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Guest probable

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Guest probable

Just curious to see I work for a firearm manufacturing company, my baby is the GLOCK G19, lightweight,compact and new 15 round capcity, I own several other's, but the G19 is the perfect compact on the planet.

Who else in here own's a pistol? does anybody go shooting at the range ever????????

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Guest LdySphynx

I don't own a gun I own a sawed off mosberg shotgun......does that count??? I did go to a shooting range once & LOVED IT!!!!!

I would love to go more often, plus I have to say I have pretty good aim!!!

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Guest saintjohn
guns are for pussys...

we can't all be tough guys. given the random nature of violence in south florida, i prefer to take advantage of every legal way to protect myself and those i love. i can't expect to always be smarter, stronger, and faster than the next predatory criminal i encounter. if you choose to live by the law of the jungle, fine - but i sincerely hope you're never cornered and outnumbered.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I used to own a gun but I haven't owned on a a long time. Maybe like 10 years now. I used to go to a shoting range and practice shoting all the time. I used to be more paranoid then I'am now. I'd much rather own a Tazer so that I can shock all the kids on my street as they go by on their motorized scooters..Freakin' noisey asses!!!!

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guns are for pussys...

we can't all be tough guys. given the random nature of violence in south florida, i prefer to take advantage of every legal way to protect myself and those i love. i can't expect to always be smarter, stronger, and faster than the next predatory criminal i encounter. if you choose to live by the law of the jungle, fine - but i sincerely hope you're never cornered and outnumbered.

but stats tells us, those who own guns are more likey to die by a gun...


guns are for pussys. men don't carry them. plain and simple...

ps, I come from the land of no guns. You simply don't own a gun in NJ.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
guns are for pussys...

we can't all be tough guys. given the random nature of violence in south florida, i prefer to take advantage of every legal way to protect myself and those i love. i can't expect to always be smarter, stronger, and faster than the next predatory criminal i encounter. if you choose to live by the law of the jungle, fine - but i sincerely hope you're never cornered and outnumbered.

but stats tells us, those who own guns are more likey to die by a gun...


guns are for pussys. men don't carry them. plain and simple...

ps, I come from the land of no guns. You simply don't own a gun in NJ.

The Soprano's do....
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I'll pass - no guns for me, especailly not needed when you are trained in the way of the ninja.

That said, hopefully I have a few pods on my street though when I own a house. That way people will stay away...vigilante security militia + ninja justice = safe streets

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Guest saintjohn
but stats tells us, those who own guns are more likey to die by a gun...

lies, damned lies, and statistics:

Firearms are used three to five times more often to stop crimes than to commit them, (1) and accidents with firearms are at an all-time recorded low. (2) In spite of this, anti-firearm activists insist that the very act of keeping a firearm in the home puts family members at risk, often claiming that a gun in the home is "43 times" more likely to be used to kill a family member than an intruder, based upon a study by anti-gun researchers of firearm-related deaths in homes in King County (Seattle), Washington. (3) Although Arthur Kellermann and Donald Reay originally warned that their study was of a single non-representative county and noted that they failed to consider protective uses of firearms that did not result in criminals being killed, anti-gun groups and activists use the "43 times" claim without explaining the limitations of the study or how the ratio was derived.

To produce the misleading ratio from the study, the only defensive or protective uses of firearms that were counted were those in which criminals were killed by would-be crime victims. This is the most serious of the study's flaws, since fatal shootings of criminals occur in only a fraction of 1% of protective firearm uses nationwide. (4) Survey research by award-winning Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, has shown that firearms are used for protection as many as 2.5 million times annually. (5)

1. Gary Kleck, Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control, N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter, 1997, p. 160; FBI Uniform Crime Reports, Crime in the United States, annual reports.

2. National Center for Health Statistics and National Safety Council.

3. Arthur L. Kellermann and Donald T. Reay, "Protection or Peril?: An Analysis of Firearm-Related Deaths in the Home," New England Journal of Medicine, 1986, pp. 1557-1560.

4. Kleck, pp. 163-164.

5. Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense With a Gun," The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Fall 1995, p. 164.

any "study" that simply measures body counts (such as kellermann's "43 times" fallacy) will greatly underestimate the overall benefits of civilian firearm ownership. do we measure of the benefits of law enforcement by simply counting the number of people killed by police? no.

an honest cost/benefit analysis of civilian firearm ownership would include the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved by deaths and injuries averted, and the property protected. do the math. don't believe the hype from discredited "researchers" with hidden agendas.

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Guest jona7

I'll pass - no guns for me, especailly not needed when you are trained in the way of the ninja.

