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Did Bush lie to the American public about wmd's?

Did Bush lie about wmd's to the Americna public?  

  1. 1. Did Bush lie about wmd's to the Americna public?

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Guest bcnjunkie

well Saudis are above the law in this country, they invest big time with the Bush family and the Carlisle group...

I've said it a million times, Saudis are not to be trusted

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Guest endymion

Even absent any nefarious Saudi business connection motive, Bush lied to us to get us to attack Iraq. Even without theorizing about why he did it, he lied to us about the intelligence so that we would get behind him. You don't have to be a radical left-wing Michael Moore fan to realize that Bush has been lying to you.

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Guest web_norah

absolutely! i dont think Michael Moore is a saint or a truth-holding man.....his film, however, sparked a lot of talk about issues that were never discussed, spun around, overlooked -however you want to call it...........

and the fact is, before the war and before all this, i didnt agree with the war or its motives.....and as a US citizen i feel Bush misconstrued and lied to the general public.....

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Guest endymion

blair and his goverment came out a month ago and said the african story is legit...

but' you won't post that.. hmmm

I'm not posting that because I just took a couple of minutes off to go digging to find out what the hell you're talking about and found nothing. Nothing at BBC News, nothing at Fox News, news.google.com produces nothing.

I did find this recent MSNBC article about how even now there is a lot of controversy about the Nigerian uranium. It points out that Blair can easily argue that he made an honest mistake, but the primary documents that supported the Nigerian connection were known to be forgeries long before Bush gave his state of the union address. US officials are known to have obtained the known forgeries in October of 2002, three months before the address.

On the day of the state of the union address, Bush knew that British intelligence had reversed its position on there being proof of the Nigerian connection. Bush was possibly convinced that there was a Nigerian connection but he knew that British intelligence and Blair were no longer backing it as a certainty. He also knew that officials in both the State Department and the CIA were advising that the documents were fakes. He also knew that the International Atomic Energy Agency had conducted its own investigation and concluded that none of the evidence of any attempted acquisition checked out.

Knowing all of that he told us during the state of the union address on January 28, 2003:

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Lie lie lie. A false statement then and a false statement to this date.

Not a "mistake" unless perhaps, what, he's just a complete idiot and he didn't have the attention span to read any of those reports? Either way, you would elect that man again knowing that the only two options are that either he willfully lied or the dog ate his homework and he just didn't realize that he was making such a grossly false statement? In the scenario that you're suggesting where he just napped through three months of intense controversy he comes out looking like the guy in Dude, Where's My Car.

Ah shit, I have never even read Dude, Where's My Country? but maybe you're right about me coming to some of the same conclusions as Michael Moore.

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Guest JMT

well Saudis are above the law in this country, they invest big time with the Bush family and the Carlisle group...

bc michael moore said so

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Guest endymion

bc michael moore said so

Establishing that Michael Moore is a wacko conspiracy nut doesn't affect Bush's culpability for the lying.

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Guest JMT

bc michael moore said so

Establishing that Michael Moore is a wacko conspiracy nut doesn't affect Bush's culpability for the lying.

we arent in disagreement on that. but his movie conpiracies should not be used as fact, especially since hes already been busted for altering at least one document in the movie and lied about the saudi exit flights.

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Guest endymion


All of my ranting before Sunday afternoon was before even seeing it. I don't know where Saleen gets the idea that he's my hero. I have also not seen the Columbine movie or read any of his books. I would like to, I'm just a busy guy. I finally saw the Bill Maher show tonight and I agree with Moore that it's a mistake every time somebody hands him an open mike.

All of the talk about Moore is completely peripheral. Michael Moore has nothing to do with George Bush lying. He's just one of the guys trying to point it out.

