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Nerve article...

Guest sarahcj

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Guest obby

I didn't know Samy was so attractive.


You need to chillax. I never had the pleasure of meeting her (shame).


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Guest Cosmigonon

i like Nerve, it is small, good sound system, comfortable and no attitude type of environment, the DJs that they've booked were very good, the wmc parties they had were outstanding. unfortunately, like Pod said, music alone wasnt making them any money......and sadly enough, the place got broken into. talk about bad luck.

I loooove Nerve, the vibe it had on sunday nights was unbelievable, like a family, no attitude, no hassle, just people enjoying music, I liked it even more than Space, I always feel at home when i'm there. :'(

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Guest eKiTeL

Just read the article. (I know I'm late)

I didn't know Samy was so attractive.

she kinda reminds me of Anette Benning

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Guest coach

I didn't know Samy was so attractive.


You need to chillax. I never had the pleasure of meeting her

Go see her at the Marlin...she is cool as hell too. ;D

I never had the pleasure of meeting her at Nerve, but I did recently meet her at Marlin. She IS cool as hell, and WAY better looking even than her picture. And she rides the coolest bike.

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Guest pod

Bike bike or motorbike?

I saw this drop-dead gorgeous girl riding a Yamaha R1 today. She looked like she knew what was up, so I'm guessing it was hers. Wasn't a trashy girl either, she looked to be non-trashy...most girl sportbike enthusiasts are quite ghetto, unfortunately.

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Guest pod

Dude, I nearly fell over when I saw her. R1 has a 180 hp engine, top speed in the 190s or so, and only weighs 350 lbs. She must not have weighed more than 110 or so.

Yeah, she'll get there faster than me.

I gotta learn how to ride first for real. 8)

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Guest web_norah

Dude, I nearly fell over when I saw her. R1 has a 180 hp engine, top speed in the 190s or so, and only weighs 350 lbs. She must not have weighed more than 110 or so.

Yeah, she'll get there faster than me.

I gotta learn how to ride first for real. 8)

ride a motorcycle :o

too scarrrrrryyyyy for me :-[

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Guest coach

Bike bike or motorbike?

I saw this drop-dead gorgeous girl riding a Yamaha R1 today. She looked like she knew what was up, so I'm guessing it was hers. Wasn't a trashy girl either, she looked to be non-trashy...most girl sportbike enthusiasts are quite ghetto, unfortunately.

Bicycle. While I do love a girl on a motorcycle, I love a girl on a bicycle even more. I don't know why that is such a turn on.
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Guest pod

See it is odd, a lot of people are trying to dissuade me from purchasing motorized two-wheeled transport. I'm not gonna do crazy shit like do 190 down I-95...I just need affordable, fuel-and-time efficient transport. So I'm left with being boxed in in a car, or enjoying relative freedom on a motorcycle. I don't care for traffic or scenery. I just want to go from point A to point B as fast as possible. The ride sucks, I've seen it a million times, and it is boring. The fun is at the destination.

Don't recommend a scooter to me either. They only go 40, and you can't take them on highways. Plus too many "art fags" use them. I don't wanna be lumped in with that lot.

Oh and Coach, if you saw this girl...


It was:




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Guest coach

See it is odd, a lot of people are trying to dissuade me from purchasing motorized two-wheeled transport. I'm not gonna do crazy shit like do 190 down I-95...

Then how the hell are you going to keep up!?!?!?!?
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Guest pod

Then why the sad face? She's got a better job now, health benefits and a 401K no doubt. Hotels are good for that. Name me one club outside of Space that provides a benefits package to managment-level employees.

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Guest JustDade

Then why the sad face? She's got a better job now, health benefits and a 401K no doubt. Hotels are good for that. Name me one club outside of Space that provides a benefits package to managment-level employees.

I can....

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Guest pod

OK OK :) Well I didn't know that you guys were gonna do that.

That is a good thing though! Hopefully you'll set a trend.