That said, hopefully I have a few pods on my street though when I own a house. That way people will stay away...vigilante security militia + ninja justice = safe streets

lol ;D
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cite all the studies you want, even the news reports you are more likey to be killed with your own gun...

What does arming everyone in the US with a gun accomplish? Are we striving for the MAD theory whereas no one will cause an issue, since they know the other side has a gun too? Or it is like ice cube said " you smoke or you get smoked"?????

Florida is a gun happy state. Thats great, I won't own one ever. I'll do it old school, I'll know my neighbors, and they'll know me. It's a community effort and I won't live in dade county. My gun is made in Louisville and is made from ash.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

cite all the studies you want, even the news reports you are more likey to be killed with your own gun...

What does arming everyone in the US with a gun accomplish? Are we striving for the MAD theory whereas no one will cause an issue, since they know the other side has a gun too? Or it is like ice cube said " you smoke or you get smoked"?????

Florida is a gun happy state. Thats great, I won't own one ever. I'll do it old school, I'll know my neighbors, and they'll know me. It's a community effort and I won't live in dade county. My gun is made in Louisville and is made from ash.

I totally agree with you. I used to be a paranoid gun owner. I was always afraid that I would find myself in a situation were in I wish I had a gun but didn't so I bought one. I never used it except of course to go shooting at a range but I can't tell you how many times I've had it in my car and wanted to pull it on someone who cut me off on the freeway or how many times when I lived in the city that I wanted to shoot at a car driving by my apartment with a loud system while I was trying to sleep...Just small temptations like that, senseless thoughts gleaming the thin threshold to becoming reality....

And it's those small, senseless tempations that people feel that often lead to gun violence. To many people own guns these days. I think it's around half the households or more in America own one. People who I didn't think owned a gun owns their own gun. It kind of scary actually.

The bottom line is a simple one. The more guns there are in homes the more people have access to them. The more people have access to them then the more likely they are to think of using one. The more they think of using one, the more those thoughts come to fruition.

I know it's a noble thought for people to want to exercise their constitutional right to own a firearm but that right was really meant for the militias way back when our founding fathers wrote the constitution. I'm sure that they didn't intend for the rampant gun violence and ownership that is seen in America today.

I don't own a gun anymore and I feel a lot safer than when I did own one.

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Guest saintjohn
I can't tell you how many times I've had it in my car and wanted to pull it on someone who cut me off on the freeway or how many times when I lived in the city that I wanted to shoot at a car driving by my apartment with a loud system while I was trying to sleep.

wow. i'm really, really glad that you no longer own a firearm.

just because you've been tempted to use potentially lethal force against other human beings for such inconsequential "transgressions" doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way. should the more rational members of society give up the means to effective self-defense because you've had homicidal urges? how, exactly, will that make anyone safer?

I don't own a gun anymore and I feel a lot safer than when I did own one.

now that you don't own a gun anymore, i feel a lot safer, too.

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Guest saintjohn
cite all the studies you want, even the news reports you are more likey to be killed with your own gun.

you don't want to know the facts? fine. just because you say "you are more likely to be killed with your own gun" doesn't make it true. your statement and/or perception is at odds with documented reality.

My gun is made in Louisville and is made from ash.

a deadly weapon is a deadly weapon. if it makes you feel more noble to defend yourself from violent criminals with a less effective tool, rock on with your bad self. i know you're man enough to live (or not) with the potential consequences of your personal choices without whining, and i respect that.

as for me, i came into this life screaming and covered in someone else's blood. i've got no problems leaving it the same way. i'd prefer to avoid that scenario if at all possible, though, and that's why i choose to protect myself and the people i love with more effective weapons, if it comes down to that. i simply want more options.

frankly, my third degree black belt in "sorry, i don't want any trouble" and knowing the location of the nearest fire exit has saved me more often than my glock, but i'm not willing to bet my life (or my wife's) that those tactics will stop a real deal lethal assault.

being targeted by multiple, armed, predatory criminals is different from being in a bar fight. fortunately, most people will never face that situation, but surviving such an encounter tends to change one's perspective about self-defense.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
I can't tell you how many times I've had it in my car and wanted to pull it on someone who cut me off on the freeway or how many times when I lived in the city that I wanted to shoot at a car driving by my apartment with a loud system while I was trying to sleep.

wow. i'm really, really glad that you no longer own a firearm.

just because you've been tempted to use potentially lethal force against other human beings for such inconsequential "transgressions" doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way. should the more rational members of society give up the means to effective self-defense because you've had homicidal urges? how, exactly, will that make anyone safer?

