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If you're a dying cancer patient....

Guest miamimonk

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Guest endymion

I had never heard of this application of the stuff. Found this LA Weekly article on it.

Not much help for somebody who has a wicked fear of death but not a terminal illness. Unless you just happen to be prepared at the right time.

If I close my post on my own message forum by joking that the moral of the story is to always carry some shrooms on you then I'm violating the RAVE Act. Don't do drugs, kids.

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Guest miamimonk

If you have ever tripped you know how paranoid you get at times, your brains goes through a thousand thoughts a second, now if your about to die I cannot see how tripping would help at all. This would be the LAST drug I would ever want to do before I die. I could definetly see the use of ecstasy for near death patients, but the idea of tripping is absolutely ridiculous.

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Guest endymion

That's exactly what I was thinking. When you're tripping out you can comfort yourself by realizing at least intellectually that the impending doom thing isn't real. I can't imagine sitting there and realizing that it is real. That's why I think this is so interesting.

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Guest miamimonk

Its obvious these doctors have never done mushrooms, or the chemical within it or they would realize this is insane. My guess is that they are looking at drugs that heavily effect serotogenic activity, like ecstasy does, but what the yprobably don't realize, or want to prove, is that just because the same neurotransmitter is affected doesn't mean it acts anywhere near the same. Just my guess.

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Guest Cosmigonon

people who are scarced of dying don't have faith. If ya did, you'd realize you are going to a better place.

What you don't know is that you're going to hell, for you have fornicated many times...

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Guest endymion

I'm afraid of dying because I have witnessed a lot of really shitty deaths and it sensitized me instead of desensitizing me. What happens after doesn't worry me nearly as much as what happens during.

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Guest JMT

people who are scarced of dying don't have faith. If ya did, you'd realize you are going to a better place.

and you will certainly be there (wherever it is) a hell of a lot longer than youre going to be here, so just accept it.

im more worried about a really painful, hideous death.

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I happen to have a wicked phobia about dying. This is pretty interesting, thanks.

so do I, I never knew this about you. I've had this since as far back as I can remember...I used to get panic attacks and an incredibly empty, hollow, terrified feeling when I pondered the subject.

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Guest LeVeL

if it happens, it happens, death is a natural occurence !

I am not afraid of death......if it happens it happens. I actually would like to die young forget dieing old. I have beat death a couple of times already in my life, so if it happens them its means that the grimreaper been looking for me but till now he has found me.

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Guest miamimonk

I really don't think there is much to be afraid of in the actual death process. People who are killed instantly feel no pain, and people who have had Near Death Experiences all say they felt no pain before they were shown a bunch of things. Take for instance survivors of Bear and Lion maulings, most all say they felt nothing as they were being mauled, they just felt like they were being tossed around. Check out Neardeath.com , some of those people stories really make you wonder.

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Guest bcnjunkie

It's not death itself that scares me....it's my ability to reason it which causes the fear- The mind can conceptualize how much it would suck to not "be" with what we are now...

huh ?

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