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Locals that DON"T deserve a their current residency....

V. Barbarino

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Guest LdySphynx

IMO' date=' Miami needs to find some new talent cause alot of these locals are getting BORING!!!!!!!!!!


I am glad I am not the only one...I fell the same way

OMG, Level are actually agreeing on somethings :o!!!

It's all good, just because we have different opinions on certain things it don't mean we all just can't get along!!!

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I understand where Sphynx is coming from. Hey we all have different tastes, to each's own. We're never going to agree on this topic. I admire Roly for his technical ability and the his funkier edge. His mixes are always smooth. And when it comes to reading and analyzing the crowd, he's as sharp as a ginsu knife. Personally, I think Cue and Ivano are too progressive for my taste. But that's just me. I've heard some good sets from Cue, but my problem is that he is a little too inconsistent. I Prefer Roly's funky sound, it's easier to dance and groove to, more soulful. Ivano is a nice guy but he puts me to sleep.

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Guest eKiTeL

I would say cedric based on sets at Crobar, haven't heard the sets at Space but for what I understand he has improved

some dj's spend years trying to improve practicing at home, it must be nice to get to do it in a big club, in front of hundreds of people, getting paid hundreds of dollars.... except you'll get a reputation as a train wrecka, but most people around here don't care about those little technical details anyway...

sorry, I call it like I see it and yes there are people who care. I have partied at Crobar with friends when Cedric has spun and had fun simply because I was hanging with a good crew... however, the set sucked why would I say it was good when it really did suck ?

no need to be sorry, all I said is that's it's nice for a dj to get paid on the job training, we should all be so lucky ::)

No one who plays out should be train-wreaking unless there's a severe problem with the system or the sound. No one should have to pay $20, $30, $40 $50 and so on dollars to get into a club where a DJ is train wreaking becuz he or she has not gtten enough practice at home....

What some DJs don't understand is that DJing live is a big responsibility. A DJ has a responsibility to be as prepared as humanly possible to play for a crowd live weather or not the crowd likes the music. At least be prepared technically...

wow it's really hard for me to understand why it's so hard for people to understand me... I'm not defending Cedric, or any other train wreckers, what I'm saying is it's not fair that some DJ's are so lucky that they get to make 4 figures a week while they're still in their train wrecking stage... I didn't want to phrase it like that at first because I didn't want to sound like a whinny bitch, but there now you've forced me to sound like a whinny bitch, I hope you're happy (also I have to point out I'm just having fun and writing shit, don't take any of this too seriously either, a little serious, but not that much, I guess that's a little too ambiguous for some people to understand, sorry, I'll just go back to lurking now....)

peace and love!


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Guest jbof

Who the hell are you. What give you the right to come on here and blast Nelson like that. He is working his ass off to try and make a name for himslef and I am sure he did not ask for your opinion.

Hey who the helll are you get off Nelsons Nuts already man....its just my opinion. ....so what the fuck. Are you going to try to beat me up or something cause I dont like him....are you going to threaten me like you did Guyman....stop dickpulling asshole....its just my opinion not yours. :-X :-X :-X :-X

Settle down there tough guy, first of all I never threatned Guyman actually he is one of my closest friends. Secondly, you sound like a jerk off.

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Guest LeVeL

Settle down there tough guy, first of all I never threatned Guyman actually he is one of my closest friends. Secondly, you sound like a jerk off.

Dickpuller......... :-X

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Guest bcnjunkie

There is a difference between coming on here and blasting some international DJ with a huge following, Nelson is a good guy who is trying to build his career. We should be supporting our local DJ's not putting them down. Especially one's that are just getting going.

back off dude, he gave his honest opinion... as far as Nelson he's hardly a good guy, he's arrogant and his mixing is way off..... If he wants to build his career (and you know him) give him a suggestion, work on his PR and his sound ... honestly !!!! for his own good. I'm the first to support our locals but I'm not going to support someone just because they are from but have no talent.....

