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So how was Cafeteria?

Guest r3nz0

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Nothing wrong with the Veteranas Tribal... I fully support the sexin' up of women 10+ years older than me... Seems they support it too... 8) Cafeteria was SLAMMED once again last night, gotta give it up to Biz for doin such a great job with that venue. It might be time, however to open up the upstairs or move it somewhere else... IT GETS TOO PACKED IN THERE! Ne wayz.. i rode out early to meet up with my boy DJ Sandy who came in form O-Town.. Sorry i missed you Mike! Hope u had fun for your first time at Cafeteria!

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lol... if you rock it, they will come.... they heard about this really tall guy with a cool leather jacket, and came out to see what all the fuss was about....

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Guest durrtylexx

last night was cool..Lots of hot girls. WOW :o I had fun hanging w.the junkies..Lisaloca, Lolahotass, CrzyC, Lulamishka, Trouble, and the guys lol...The music was tight and the crowd was decent..Nice meeting a bunch of new people blah blah blah etc etc etc...Oh Yea Cue was holding it down at Blue..For those of you that didn't go to Blue, some dude got knocked the fuck out lol..I have seen an ass kicking like that in a loooooooong time... ;D

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here is my review.

its 4 pm i just woke up. Im hungover like abitch. wtf do they put in those drinks? i had a redbull vodka and a long island .

great seeing all of fuckin cp in the house and a shitload of junkies.

roland and rocky were rockin it . damn i love cafteteria best party there is right now bar none. I like this party better then anything on weekends even. Id be there every week if i could.

im wrecked im hung over its great!!!!

afterwards went with rick and a few others to blue and cue was throwin down some good progressive house.

left at 4 am i couldnt even stand anymore

i took some of the best pics i ever took . i took the entire roll pretty much. ill finish the last 5 at tiesto on fri.

sorry for not coming through on my review... im seeing people i partied my ass off im fuckedddddd up LOL

my coworker sharon had a blast. she is def coming out with me more often. at least once a month. shes trying to semi retire from clubland but last nite she had a blast meetin u all

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