to address the problem, and they started to. Tennis is looking into lower psi balls for more ralleys. In the history of the NFL they have never once passed a rule helping the defense. Baseball, builds smaller parks for more HR etc. Soccer needs to learn this. Now for you die hards who like the low scoring, great, but 99% of americans DON'T!

so go watch ajax play uventis, and I'll be preparing for my fantasy football league.

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Guest endymion

Norah, if you wait until he says something stupid before you jump on him then it makes him look worse when he says mean personal shit about you. Then we can delete it.

Saleen, I know that you're accustomed to a more crass environment but we're trying to keep CoolJunkie civilized. Remember?

And I would be way more into this 'futbol' thing if I didn't watch so many matches that ended in 0-0 draws. Yawn. It doesn't have to be double-digit basketball scores but hello? A point every quarter or two maybe so that you can see who won?

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norah still can find a man to fuck her..

at any rate, soccer is never going to be big here EVER! Even with Pela playing for the Cosmos, the league failed. MLS is a blip on the radar. International soccer and world cup is even less covered by US media. There is a reason, soccer has a fundemetal flaw in the game. There is no offense.

There is a saying on the pro level of football.

Offense sells tickets

defense wins games.

Soccer has no offense. 1 nothing games are not like 1 nothing baseball. Hockey is learning that they need to address the problem, and they started to. Tennis is looking into lower psi balls for more ralleys. In the history of the NFL they have never once passed a rule helping the defense. Baseball, builds smaller parks for more HR etc. Soccer needs to learn this. Now for you die hards who like the low scoring, great, but 99% of americans DON'T!

so go watch ajax play uventis, and I'll be preparing for my fantasy football league.

You Idiot, don't talk about stuff you don't know...... Soccer is the most popular sport on earth for a reason. You have no clue how the game of soccer works, therefore you cannot and will not understand it... let alone judge it.When you don't understand something, naturally it will be boring to you. If I lock you in a room for 6 hours full of people speaking Lebanese, It will be the most boring experience of your life.. Why? because you don't understand it......Common sense. To some people American football is the most pointless, brainless form of sport. Why? They don't understand it...Take your economics degree and shove it. You might be book smart, but you lack all sorts of common sense..... I thought you were brighter than that....I'm disappointed.

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norah still can find a man to fuck her..

at any rate, soccer is never going to be big here EVER! Even with Pela playing for the Cosmos, the league failed. MLS is a blip on the radar. International soccer and world cup is even less covered by US media. There is a reason, soccer has a fundemetal flaw in the game. There is no offense.

There is a saying on the pro level of football.

Offense sells tickets

defense wins games.

Soccer has no offense. 1 nothing games are not like 1 nothing baseball. Hockey is learning that they need to address the problem, and they started to. Tennis is looking into lower psi balls for more ralleys. In the history of the NFL they have never once passed a rule helping the defense. Baseball, builds smaller parks for more HR etc. Soccer needs to learn this. Now for you die hards who like the low scoring, great, but 99% of americans DON'T!

so go watch ajax play uventis, and I'll be preparing for my fantasy football league.

You Idiot, don't talk about stuff you don't know...... Soccer is the most popular sport on earth for a reason. You have no clue how the game of soccer works, therefore you cannot and will not understand it... let alone judge it.When you don't understand something, naturally it will be boring to you. If I lock you in a room for 6 hours full of people speaking Lebanese, It will be the most boring experience of your life.. Why? because you don't understand it......Common sense. To some people American football is the most pointless, brainless form of sport. Why? They don't understand it...Take your economics degree and shove it. You might be book smart, but you lack all sorts of common sense..... I thought you were brighter than that....I'm disappointed.

I played soccer for over 14 years, until I started playing football in the 8th grade. Not only did I play, I was damm good playing on some of the elite teams around NJ at the time. But as HS approaches men separate from the boys and men play football.

Second, I never stated the fact that it's not the most popular sport on earth, but in the realm of Americans it's not even printed in the newspapers and has a different name. The game will never draw the money that American sports do. When the world cup was at Giants stadium, they were all foreigners there (in hindsight a perfect opp to deport them all at once) but few if any avg American was there. They had their shot at making the game big here, and like in the 70's with Pele, it failed and will always fail. (Pele played in NJ)

The game is for pussys, and the lack of athletic ablility needed to play the game is why it's so popular. Any guy with 2 legs can play. Unlike the 4 major sports in the US. sure the pros are good, but the disparity between college sports and pro sports in this country is night and day, unlike soccer since it's not an offensive game. It a stalemate with a lucky shot.

Then toss in the fact there is little if any "any given sunday" parity in soccer.

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Guest endymion

Saleen doesn't like futbol because it's a sport that little shrimpy 5'8" longhair types can be good at.

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I love people who live in the past, hey I used to be the biggest bouncer and i was the best athlete in the whole state of jersey, and look what I have become today, a lil bitch that doesnt do nothing but complain aobut everything and everyone, lololol, I just enjoy it!!!

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Guest r3nz0
The game is for pussys, and the lack of athletic ablility needed to play the game is why it's so popular. Any guy with 2 legs can play. It a stalemate with a lucky shot.


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Guest endymion

A bunch of little skinny well-groomed Latin and European men running around cooperating with each other goes against everything that he stands for. Of course he won't like it.

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A bunch of little skinny well-groomed Latin and European men running around cooperating with each other goes against everything that he stands for. Of course he won't like it.

i have friends who play in mls from HS. and I still don't like it, and they are not latin or european..

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Guest endymion

i have friends who play in mls from HS. and I still don't like it, and they are not latin or european..

Doesn't it frustrate you that they can't just tackle each other? Nobody gets to beat the shit out of anybody else in soccer, it's just downright un-American.

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Guest ddg

lack of athletic ability???? :o :o :o :o

those guys are in just good as shape as other pro players in other sports.....imo baseball is the most unathletic sport....in a three hour game one person gets about 20 minutes of actually doing something..riding the pine for 30 mins then running out to the field isnt working out....but most of the guys are in great shape....you never see out of shape soccer players...never.........btw...hockey is the most athletic sport....imo....

hey saleen....what team did you play for in jersey...i played for union.....we were pretty good...rahway express were the team to beat in the day though... :P

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lack of athletic ability???? :o :o :o :o

those guys are in just good as shape as other pro players in other sports.....imo baseball is the most unathletic sport....in a three hour game one person gets about 20 minutes of actually doing something..riding the pine for 30 mins then running out to the field isnt working out....but most of the guys are in great shape....you never see out of shape soccer players...never.........btw...hockey is the most athletic sport....imo....

hey saleen....what team did you play for in jersey...i played for union.....we were pretty good...rahway express were the team to beat in the day though... :P

hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in all of sports. Even the best player fails 7 out of 10 at bats.

Have you faced gas at 98mph? I have and few would even have the balls to stand in the box.

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