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Could a dj rock a room if....

V. Barbarino

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Guest vanbuurenfan

there was a curtain around the booth, and you could not see them at all? what say you?


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Guest nickjunkie

It's actually a decent one - tech and I talk about this a lot. Whether you could throw an iPod (with MP3 mixes) in the booth, keep it dark, and get the same vibe.

It'll happen in some venues at some point to save $$$ - maybe not big ones but some.

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Guest web_norah

Victor Calderone used to request to have a curtain put around him and lots of other djs dislike people walking in and out of the booth, while other djs dont mind......DT never allows people inside the booth and requests a security guard around for that reason...i dont see anything wrong with it

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Guest durrtylexx

LP put on a mixed cd after Danny Howells played the patio for 30 minutes.And then Roland took over..The crowd didn't notice a thing..I did, and I was disgusted.I don't care if I dont see the dj, but I thinks its important that the DJ see's the crowd and can feel the crowd.I don't dick ride, play the toons that make the people happy and its all good.If I want to see a dj play the whole night I'll buy a dvd, I always found that to be gay and childish...All of these dj's now play cd's, I bet some of them have used pre mixed mixes and plug them in.

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Guest pod

It was the reverse. LP put on a CD then Danny came on.

Certain VIP clubs could get away with doing that, though.

TJ and I discussed putting an iPod with a touchscreen in Mynt once as opposed to a DJ.

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Guest web_norah

It was the reverse. LP put on a CD then Danny came on.

Certain VIP clubs could get away with doing that, though.

TJ and I discussed putting an iPod with a touchscreen in Mynt once as opposed to a DJ.

yeah and i bet people at MYNT wouldnt even notice ....LOL thats just to show how many of them go for the quality music there. :o

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Guest AlanS

He also put a CD on after Danny before Roland. Phunky and I were both saying WTF and the crowd in general didn't seem to give one hoot.

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Guest durrtylexx

It was the reverse. LP put on a CD then Danny came on.

Certain VIP clubs could get away with doing that, though.

TJ and I discussed putting an iPod with a touchscreen in Mynt once as opposed to a DJ.

Naw dude I saw LP put on cd after Howells, and then Roland came on...No worries its all good the crowd didnt notice..

VIP clubs really dont care about music, the people just want to look pretty..When I go to Mynt or Prive I know what to expect..Cheesy music, but beatiful women..

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Guest bcnjunkie

It was the reverse. LP put on a CD then Danny came on.

Certain VIP clubs could get away with doing that, though.

TJ and I discussed putting an iPod with a touchscreen in Mynt once as opposed to a DJ.

Naw dude I saw LP put on cd after Howells, and then Roland came on...No worries its all good the crowd didnt notice..

VIP clubs really dont care about music, the people just want to look pretty..When I go to Mynt or Prive I know what to expect..Cheesy music, but beatiful women..

and a below quality sound system !

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Guest Cosmigonon

Personally, I never go to a club to see the dj, 90% of the time, I don't even know what does he look like. Last friday I was at Crobar, behind the dj booth, and tow days later my friend told me that she almost fainted when she saw DT standing right beside us, and I hadn't even noticed, mainly because i have no idea how does he look like ???

That's one of the things i like about EDM, that the you are the star of your party, not the dj, the music is all that counts. To me, that starworshiping thing is childish and I left it behind with rock and roll and my teenage years. So basically i couldn't care less if I see the dj or not, and I will never understand those who do and treat them as rockstars, for you dont need to see anybody to party, all you need is the music and yourself.

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Guest MJ-12

I don't leave home without my cd's and decks anymore, I would rather be covered by a video screen with acid vid. Now that's funnnnnn....

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Victor Calderone used to request to have a curtain put around him and lots of other djs dislike people walking in and out of the booth, while other djs dont mind......DT never allows people inside the booth and requests a security guard around for that reason...i dont see anything wrong with it

I dont htink he is talking about having an open booth, more if it is neccessary to just SEE the DJ. Personally I dont like being in the booth (except at NV when I have been out all night). LOL! But my personal opinion is that the DJ should be seen. The DJ is the host of the party and should be happy to be there. ;)

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Guest web_norah

the initial question is curtain around the booth and thats exactly what Victor Calderone used to request at Crobar.

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Guest JMT

its possible, but they cant rock it nearly as hard.

would you go to a concert if they were just playing a recording of the band?

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Guest web_norah

the initial question is curtain around the booth and thats exactly what Victor Calderone used to request at Crobar.

Really? All the way around him so he cant even see how the crowd is reacting? Interesting.

the curtain was pretty much all the way around so people couldnt bother him while he played, obviously this is impossible because the equiptment could get in the way. lots of DJs ask for locked doors, curtains and security while they still face the crowd.

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Guest web_norah
there was a curtain around the booth, and you could not see them at all? what say you?

"curtain around".....no dj plays so that noone can see him thats preposterous! and the curtain he's referrring to, is the same thing that Djs like Victor Calderone request when they play

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Guest swirlundergrounder

there was a curtain around the booth, and you could not see them at all? what say you?

Yes. Totally. I used to have a weekly internet radio show at www.groovetech.com for about 3 years from 10AM-12AM Pacific standard time back in Seattle. A lot of my listeners worked in Microsoft. They used to play my show over the PA system in a room at Microsoft full of about 150 programmers. On top of that about another 1500 listeners worldwide on average during that time...Another tech-dept in AOL in Virginia used to listen to my show after thier lunch time Eastern time during my show...

So if you ask if a DJ could rock the room with a curtain in front of them? Why not if you can rock a room or 2 or several, hundreds of miles away and oceans apart......

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It's actually a decent one - tech and I talk about this a lot. Whether you could throw an iPod (with MP3 mixes) in the booth, keep it dark, and get the same vibe.

It'll happen in some venues at some point to save $$$ - maybe not big ones but some.

Yeah it's a really good question. A lot of clubs around the country have booths tucked away in corners of clubs where you can't even see the DJ sometimes but they still rock the club.

You can be at Space all the way in the back with a wave of people in front of you, behind the speakers and still have a lot of fun....

If your a DJ and you know that people are there in the club.. You're gonna find someway to rock the house from behind that curtain.. As a DJ you can still listen to how the crowd is responding to what you're doing, almost feel it like the "Force" or something guiding you....

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