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Would you attend an opera?

Guest endymion

Would you attend an opera?  

  1. 1. Would you attend an opera?

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Guest endymion

I have a friend who has the unenviable task of bringing more young people to see the opera. I'm curious to see what peoples' initial reactions here are. Do you see yourself attending an opera to check it out if you never have before?

I'm very interested in the people who say "no". If you wouldn't go then why? Don't feel bad answering, we really want to know.

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Guest macboy

I grew up on it, so I'd have to say yes. ;D

I always try to drag people with me who have never gone before. My suggestion is to always bring them to a somewhat more upbeat, or comical opera if it's their first. My choice for the virgins: Mozart's Le Nozze de Figaro. Brilliant!!!!!

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Guest mikepayne

No, too boring.

Call me an uncultured bastard, but I've never been to the opera, and if it's anything like you see in the movies (The Godfather, Pretty Woman, etc) then I don't think I'm missing a damn thing.

I don't like musicals (most of them anyway, there is the rare exception to the rule), love stories, high pitched shrieking, or movies in other languages (and at least with movies we get the frickin' subtitles). Why would I go to something which is the epitome of all three?

If you hear of any operas in English with a nice funky bassline and some explosions and nudity, be sure to post about it, though.

Edit: 21 year old male demographic here, which I agree, getting us to come to the opera is a very unenviable task.

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Guest endymion

Thanks so much guys! The idea wheels are starting to turn now. I'm trying to figure out how to set up some kind of promotion that would hit the nightlife crowd and leave some of them with an urge to attend an opera.

Bringing promotional opera singers to a nightclub event just doesn't seem like something that would work at all.

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Guest mikepayne

Bringing promotional opera singers to a nightclub event just doesn't seem like something that would work at all.

Depending on how intrusive they were (ie. if I could hear opera singing over the music and/or in more than one small area), I might even leave the club and go somewhere else. Realistically, I'd be just as pissed (and you should expect the other people in the club to be just as pissed) as opera-goers would be if you had Oscar G come in and drop Dark Beat during the Pirates of Penzance.

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Guest endymion

If you hear of any operas in English with a nice funky bassline and some explosions and nudity, be sure to post about it, though.

This is hilarious but you totally have a point. It seems inaccessible to a lot of people. Like the same reason why a lot of people just won't go to a drum & bass show.

This is going to be really rough since the goal is to promote the season starting in November that's already set up. No options for scheduling 'starter' operas for newbies.

The only thing that I have been able to think of has been incentives, but as a non-profit they don't have huge piles of cash to spend on incentives like our dance music sponsors do. Tough problem here.

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Guest endymion

I wasn't sure if the sticking point would be the price or just people not expecting to enjoy it. Either of those problems could have a cure if I just knew which were the bigger problem.

Thanks for the pointer to the ticket giveaway, Macboy. A corporate sponsorship for a promotional giveaway is a great idea. They have obviously already thought of that since that's the opera that I'm talking about, so maybe a sponsored giveaway to nightclub crowds could work.

Maybe a CD sampler giveaway with a coupon for discounted tickets? They wouldn't have too much trouble giving those away right?

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Guest endymion

I think that the original idea was to try to set up sort of a social thing, like a networker for the nightclub/opera overlap crowd that could end up exposing new people to the concept. I can't imagine what the draw would be for an event like that.

If there were a regular happy hour or something for people who were into both opera and dance music then it seems like it would be kind of a cool thing to check out looking for dates. Well rounded, cultured people who know how to have fun? Good crowd for hunting. Plus you have an easy first date opportunity, "Hey, want to go to an opera with me? Or maybe Space?" Problem is how many people are there in Miami who are already into both opera and dance music? Not enormous masses, I would expect.

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Opera is hard to mix with damce music but theatre and rock go hand in hand nowadays, take the musical Rent of examople and that was actually just a modern versions of La Boehme (or however you spell it).

dammit if C doesnt make me all hot and bothered when she posts all edumacated :-*

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Guest endymion

Opera is hard to mix with damce music but theatre and rock go hand in hand nowadays, take the musical Rent of examople and that was actually just a modern versions of La Boehme (or however you spell it).

Rent is more about rock than dance music, but yeah Carisa I think musical theater is definitely more accessible than opera to dance people.

Uhh, Starlight Express? That was kind of dance music. Mama Mia was disco at least.

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Guest bcnjunkie

A bit of culture is always good, plus if you see a good production it's not just singing, there's movement and changing of stage props (different moods) and what not.... Carmen is always a good introduction to the opera, it's upbeat, sexual and tragic with beautiful scenery and costumes... Uncultured people are a bit like salteen, vulgar and not presentable, you wouldn't want to be associated with that !

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Guest endymion

Aw jeese, and BCN, you and Saleen even both said yeah you would consider opera. No peace in this world, jeesh. Shalom and love...

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