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Space with cedric review...

V. Barbarino

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I give credit where credit is due..

Cedric rocked the place. Very very very good track selection , nice mixing and over all comprehension of what a dj should do.. He even stopped the music, play a few tracks that blew my mind..

gotta belive with get down was dope, I even heard an alan t sample..

but the best was either rivera or moon blow the speakers, I honestly can't figure out which track it was, but dammmmmmmmmmmm track went off. old school...

i'll certainly be back to see him... he's a great dj, no doubt, has a little nyc flare to him, however i must point out, he's no morrilo...

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Its 7 am and I had orginally thought i would leave after rocky's set. Boy was I wrong...All the djs tonite delievered big time. What an incredible 8 hrs at Space for yours truly.

I arrived around 11 or so and Michael Louis was warming up the lounge area very nicely. All the junkies were in da house. Shannon, Nick, techjunkie, sara, Dan......etc........ The second I walked in the beautiful Red Stripe models handed me those blinking lights and a smirnoff ice..... NICE......

Rocky's set was supposed to start at 11-1 but instead it began at 1140 or so and went till 1. In the lounge i ran into Andrew who was my partner in crime for the evening along with Lulamichka and DJ Onyx(thanks for your promo cd)

Rocky Castro's set.

Those of you who missed it..... SHAME ON YOU. easily my fav rocky set ever.

Funky house with some electro thrown in. simply amazing. You could feel the main room pulsating with energy as the packed house jumped in unision to the incredible funkiness rocky brought the main room. A sound that in my opinion, needs to be heard more in that main room at space. Everyone around me was saying......"DAmn that guy is awesome."

Vocals galore, great tunes.... it was almost patioesque at times.... Awesome stuff. You exceeded my expectations rocky.. Your mixing was excellent and your track selection as always... great.....

The sirens were blaring, Roly was jumping in the booth...... HE was on......... ROCKY..OMFG I DIED.........!!!!!!

Thanks to Michelle for helping id tracks and being my dancing buddy for the nite :) .....

In the main room I bumped into a a few junkies including...... Zero, Diego, and Diaga. Also there was David Orth filming for No Cover.

Cedric Gervais' set.

I was goin to leave after rocky's set as I was exhausted from the previous nite but right from the first track Cedric Gervais dropped some sick stuff. It was so unlike his tag team set with Oscar a few weeks back which got monotnonus after a while. He had great track selection with lots of vocals. He rocked that main room. I will give the man my dues. He held that main room with an Iron grip tonite...... He had so many great tracks its impossible to name em all.

Got to go in the booth for a bit and see Cedric in action. In the booth bumped into Eddy Guerra, Biz and some really hot women... I am guessing the Gervaittes (sp?) Also bumped into Saleen outside the booth hanging with Pod.

Around 4 am i got a text message and was shocked to see it read "I AM AT SPACE" (SENDER-ARTUROB) OMFG I DIED!!!!! he came with Edgar after his gig at Moscow along with Sami and others.

Around this time I was getting really tired but I said to myself:"Just one more hour and i can hear a roly patio set"

Roland's Patio Set

Vintage Roland..... Latin tracks.... lots of vocals.... just delicious stuff.

In the patio Bumped into Cosminigon who had just arrived. Sorry roly for only staying for an hr of your set. I def have to come for afterhours only one of these weeks. Thanks for letting me chill with u in the booth on the patio :)

I had an absoloute blast tonite. All the djs were rockin it hard.. Great hanging with everyone tonite, you all made my nite that much better.

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Guest ramon

how was oscar?

glad to hear that rocky didn't disappoint .. im sure he wouldnt. :)

im sure a classic or two made an appearance.

*waits for michelle to wake up and post his whole set* ;)

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Guest lulamishka

*waits for michelle to wake up and post his whole set* ;)

Man, I can't even remember what I heard last night! All I know is that I had a grrrrreeeat time and my feet hurt. 8)

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*waits for michelle to wake up and post his whole set* ;)

Man, I can't even remember what I heard last night! All I know is that I had a grrrrreeeat time and my feet hurt. 8)

i dont think i said bye to u michelle.. i feel so bad :'(

def a great time last nite......