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Guest djrc

Going to clubs is about having fun. Not to sit there and wait to hear the Dj fuck up. On the other hand its the job of the dj to make you move if he or she can do that ther is a problem.

This is dance music!

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Guest bcnjunkie

Going to clubs is about having fun. Not to sit there and wait to hear the Dj fuck up. On the other hand its the job of the dj to make you move if he or she can do that ther is a problem.

This is dance music!

well said, however when the dj messes up constantly it is no fun. If DJ ability didn't matter then anyone could go up there and pull it off without any regard for technical ability and we should pretty much accept any trainwreck because what matters is the fun so forget the $ 40.00 cover you paid for that guest DJ, it's not about how good he is anyways

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Guest bcnjunkie

Well if any the CJ dj comp showed me that trainwecking is not only ok, you also win a prize for doing it... ;D

dj competition doesn't = local residency at established club. Plus programming plays a big role. Unfortunately some of these guys lack in both. As far as DJ spin-off I didn't hear tremendous trainwrecking.....

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Guest djrc
...I got some more...but I'll keep those to myself.


.. If you dont have a person to name then dont post.

you say you have more than one name and you dont post them

again: chicken

. and a few wrecks dont help either ..

this does not count, Rocky Castro "trainwrecked" his entire set @ Space and he won the contest (sorry Rocky but we both know it's true)

the only 2 djs that i have never heard "trainwrecking" before are Danny Tenaglia and Dennis Rodgers (neither one of them have a regular residency here now) ... everyone else; and i mean EVERYONE ELSE have trainwrecked before and they still hold the best residencies here so it's normal that a "trainwreck" could happen

We all have a different "taste" when it comes to deejays but that doesnt mean anyone of them do not "deserve" to be where they are right now .. this is so lame to say

and "level" .. about the "hook-ups" .. i know a lot of people in the "industry" and most of them like my style and u dont see me playing on a normal basis every week, people have rather called me to play in Mexico and in Venezuela (where i have no hook ups at all) .. so STFU !

have some respect for music and for the people that make all the different miami parties possible, go out and show some support and stop bashing around

.. and get a new hair cut too ..

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Guest Cosmigonon

Well, myself I go to clubs to have fun first and foremost. I was a huge rock n roll head back in the day and it was ok if a band had a couple of mistakes; too many, then it was bad, but even the best ones can make them.

I have an Iron Maiden live album, in which for some reaon they included a song that had a terrible mistake by the drummer, who came in off tempo. It was certainly weird they had left it there, but I guess it goes to show even the best make mistakes live.

I went to see Sander last time he played at Space, and he did trainwreck not once, but twice, and they were really BIG trainwreck; it was weird as hell, but it certainly didn't diminish the fun I had overall.

I guess what I'm saying is you can make mistakes every now and then, after all dj's are human, not CD players, but you certainly should't be making too many if you're a professional, all the time.

I guess there's a lot of people that go to clubs and really pay attention to details when the dj's play, probably becuase they're dj's themselves, the way I look for mistakes when I hear somebody singing ('cause i'm a singer), but hey, everybody will come out of a club with a different opinion on how the dj play.

Me, I still haven't heard a dj play so bad, that made me want to leave the club or something.

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Guest djrc

ok dude, trainwrecks are not important, you win ....



They are huge if they are done time and time again. I quoted Andrew to sate a point.

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Guest pod

I'm of the same idea. I go out to have fun most of all, and do my thing with generating galleries, which is a fun all it's own.

I've heard every DJ trainwreck at least once, some more than once...but I'm not focused on the fact. I'll go like "ouch, that had to hurt" or something, but I don't dwell on the fact or mention it the next day. Half the time the DJ him or herself just laughs it off and keeps on truckin' ....

