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What's the deal with guns?


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What’s the deal with owning a gun? I understand there’s a big personal freedom issue (don’t tell me what to do Mr. Politician), but in reality, what the heck do you need a gun for? I have thought about this, and considering that I like to consider myself somewhat of a “libertarianâ€, I guess I should be all supportive of gun ownership, but I am perplexed why you’d want/need one at all. The only two conclusions I can come to is: (1) it’s fun to shoot things like bottles, pumpkins, etc… (basically it’s a very dangerous toy), or (2) you want to protect yourself in case someone breaks in to your house or something of that nature.

#1 I can understand. It’s loud, it causes destruction…that’s a fun toy.

#2 (which is the normal justification, I presume) Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me on a purely practical level. I don’t know what the b&e rates are like these days, I’m sure some areas are much worse than others, etc. But to start off, the chances of someone assaulting your home are likely pretty small. Ok…fine, maybe it happens more then I think…maybe. Then if you’re one of the few who do get “invadedâ€, what are the chances of you hearing the intruder enough that you are able to get to your lockbox, get out the gun, load it, and actually doing anything with it… (all of this being done while completely scared out of your mind, trembling, and nervous…even if you DID get everything and were able to track the intruder down, what are the chances that under this duress you could actually shoot someone – or convince them that you would…?)

I’m not really on one side or the other, but I guess I would wonder on a balance do more crimes get prevented by folks having guns then crimes/accidents occur when people get legal guns and they end up on the black market, or in the hands of little kids?

Just asking…

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Don't fall back on "the children" excuse. That gets dragged out to justify banning just about anything.

1. Yeah, it is fun to punch holes in things with large calibre rounds. Even more so when you put a copy of Gabriel and Dresden's latest CD on it.

2. Some areas the B & E rate is high. Like mine.

3. Ya never know with the way the government is acting these days.

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Don't fall back on "the children" excuse. That gets dragged out to justify banning just about anything.

1. Yeah, it is fun to punch holes in things with large calibre rounds. Even more so when you put a copy of Gabriel and Dresden's latest CD on it.

2. Some areas the B & E rate is high. Like mine.

3. Ya never know with the way the government is acting these days.

I knew at very least I'd get some response from you on this one Pod...

1 - Gotcha. We're in agreement. Except for the G&D part, I like them.

2 - Do you know a bunch of people who have scared off and/or apprehended burglers? I would think that the average person would just be way too freaked out... Plus what if there's two intruders?

3 - If this is the case, how long is just having a gun going to really help you? (unless you have an arsenal...and that's a whole other ballgame...)

I thought that there is a very large %age of legal guns that end up on the black market. And isn't there also a high %age of accidental fatalities - kids or otherwise?

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Most B & E aren't by competent thieves. They are done by some crackhead ghetto kids out for a cheap score. They succeed more often than not, since the average person does get freaked out. When faced with a gun wielding psychotic resident, they will invariably back down. More often than not, they run, and the crime goes unreported.

The competent thieves go for higher-value targets.

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Most B & E aren't by competent thieves. They are done by some crackhead ghetto kids out for a cheap score. They succeed more often than not, since the average person does get freaked out. When faced with a gun wielding psychotic resident, they will invariably back down. More often than not, they run, and the crime goes unreported.

The competent thieves go for higher-value targets.

I am going to keep a box of pots and pans in my closet. If someone breaks in, I am just going to chuck it down the stairs or against the wall...that should scare the crap out of them...

A Louisville would also be a surefire way to attack a crackhead...

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Guest LdySphynx

Most B & E aren't by competent thieves. They are done by some crackhead ghetto kids out for a cheap score. They succeed more often than not, since the average person does get freaked out. When faced with a gun wielding psychotic resident, they will invariably back down. More often than not, they run, and the crime goes unreported.

The competent thieves go for higher-value targets.

I am going to keep a box of pots and pans in my closet. If someone breaks in, I am just going to chuck it down the stairs or against the wall...that should scare the crap out of them...

A Louisville would also be a surefire way to attack a crackhead...

Very good idea...have you ever heard what 2 or 3 pot & pans sound like going down a flight of stairs?

SCARY Shit Man :o

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Guest LeVeL

I use to have a gun back in the day but now...I dont have one and I dont see the need to carry a gun. Not too long ago I was stuck in a traffic and guy honking in traffic pissed off the guy infront of him. Well the honker got a surprise of a lifetime when the guy infront of him approached him with a gun telling him to STFU and dont you ever honk at me you fucking asshole. It was really something how people can be trigger happy when they have a gun in their posession.