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Guest arturob

*waits for michelle to wake up and post his whole set* ;)

heh. you danced quite a lot !

x artù

Man, I can't even remember what I heard last night! All I know is that I had a grrrrreeeat time and my feet hurt. 8)

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as for rockys set, he has a long way to go. Not bad, but too up and down and no flow to the set. Mixing was abrasive and quick, no fading in and out. Then he really pissed me off, he played what the fuck, but played some progressive version, that track only needs the good mix, which I think moby did.. I can't remember, I have to look, but everyone knows the mix i'm talking about.

He then played some weird stuff, basically noise.

someone last night played women beat their men, but some lame progressive re edit... why would anyone mess with that track? play the good mix please!!!

Well at least Rocky played better edgar v at moscow, man that was really bad. I can't figure out why by midnight he was banging it out so fing hard. awful...

For those who were there, cedric dropped the rivera or moon blow the speakers at 3:32am, place went the fuck off. he mixed out of it so perfect, i was impressed. lights were right on, very nice stuff indeed.

sound system was tight early on, then once pushed the mids sound like a alarm clock. The vip early on was bad, then got good once they cranked it. too weird. LP give up on this Spazon crap, because it is just that, CRAP!! Suck it up and buy the fucktion. I know I know, you can't since you won't look like an inovator bla bla bla.. Call Dade and have dades guy come over and hook you up with the good stuff. your fell of the back of the truck sound system now sucks ass.

lights were actually pretty good, but i must say, when he stopped the music, it made my night. sounds like no big deal, but to me it is. it's old school and shows the jock has confidence in his set and track selection.

they need to screen the crowd better. the jeans and t shirt miami immigrant look is kids stuff..

now that i know cedric can play, i'm gonna have to get some request in next time. ALL CLASSICS ;D

oh one last thing, cedric you came close to dropping some tribal house last night, this is my only warning, any tribal will get you an automatic bad review. we've moved on as a dance community from tribal. it's not 2002 any more... Remember in my house, there is only house music...

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Well at least Rocky played better edgar v at moscow, man that was really bad. I can't figure out why by midnight he was banging it out so fing hard. awful...

You are such a pussy...when you left Edgar was still dropping the 93.1 cheese they make him play while on the air. Grow some balls old man. :P

Just because you dont like the style doesnt mean it sucked.

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last night was good....good seeing bling, pod and biz..good to meet you again Andrew....i thought rocky did really good (good bumping into you for a sec too).....cedric was playing pretty good....some really great tracks....from there on it was on to the patio to catch roland....great stuff...loved that track that he played from oakenfolds tranceport...(forgot the name)..always great hearing him....cant wait for him at voodoo this friday...anyways...had to leave way earlier than usual bc some of the peeps needed a ride back :-\

john....your cut off...no more obscene amounts of drinking and then going to space...lol... ;)

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Guest ramon

last night was good....good seeing bling, pod and biz..good to meet you again Andrew....i thought rocky did really good (good bumping into you for a sec too).....cedric was playing pretty good....some really great tracks....from there on it was on to the patio to catch roland....great stuff...loved that track that he played from oakenfolds tranceport...(forgot the name)..always great hearing him....cant wait for him at voodoo this friday...anyways...had to leave way earlier than usual bc some of the peeps needed a ride back :-\

john....your cut off...no more obscene amounts of drinking and then going to space...lol... ;)

the track that roland played on the patio was three drives on a vinyl - greece 2000 .. a new remix probably.

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Guest ramon

Nope, the original actually.

He dropped "it's like that" too.

i wasnt there bitch .. but i had heard about it .. and i know there's new mixes doing the rounds .. its all about the original though.

that track is magical.

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Guest web_norah

i think it is poor taste to say that Cedric played well "but he isnt E Morillo", what the hell is that supposed to mean>

and why should he play NY style> whats that anyway? i hope you dont mean Jonatan Peters .... ::)

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Guest LdySphynx

oh one last thing, cedric you came close to dropping some tribal house last night, this is my only warning, any tribal will get you an automatic bad review. we've moved on as a dance community from tribal. it's not 2002 any more... Remember in my house, there is only house music...

:o >:(

WHATEVER!!!! ::)
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