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I would say cedric based on sets at Crobar, haven't heard the sets at Space but for what I understand he has improved

some dj's spend years trying to improve practicing at home, it must be nice to get to do it in a big club, in front of hundreds of people, getting paid hundreds of dollars.... except you'll get a reputation as a train wrecka, but most people around here don't care about those little technical details anyway...

sorry, I call it like I see it and yes there are people who care. I have partied at Crobar with friends when Cedric has spun and had fun simply because I was hanging with a good crew... however, the set sucked why would I say it was good when it really did suck ?

no need to be sorry, all I said is that's it's nice for a dj to get paid on the job training, we should all be so lucky ::)

No one who plays out should be train-wreaking unless there's a severe problem with the system or the sound. No one should have to pay $20, $30, $40 $50 and so on dollars to get into a club where a DJ is train wreaking becuz he or she has not gtten enough practice at home....

What some DJs don't understand is that DJing live is a big responsibility. A DJ has a responsibility to be as prepared as humanly possible to play for a crowd live weather or not the crowd likes the music. At least be prepared technically...

wow it's really hard for me to understand why it's so hard for people to understand me... I'm not defending Cedric, or any other train wreckers, what I'm saying is it's not fair that some DJ's are so lucky that they get to make 4 figures a week while they're still in their train wrecking stage... I didn't want to phrase it like that at first because I didn't want to sound like a whinny bitch, but there now you've forced me to sound like a whinny bitch, I hope you're happy (also I have to point out I'm just having fun and writing shit, don't take any of this too seriously either, a little serious, but not that much, I guess that's a little too ambiguous for some people to understand, sorry, I'll just go back to lurking now....)

peace and love!


You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!
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Guest eKiTeL
You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you almost never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

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Guest swirlundergrounder
You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

Actually playing on a big system is a lot easier than playing on a small one. A big system can hide a lot of your mistakes.....
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Guest eKiTeL
You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

Actually playing on a big system is a lot easier than playing on a small one. A big system can hide a lot of your mistakes.....

yes it can hide some mistakes, but it's still more difficult, it can't hide a full on train wreck

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You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

Actually playing on a big system is a lot easier than playing on a small one. A big system can hide a lot of your mistakes.....

yes it can hide some mistakes, but it's still more difficult, it can't hide a flat out train wreck

Horns mask alot of mistakes. :-X

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Guest JMT
You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

Actually playing on a big system is a lot easier than playing on a small one. A big system can hide a lot of your mistakes.....

im not a professional dj, but i imagine the massive bass could help drown out inconsistent beat matching.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
You're right. DJ's who are still in the train-wreaking stage shouldn't even get any play no less a dime until they can execute the basics!

well now that's a little too harsh I think, you can get to the point where you never train wreck spinning at home, but playing on a big system can be very disorienting for first few months, or years....

Actually playing on a big system is a lot easier than playing on a small one. A big system can hide a lot of your mistakes.....

yes it can hide some mistakes, but it's still more difficult, it can't hide a full on train wreck

That's why there shouldn't be any train wreaking going on in a live club unless there's something wrong with the sound or it's during an opening slot or something when there's not very many people in the club...Or when you're at Rumi and the DJ there trys to mix hip hop with happy hardcore and no one in the crowd gives a fu*k cuz they don't know what's going on!

Myself along with other people with educated ears don't need to go out to a venue and hear someone train wreak over and over becuz they can't handle playing on a loud system..

I've been a DJ for almost 11 years. Been playing out in clubs around the country for 8 years. And I'll tell you what. I made damm sure that I was competent enough behind the decks to never train wreak unless there was a technical problem. Sure, I've train wreaked before live but that because I've had monitors and amps blow during my set and I've had to mix blind and finish off my set...But never because I wasn't ready to play on a big system.....

I spent 2 to almost 3 years DJing at home or at friends house parties before I commited playing out in clubs. I was even offered numerous times to play out in clubs before I thought I was ever ready to do so but I took my time and made damm sure that I would never make a fool out of myself and do my best to deliver my best performance everytime to a crowd on the dance floor. A DJ owes that to his or her audience, the promoters and the venue.

Look we can go back and forth on this all day so let's just say..To each his own........... 8)

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