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techno on the rise

Guest bcnjunkie

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Guest bcnjunkie

I'm hearing a lot of techno in a lot of the new productions recently. A lot of dj's dropping techno influenced tracks and electro. (especially the big names, it's almost a flash back of the late 80's early 90's)... anybody elese notice (salteen need not reply, need educated opinions only)

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I'm hearing a lot of techno in a lot of the new productions recently. A lot of dj's dropping techno influenced tracks and electro. (especially the big names, it's almost a flash back of the late 80's early 90's)... anybody elese notice (salteen need not reply, need educated opinions only)

I hear about it more out of FL but it is starting to rise hear as well. I know they love the stuff in Toranto.

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Guest pod

There's certainly a techno influence to other genres. It is much needed, since pure techno maybe has 20 fans here in Miami.

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Guest bcnjunkie

Toronto, London, Barcelona, Sevilla, Amsterdam, Paris, New York, Chicago, Buenos Aires, Milan, Tokyo, all cities that now have techno nights on a regular basis

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Guest bcnjunkie

There's certainly a techno influence to other genres. It is much needed, since pure techno maybe has 20 fans here in Miami.

21 ;)

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Guest bcnjunkie

Toronto, London, Barcelona, Sevilla, Amsterdam, Paris, New York, Chicago, Buenos Aires, Milan, Tokyo, all cities that now have techno nights on a regular basis

what are you, a citizen of the world ! , or something??? ;)


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Guest pod

In those cities you see some crowd interaction to it thank god. Every techno event I've been to in Miami outside of WMC has maybe 3 people into it, and 17 bobbleheads surrounding the booth.

House is my favorite through and through, but a little diversity never hurt anyone.

The trick is as always is in the marketing of the event. I've found a lot of techno events around here take themselves way too seriously and scare off a lot of people by promoting themselves as "underground" or other terms along the lines of "we're too cool for the rest of y'all".

What is needed (not just in techno, but in the scene as a whole) is more of a sense of throwing a party to have a great time, and not just for trainspotting and DJ critiquing. Yeah I hang around the DJ a lot, but that is part of my job description. Plus I wander out and fraternize with the ladies too.

I've taken "less-informed" people to parties like this sometimes, and the reaction is "the music is fine, but the crowd sucks! They seem way too serious..."

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Guest eKiTeL

a lot of techno is just too damn serious, and a lot of guys like it just because it's hard, and they need to express their testosterone, so sometimes it's hard to get women to go to techno parties, and everybody knows parties without women suck! whether you hook up or not, just having them there improves the vibe like 1500%!!!!!

so with that said please check out my new Sexy, Sophisticated, Soulful, Spiritual Techno mix http://thcmiami.com/public/8.17.mp3

(the name is a joke, the music is not)

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Guest trancelator

In those cities you see some crowd interaction to it thank god. Every techno event I've been to in Miami outside of WMC has maybe 3 people into it, and 17 bobbleheads surrounding the booth.

House is my favorite through and through, but a little diversity never hurt anyone.

The trick is as always is in the marketing of the event. I've found a lot of techno events around here take themselves way too seriously and scare off a lot of people by promoting themselves as "underground" or other terms along the lines of "we're too cool for the rest of y'all".

What is needed (not just in techno, but in the scene as a whole) is more of a sense of throwing a party to have a great time, and not just for trainspotting and DJ critiquing. Yeah I hang around the DJ a lot, but that is part of my job description. Plus I wander out and fraternize with the ladies too.

I've taken "less-informed" people to parties like this sometimes, and the reaction is "the music is fine, but the crowd sucks! They seem way too serious..."

I totally agree. I have "less informed" friends who feel like clubbers are too into the music and that they can't talk to anybody when they're not dancing. I've heard similar things from others about their friends so I'm not the only one. Dance music is supposedly friendly and uplifting. To me the more people that enjoy the party, the better.

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Guest bcnjunkie

valid points all around. I'm neither bashing it or praising it. I'm not saying that we need a techno night (althought it would be nice). My favorite is house. What I'm saying is I'm noticing a lot more techno influence even in House productions. I hear DJ's dropping more techno oriented tracks and world-wide (that's why I listed all those cities) I'm seeing a rise in techno interest. POD is 100% right, crowds sometimes need to lighten up and have fun, the party isn't a party without having fun ....

