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WTF??? Hurricane?

Guest coach

What are you doing about it?  

  1. 1. What are you doing about it?

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Guest coach

I thought this shit wasn't supposed to hit until tomorrow and I wake up after a long night to mandatory evacuation and the onset in just TWO hours!

So, what are your plans?

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Guest Cosmigonon

That's exactly what happened to me, I wento to bed thinking it was gonna make landfall at 2am Sunday, and now they say it will be here by 10 pm tonight :o

Shit, I'm going south to Hialeah... :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I'm staying put in NMB.......If Jeanne even comes knocking on my door I'm gonna knock her the fuck out.....If I do, it will be the first time I hit a girl..... :P

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Guest endymion

You know how when you have friends who show up with different dates every week, you learn after a while not to bother wasting any energy learning their names?

People around me keep talking about Gene or Janey or somebody like that, I'm not sure who they are talking about. She has a sister named Francine and a brother named Charley or something? And who the hell is Yvonne, she's apparently from Pensacola or something? WTF I can't keep up.

I don't know man I'm just going to listen to some music.

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Guest endymion

Seriously man I am so bored.

There was a time recently when I used to fantasize about being bored. Being bored seems like a really cool idea when you're slammed with work and stressed and pulling 100 hour work weeks.

Oh RIGHT, now I remember. THIS is why I hate being bored. Cause being bored SUCKS. At least I still have power and a net connection.

[cue massive lightning strike followed by days without power]

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Well seriously, it sucks that the county is too chickenshit. The storm is going way north. I've had harsher blowjobs than this storm is delivering to Miami.

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Guest durrtylexx

Well seriously, it sucks that the county is too chickenshit. The storm is going way north. I've had harsher blowjobs than this storm is delivering to Miami.

ha ha ha

its pretty nasty over here in Weston...Ugly.&.Windy..

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Guest macboy

Just got back from Prime 112 steakhouse. Same thing we did for Frances. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Gonna make this my hurricane ritual from now on!! ;D ;D ;D

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Guest durrtylexx

Just got back from Prime 112 steakhouse. Same thing we did for Frances. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Gonna make this my hurricane ritual from now on!! ;D ;D ;D

sounds good...a nice steak would hit the spot..i'm eating every a hour..

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Guest endymion

My parents in Melbourne were out of power for a week after Frances. The power is out now and they are being told to expect three weeks. There are 20 foot deep holes in the road all around town so nobody can drive around. The special reserved school that they were using as a shelter for school system employees like my dad got the roof ripped off in the middle of the night and they had to evacuate in ambulances in hurricane-force winds. Like blocks from my house. My mom wanted to flee for that school last night because our house is the high point island in the middle of a flood zone and my dad and I talked her out of it. Whew... My dad reports that the park down by the lagoon where I used to play when I was little is half the size it was yesterday from erosion that took fifty feet of shoreline.

They are leaving as soon as the airport opens for a two-week bicycle tour through New England. My dad has a generator and gas for days and plenty of food and water and blah blah blah screw that, outa there.

If Lisa turns and hits them in New England then I'm going to start wondering if God is trying to tell somebody something or something. We left Florida for Boston one time when I was younger to dodge a hurricane and it turned at the last minute and hit us at our hotel in Boston. Hurricane David way back took a little dodge to the left on its way to the Carolinas just specifically to hit my house and then go back out to sea. I'm starting to see a pattern.

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Guest LeVeL

I have no complaints, I stayed home and I had a great time.... ;). Watching bootleg movies all night long just did my night right.

But the storm seemed to do a lot of damage up north.

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Guest saintjohn
dude you better become right with the lord.

ahhh, memories of baptist summer bible camp. "get right with the lord - before the lord gets right with you."

obhurricane: maybe i'll just leave the shutters up until thanksgiving.

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Guest saintjohn
My dad has a generator and gas for days and plenty of food and water and blah blah blah screw that, outa there.

totally understandable. generators are great, until you've had to live off of one parked in your back yard for three weeks:



the noise powers a refrigerator and a couple of fans for five hours - until the gas runs out. then you go out in the middle of the night and try to re-fuel and re-start a hot generator without becoming johnny the human torch.

the noise becomes part of the landscape. it allows you to function in a more or less civilised manner, and it makes your less-prepared neighbors a little angry (even after sharing the extension cord every afternoon).

unfortunately, the incessant noise also attracts unwanted attention from looters. if the brumbrumbrumbrum ever stops unexpectedly, you're up, armed, and moving towards the window with a powerful flashlight before you're fully awake.

a new england bike tour is definitely the way to go.

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