Too often, nightlife people get dicked over in that area. They work just as hard, if not harder, than someone in a 9-5 job, and and they rarely get benefits. I'd think a health plan would be especially useful to a nightlife worker, since they are in an environment that isn't exactly pristine. They're dealing with loud noise, smoke, possible physical hazards, etc...

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Guest schizophrenic

hello all! sami here... thanks once again for the props...you guys make me blush...i am in a much happier place now, but i miss seeing all your friendly faces---i just could not stick it out there without my jonny cowan and my favorite boss---it was too lonely!

i've now taken over the marlin. we're starting renovation to restore the place to fabulous----wish me luck (and sleep) and please come visit me---mondays are cool & if you come before midnight, you get a 241 band for all night...i've also got some cool art showcases coming up, a great electro night the last thursday of every month, live jazz on friday aug 20th, rich medina & dj spinna on saturday the 28, etc...also if anyone has interesting event ideas (the stranger the better---i like wierd stuff) shoot me an email....

and thanks humberto for the press...now maybe i'll have some friends here, too! i was impressed with the article---i wish the pic was better...i tend to make some odd snarl in front of the camera----


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Guest r3nz0

hello all! sami here... thanks once again for the props...you guys make me blush...i am in a much happier place now, but i miss seeing all your friendly faces---i just could not stick it out there without my jonny cowan and my favorite boss---it was too lonely!

i've now taken over the marlin. we're starting renovation to restore the place to fabulous----wish me luck (and sleep) and please come visit me---mondays are cool & if you come before midnight, you get a 241 band for all night...i've also got some cool art showcases coming up, a great electro night the last thursday of every month, live jazz on friday aug 20th, rich medina & dj spinna on saturday the 28, etc...also if anyone has interesting event ideas (the stranger the better---i like wierd stuff) shoot me an email....

and thanks humberto for the press...now maybe i'll have some friends here, too! i was impressed with the article---i wish the pic was better...i tend to make some odd snarl in front of the camera----


Hi, Sami!

I'm glad it's going good for you @ the Marlin. ;D

I will visit you soon. ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Im gonna miss the "little club that could".

Yep. It was one of my favorite clubs to go to actually becuz of it's laid back atmosphere
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Guest swirlundergrounder

All you have to do is a little basic math:

Dj Fee - $10,000

Promotion - 10,000

Total (not including overhead and staff) - $20,000


Nerve's Capacity - 400 people

Cover charge - $20

Max possible door revenue - $8,000


Assume that all 400 spend $50 each at the bar - $20,000

Pre-tax bar profit - $8,000 (approx)


How was it supposed to work?

Not including anyone getting in for free. Most DJ's do not book exclusivly either through a single booking agent. So a lot of prices for DJs are also determined by the clubs capacity if the promoter inquires about that rate. Another thing that could have worked nicely for Nerve was to bring in DJ's during the week like on Wednesdays and Thursdays for a cheaper rate and less competition such as what they faced on the weekends versus the larger clubs. A lot of people who truly are die hard EDM lovers would appreciate going to see a world class DJ during an off night of the week for a cheaper cover at an intimate atmosphere such as the one Nerve has to offer..... Friday and Saturday is not the only time people go out, especially here in Miami
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hello all! sami here... thanks once again for the props...you guys make me blush...i am in a much happier place now, but i miss seeing all your friendly faces---i just could not stick it out there without my jonny cowan and my favorite boss---it was too lonely!

i've now taken over the marlin. we're starting renovation to restore the place to fabulous----wish me luck (and sleep) and please come visit me---mondays are cool & if you come before midnight, you get a 241 band for all night...i've also got some cool art showcases coming up, a great electro night the last thursday of every month, live jazz on friday aug 20th, rich medina & dj spinna on saturday the 28, etc...also if anyone has interesting event ideas (the stranger the better---i like wierd stuff) shoot me an email....

and thanks humberto for the press...now maybe i'll have some friends here, too! i was impressed with the article---i wish the pic was better...i tend to make some odd snarl in front of the camera----


I see you got my email. Smooches girl!!! ;D

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