I dont see the need for it. I think the only people with guns should be the officials(Cops, FBI,DEA ect) and if your hunter acourse. But other than that...I dont think anymore people should own them. I for sure dont trust Pod with a gun, that is just dangerous saying it.

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Guest LdySphynx

Yeah I know someone that got killed due to Road Rage about 6 years ago, and once my X husband cut off an old man on the I95 and the guy pulled up next to us and pointed a gun :o at us I fucking ducted under the dashboard screw that!!!

I got his license plate number and called the cops to report him, don't know if the ever did anyhting about though.

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Gee thanks.

I'm not liable to light people off just for looking at me the wrong way. I'm a nice guy really, but I am definitely pro-gun. I feel that in the end, the right to own a firearm is one of the things that keeps us as citizens free.

Check it out sometime, but there's little effect on crime by banning private ownership of weapons. Australia banned private firearm ownership, and their crime rate has actually risen.

The thing about having a weapon is being responsible. Each time I go off about gun ownership, I tend to state that fact.

And again, the reason you never really see the statistics of gun ownership preventing burglaries and assaults, is because those incidents tend not to get reported, mainly due to the incessant crap that will follow if the cops get involved.

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Gun control is hitting your target. If the existing laws were just enforced, we'd have competent gun ownership. Everyone in Switzerland owns a weapon, and I mean everybody...it is close to being mandatory. They take classes on gun maintenance and marksmanship. If the licensing laws were enforced, we'd have a similar situation.

I'm not afraid of the world, but if everyone else is packin'...

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Gun control is hitting your target. If the existing laws were just enforced, we'd have competent gun ownership. Everyone in Switzerland owns a weapon, and I mean everybody...it is close to being mandatory. They take classes on gun maintenance and marksmanship. If the licensing laws were enforced, we'd have a similar situation.

I'm not afraid of the world, but if everyone else is packin'...

the swiss don't have the puerto rican factor...

there are no ricans there, thus why it's much much saver...

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Gun control is hitting your target. If the existing laws were just enforced, we'd have competent gun ownership. Everyone in Switzerland owns a weapon, and I mean everybody...it is close to being mandatory. They take classes on gun maintenance and marksmanship. If the licensing laws were enforced, we'd have a similar situation.

I'm not afraid of the world, but if everyone else is packin'...

Yeah, let's try to be like the swiss...

What if no one was packing?

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Guest cutchemist

I've only shot an army issued hand gun @ glow sticks and a dear hunting rifle...which i look forward to using this winter...but honestly i don't think a gun should be in my hand...it makes me feel guilty and paraniod...

As for owning a gun in ur home i just dont' get it ???

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Since people don't practice responsible gun ownership?

Is that a reason to ban firearms entirely? Not really. The majority of gun owners are responsible. Like anything it is the bad side people notice first, especially if they are against something.

I'd like to bet that any of you anti-gun folks would be the first pulling the trigger if you were robbed and had a chance to take a shot at the asshole who did it.

Don't kid yourselves, if it came down to it, you all, and I am including myself, would kill to defend your property, family, and close friends. We're not that pacifistc.

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Since people don't practice responsible gun ownership?

Is that a reason to ban firearms entirely? Not really. The majority of gun owners are responsible. Like anything it is the bad side people notice first, especially if they are against something.

I'd like to bet that any of you anti-gun folks would be the first pulling the trigger if you were robbed and had a chance to take a shot at the asshole who did it.

Don't kid yourselves, if it came down to it, you all, and I am including myself, would kill to defend your property, family, and close friends. We're not that pacifistc.

I am sure I'd like to, I'm just not sure that if I were woken up at 3am by what I thought was a door opening or some glass breaking, that I would be able to get to the gun, unlock it, load it, and then find the bad guys. (keeping in mind that all this time I'd have to be completely quiet too...)

I think we're all safer if we sleep with a bat and phone beside the bed and something to make loud noise with...

If the bad guys truly want to mess you up and/or they have more than one of them, I don't think having a gun will help anyway...unless you're Bruce Willis...

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Me in particular or "you" in general?

We're not safer since a lot of morons do own firearms. That is why I support mandatory education and classes on firearm use and safety, with harsh penalties for unlicensed posession and usage of a weapon.

And as for it being useless if it is locked up and so forth, half the part of owning said weapon is to go out and practice with it so you can unlock it and bring it to bear in the shortest amount of time possible. A gun is useless if you don't know how to properly employ it.

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