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Guest web_norah

and we have a winner! 8)

i couldnt have said it better...........

re- Tech's last point about Michael Moore

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Guest bcnjunkie

well Saudis are above the law in this country, they invest big time with the Bush family and the Carlisle group...

bc michael moore said so

::) Much like salteen small mind, he doesnt realize that Moore doesn't have true fans on this board ::)

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Guest endymion

I think that Moore seems pretty bright mostly because he and I keep coming to the same conclusions independently. I think that he's kind of funny too, I really enjoyed F9/11. Except for it pissing me off I mean.

The biggest reason why I think that Moore is funny is because he's such an amazing goon. He's the nerdy liberal from your college dorm floor who hung out watching science fiction movies every day instead of going to class.

Even Bush fans have to admit is was pretty funny when he and Bill Maher got down on their knees and literally begged Ralph Nader not to run.

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Guest lyrik

He's the nerdy liberal from your college dorm floor who hung out watching science fiction movies every day instead of going to class.

Ya I remember that guy...we use to pull his underwear over his head everyday....you see how karma is a beotch!

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Guest JMT

well Saudis are above the law in this country, they invest big time with the Bush family and the Carlisle group...

bc michael moore said so

::) Much like salteen small mind, he doesnt realize that Moore doesn't have true fans on this board ::)

you truly are a clueless idiot.

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Guest bcnjunkie

well Saudis are above the law in this country, they invest big time with the Bush family and the Carlisle group...

bc michael moore said so

::) Much like salteen small mind, he doesnt realize that Moore doesn't have true fans on this board ::)

you truly are a clueless idiot.

another intelligent remark !, sad !

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Guest web_norah

let's hug all the Saudis, they are very good to this country! they even give nice gifts to the Bush family!

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Guest lyrik

let's hug all the Saudis, they are very good to this country! they even give nice gifts to the Bush family!

I hug at least one Arabic person a day - no lie!

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Guest endymion

I notice that through all of these random personal insults, nobody is making any effort to provide any sort of reasoning that would help to establish that Bush did anything other than lie to us.

So do Bush fans realize that he was lying to us but they support him anyway for some reason?

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Guest JMT

intelligent, well-versed and unique... ::)

coming from a Tiesto picture even!

bcn no longer warrants the value of the few seconds of my time it would take to post anything rational toward him.

and id put my intelligence up against yours anytime grumpy.

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Guest web_norah

I notice that through all of these random personal insults, nobody is making any effort to provide any sort of reasoning that would help to establish that Bush did anything other than lie to us.

So do Bush fans realize that he was lying to us but they support him anyway for some reason?

uhm, i provided some examples and mentioned that blaming Saddam and linking to Al Queda along with the tired WMD argument are proof that he mislead the public...isnt that enough?

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Guest lyrik

You people actually think if someone other than Bush gets elected the lies and deception will stop? Like this is a new thing...its called politics and its been happening for much longer than just the last 4 years. What Kerry is honest John now...come on...let kerry get elected....then when the lies and deception continue on to the next administration I'll be laughing my ass off...BECAUSE....its inevitable...lets be real here. Just because a different political party is in office it doesn't mean shit....didn't Clinton lie...and Bush...and Regan..etc etc etc. Bring on politics as usual...and wake up its NEVER going to stop.

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Guest web_norah

sorry Lyrik but the question isnt about someone else or whether they do or dont lie.....................of course other presidents lie -thats what politics is about in some way....but...........

Tech and i have been saying this all along - this thread is a question about the current president and the deceit of the war in Iraq...thats ALL...

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Guest bcnjunkie

You people actually think if someone other than Bush gets elected the lies and deception will stop? Like this is a new thing...its called politics and its been happening for much longer than just the last 4 years. What Kerry is honest John now...come on...let kerry get elected....then when the lies and deception continue on to the next administration I'll be laughing my ass off...BECAUSE....its inevitable...lets be real here. Just because a different political party is in office it doesn't mean shit....didn't Clinton lie...and Bush...and Regan..etc etc etc. Bring on politics as usual...and wake up its NEVER going to stop.

no one is arguing the fact that politicians lie or don't lie, the question is did the president lie to persuade us to support to war

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