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What's your political party?

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest pod

I'd say I'm most aligned with the libertarians.

I tend to think of the Bill of Rights as inviolate and set in stone.

It sucks that the government seeks to clamp down on our freedoms. They're whittling away at freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms especially. They want a silent, unarmed populace. The people in charge fear nothing more than vocal citizens with the firepower to back it up. I'm not suggesting that everyone has an UZI, but the firearms laws in this country are atrocious to anyone who has read and believes in the Constitution. Go out and take a firearms training/safety course today before it is too late.

Am I crazy? Most likely. I see the government as a bunch of money grubbing, oppressive, and fascist bandits, seeking only to make things better for themselves, at the expense of the people who put them in their positions. Do I think a civil solution to the problem is possible? A part of me does. Another part of me thinks that it will take nothing short of an insurrection to re-establish the fundamental rights of Americans.

There's this crazy text by some guy claiming to be a time traveller from the year 2036 ( http://www.johntitor.com/ ), that outlines the supposed eventual dissolution and civil war that grips America from the year 2005 until the year 2015. While I don't believe the whole time travel farce, I believe that the text was written in the point of an entertaining story to get people to see what is going wrong in this country. The basic concepts of the erosion of civil rights and so forth are outlined in this guy's posts. The scary thing he posts about in the form of fiction is that the country doesn't realize it is in a state of civil war until 2008 or so, since the 'buildup' is so gradual. Again, I'm not saying that I believe the time travel farce, I just see it as an interesting way of presenting a warning to the people. Think about it, kids are educated best in the form of entertainment.

But basically, I think the current crop of political parties suck, and that a total overhaul of government is needed from the ground up.

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Guest endymion

Independent. I would probably vote for libertarian candidates if I thought that any of them anywhere had any qualifications or any chance in hell of winning.

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Guest pod

so, pod belongs to the "don't tread on me" party?

Quite right. Though I would update it for today's historically challenged population to the "Don't fuck with me" party.

Our symbol would be a snake through a tire.

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Guest pod

I'm opposed to starting unnecessary wars too. I'm not Republican either. I'm the extremist that your parents warned you about. ;D

I would like nothing more to have the government stop fucking around with our rights, and let the rest of the world go hang and solve their own problems. Nothing would please me more to wake up one day and read CNN.com and see the following headlines.

- Supreme Court rules in favour of Howard Stern. Justice Rehnquist states "If you do not like what you hear, change the channel"

- Arabs and Israelis finally have it out. Zero American deaths due to pullout from area in late 2004. Local radioactivity levels expected to drop to safe levels by 2100.

- Drug use legalized. Justice O'Connor says. "Fuck up your own life, it's your problem...don't expect the National Health Insurance to pay for it."

- Scientists at the University of Miami find cure for most common forms of cancer, through use of stem cell research, and cloned test organs.

- Fidel Castro dies. El Exilio actually live up to their speeches and move back to Cuba.

- Opposing party tries to impeach President Pod on charges of sexual miscondct. Measure fails when party realizes people really don't care, and that the Presidential concubines are quite hot and fun to look at during official speeches.

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Guest endymion

See Dan, the problem is that extremist ideas don't work. The simplistic Wolfowitz neoconservative good-versus-evil paradigm didn't work and letting junkies have easy access to smack isn't going to work either. Same reason in both cases: because somebody does eventually have to pay for it.

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Guest pod

Sad but true. There will be always abusers to any system. My government lets people do drugs, the costs of health insurance go up, as well as related things like violent crime by gun-toting psychopaths, since it is easy to get a firearm.

I guess you cannot have it both ways. I would love to believe everyone is relatively responsible, but unfortunately they are not, and the cost of hitting the plateau where everyone is "tired of doing drugs and killing people while on drugs", is just too high for the public to stomach.

That is the initial argument some pro-drug advocates present...that people will binge for a bit, and then get tired of it.

I'm sure it would go over well on TV where I say "Oh, shut the hell up, they'll just get tired of it sooner or later and in the end we'll be all fine"...or..."well, it is Darwinism in action, only the stupid people are getting fucked up and picking up their UZIs and going out for a little of the ultra-violence"

In the end though, I do deride any government involvement in my personal affairs. Sadly, too many people are too willing to let the feds in, in the name of national security, "the children", or various other excuses.

Maybe it really is time to make Miami into a "special administrative region" like I've speculated about in other threads. Seriously....imagine if you wanted to get fucked up all you wanted, you could come to Miami, where the cops don't care what you do to yourself....do to yourself being the key word.

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Guest pod

Umm on occasion, the cops here do get uppity and bust people for victimless crimes like drug use and possession. My ultimate Miami would do away with drug laws, sex laws (i.e. if you wanna go get a hooker, be my guest!), laws regarding when establishments can close, etc. ;D

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Guest guyman1966

I most often vote Republican. That is the party listed on my card. However, I do cross lines and vote for a Democrat when I feel he/she is the better candidate.

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was WW2 in europe "necessary"??

lets face it, those nazis would never be able to concur europe then come across the atlantic. We were not untouchable, they did get a few of our ships in the gulf, but they certainly were not a threat to us.

Was the gulf 91 necessary?



my point is, you must define "unnecessary"

If you talk to the solidiers over in Iraq, a common theme will emerge, they will tell you they want to end the conflict with Sadam, so their kids in 15 years won't have to.

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Guest web_norah

was WW2 in europe "necessary"??

lets face it, those nazis would never be able to concur europe then come across the atlantic. We were not untouchable, they did get a few of our ships in the gulf, but they certainly were not a threat to us.

Was the gulf 91 necessary?



my point is, you must define "unnecessary"

If you talk to the solidiers over in Iraq, a common theme will emerge, they will tell you they want to end the conflict with Sadam, so their kids in 15 years won't have to.

i thought Sadam was in jail ???

and the reason we invaded was WMD ... ???

Al-Queda ???

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was WW2 in europe "necessary"??

lets face it, those nazis would never be able to concur europe then come across the atlantic. We were not untouchable, they did get a few of our ships in the gulf, but they certainly were not a threat to us.

Not to thread jack but if we would not have stepped in, Germany was days away from invading England, who was very weak, and would have taken control of Europe. Once Germany has the shipping lanes to Europe controled, if Japan wouldn't have fucked up and attacked us so early, we would all have been speaking german my friend. This was due to our views here in the states of "It's not our war lets not help" view. Yet Pearl gets hit and all of a sudden "It's on". I'm sure the military got a lot of crap of how we weren't doing our job, kind of like 9-11. Let's not fight terrorism yet when it happens, where was our protection?

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