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Guest eKiTeL

yeah Cue dropped a very Techno-ish track at Blue on Wed. and the crowd went nuts, he called it a Techno track, but it wasn't, it was definitely house, the beat was all house, though the screaming synths were very Techno, definitely a strong Techno influence and the crowd loved it, keep it coming!

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Guest pod

I've been to a few parties in the past few weeks and I've hauled ass since I've been bored out of my mind, despite the fact that the music was decent. The reason I left was that the crowd sucked. Numerically and in enthusiasm. Either that or they were too cool to express their love of their music.

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Guest eKiTeL

valid points all around. I'm neither bashing it or praising it. I'm not saying that we need a techno night (althought it would be nice). My favorite is house. What I'm saying is I'm noticing a lot more techno influence even in House productions. I hear DJ's dropping more techno oriented tracks and world-wide (that's why I listed all those cities) I'm seeing a rise in techno interest. POD is 100% right, crowds sometimes need to lighten up and have fun, the party isn't a party without having fun ....

yeah a Techno night would be nice, anybody remember Privilege? too bad they suffer from this kind of distorted vision that makes it impossible for them to work with any local Techno dj's

but check out Andrew Thomas's TechnoPuta parties at Studio 57, I'm sure info for the next one will be posted here soon

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Guest mikepayne

I have noticed a lot of harder ruffer sounds, more high hats and definitely a lot of new electro house coming out. Looks like the new buzz. We'll see how long it lasts.

Keep it comin'. That electro stuff is the shit. I wanna hear more moog. ;D

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Guest stryke303

i love message boards...i really do. i love the fact that we're talking about techno like it's a brand new genre to hit the streets.... "let's see how long it lasts." LOL! i love you guys, i really do...

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Guest bcnjunkie

valid points all around. I'm neither bashing it or praising it. I'm not saying that we need a techno night (althought it would be nice). My favorite is house. What I'm saying is I'm noticing a lot more techno influence even in House productions. I hear DJ's dropping more techno oriented tracks and world-wide (that's why I listed all those cities) I'm seeing a rise in techno interest. POD is 100% right, crowds sometimes need to lighten up and have fun, the party isn't a party without having fun ....

yeah a Techno night would be nice, anybody remember Privilege? too bad they suffer from this kind of distorted vision that makes it impossible for them to work with any local Techno dj's

but check out Andrew Thomas's TechnoPuta parties at Studio 57, I'm sure info for the next one will be posted here soon

I was there (technoputa), crowd not much fun... Privilege, more people in the salsa room, little ambiance. Donald Glaude however did a grat techno set in Crobar and crowd was great ... a real fun party

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Guest AlanS


Keep it coming, been diggin techno for years...and will still be digging it for years to come. Everything goes in cycles though, progressive will be "in" again too, just wait.

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Guest bcnjunkie

i love message boards...i really do. i love the fact that we're talking about techno like it's a brand new genre to hit the streets.... "let's see how long it lasts." LOL! i love you guys, i really do...

I personally like the comeback, I still have my james brown is dead on vynil ;D (then again only vynil was available back then).Lords of Acid had some techno tunes too !

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Guest durrtylexx

it only makes sense...Techno will be huge in a year or so here in Miami...Like I've said before the people in Miami don't know shit, when it comes to music..Once Nocturnal opens up and Stryke becomes Miami's favorite. People will become Techo fans..The hard core sound will drive people mad..People want to go out, get high and go mad..It happened to Trance, once Edgar V stopped DJ'ing at Space and then Bellini started spinning everyone became House fans..People don't follow scenes down here they only care about looking cool and going to the cool places..The only music genre that will survive in Miami will be rap lol...

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Guest eKiTeL
;825094] I was there (technoputa), crowd not much fun... Privilege, more people in the salsa room, little ambiance. Donald Glaude however did a grat techno set in Crobar and crowd was great ... a real fun party

there needs to fun Techno played in order to make a fun Techno party, the next TP party should be much better ;)

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Guest durrtylexx

Messageboard flunkies have been saying "next year" for techno for the past 5 years now.

I'm not a big Techno fan, I hate the boom boom boom boom,.If you listen to Oscar and other DJ's they are putting more and more techno in their mixes..Miami's kids don't care about the music, they are told what to like...

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