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My thoughts on the aftermath of Francis.....


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The importance of family and friends in times of need, is best exemplified by this quote:


When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advise, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares. "

Henri Nouwen quotes

Sitting inside one's home listening to the howling winds....... one comes to realize their mortality. AT a moment's notice, our entire world can be turned upside down by the wrath and beauty of mother nature.

Living through Andrew as I know a great many of you did as well, realize the seriousness of Frances and its effect on our neighbors to the North. When Andrew hit I was only 14 and i can still vividly remember looking outside the bedroom window in kendall and seeing a huge tree uprooted and fly into the window of the bldg nearby........... Mother nature cannot be stopped all we can do is prepare and pray for the best

The past three days the ever meandering Frances has impacted on the fl coast and caused extensive damage up and down the eastern seaboard. My prayers go out to everyone in Palm Beach, and North close to the eye wall. There is nothing quite like being in a hurricane. An event that you will not forget for the rest of your life.

What one will also not forget is the importance of community and family that helps one get through such moments.

Indeed, neighbors helping neighbors.....whether it be neighbors assisting each other to put up hurricane shutters, share food supplies, etc. it truly shows the beauty of this city.

Our beaches will be cleaned up, our homes rebuilt......thanks in large part to our local, state and federal governments.

But most importantly, in those times when one is huddling in the dark, hearing the howling winds,,,,,, pelting rains against the windows.......etc one realizes the most important thing one has is family and friends...... those that not only share in your happiness in life but also in the worst of times .....

I find it ironic though how Hurricane Frances (clearly a horrible time in the lives of all Florida residents), also is a wonderful time in many ways. It brings us closer together and shows us how tighthly knit our community can become in times of need

God Bless everyone and stay safe during the remainder of the 2004 Hurricane season....(Go away HURRICANE IVAN)


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Guest trancepriest

Hey bling thats a good one. I was also reflecting on how technology and busy lifestyles really can numb a family/community. My neighborhood is still without power... and its good to see people outside in the evenings and sharing/talking.

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Guest pod

Thank god I have power. If I had to talk to my neighbors, the language would be Glock-inese. Ingrates, all of them. Except the people in my building, they're cool. The people in the next building are scumbags though.

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