I don't own a gun anymore and I feel a lot safer than when I did own one.

now that you don't own a gun anymore, i feel a lot safer, too.

Don't make me out to be a homicidal maniac when I'm just being honest with my feelings. I'm sure that you've had simple thoughts like that as well. I mean come on, you are the one here between me and you that owns a gun at the moment. So when you hold your Glock 19 or 22 or whatever it is you have you don't think about potentially ever using it on someone. If you say you never do then you're a liar!

I described an attitude that I had a decade ago. And between your house and my house which one is safer? The house with the gun? Or the house without one?

Your telling me that you're the perfect human being and that you wouldn't use you gun unless you absolutely have to? How do know that you may never in the future feel the urge to use it? You've obviously pictured using a gun on someone that's why you went out and bought one!

Not only did you go out and purchase a gun, you got a top of the line Glock!!! A Glock isn't just any gun. It's a man stopper...!!!!

You call me the homicidal maniac when you are the one who go's to the gun shop and of all the guns the 38 calibers the 22's and the small guns you go out and buy a Glock. The same gun that most Police officers carry.

When you bought your Glock don't tell me that the only thing you had in mind was to shoot someone and just 'slightly injury' them. You purchased a gun with solid stopping power... That's what you had mind. And you call me the homicidal maniac?

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Guest pod

You shouldn't pull on anything you aren't willing to kill. You wanna incapacitate someone, get a Taser.

Unfortunately, defending your property and family isn't "PC" nowadays, so eliminating a threat to your wife and baby might just get you arrested and thrown in jail. A man's home is no longer his castle. Sure you can go on the martial arts tip, but there's a precedent for getting sued over that, too. Some lawyers are too crafty for their own good. They'll get you on the most spurious charges. The guy could be a common drunk like me, he could be a bloody retard, anything...

One part of me says double-tap the fucker and toss him in the Intracoastal. Dead enemies don't talk. You're not god, you're just the guy that arranges the meeting.

The legal system sucks nowadays. Joe Crackhead can rape my girlfriend and get away with it, but if I wax him for breaking into my apt when he's going after her, I'll do time. No respect really. Maybe in Jersey, a Louisville Slugger is suffcient, but not down here. You need to be equal with the potential threat. Again, a burglar pulls a piece on you, your bat may not be enough.

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Guest pod

Saleen and everyone else:

A burglar breaks into my apartment. My (postulated, I'm still single) girlfriend or wife is being assaulted by him. I pull my firearm and put a round through his head. One shot, one kill.

Should I be convicted of murder, or should I let my property be taken, and the virtue of the woman I love be violated?

Or worse yet, I'm 45 years old, and I'm the father of a child. The invader has his way with my wife, and does unspeakable things with my child. That, or he breaks in, and I put a round in his brainstem. Kill the invader, or let the people I love be hurt? I'm sorry but I would kill to protect those close to me. Friends too. I'd throw down for some people on this board.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

You shouldn't pull on anything you aren't willing to kill. You wanna incapacitate someone, get a Taser.

Unfortunately, defending your property and family isn't "PC" nowadays, so eliminating a threat to your wife and baby might just get you arrested and thrown in jail. A man's home is no longer his castle. Sure you can go on the martial arts tip, but there's a precedent for getting sued over that, too. Some lawyers are too crafty for their own good. They'll get you on the most spurious charges. The guy could be a common drunk like me, he could be a bloody retard, anything...

One part of me says double-tap the fucker and toss him in the Intracoastal. Dead enemies don't talk. You're not god, you're just the guy that arranges the meeting.

The legal system sucks nowadays. Joe Crackhead can rape my girlfriend and get away with it, but if I wax him for breaking into my apt when he's going after her, I'll do time. No respect really. Maybe in Jersey, a Louisville Slugger is suffcient, but not down here. You need to be equal with the potential threat. Again, a burglar pulls a piece on you, your bat may not be enough.

No. If anyone breaks into your house and threatens you or your family or causes harm to you or your family then you by all means are within your right to kill someone. Now if kill them while they are in your yard or your driveway then that's another story. But if Joe Crackhead or Joe Ralph Lauren for that matter enters your home with unwanted and evil intentions then you are within your right to take his life in order to save yours and your families. And if the casue is just then no Joe Slick lawyer can make a case for that. Besides..The State doesn't have any Joe Slick Lawyers....
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Guest swirlundergrounder

Saleen and everyone else:

A burglar breaks into my apartment. My (postulated, I'm still single) girlfriend or wife is being assaulted by him. I pull my firearm and put a round through his head. One shot, one kill.

Should I be convicted of murder, or should I let my property be taken, and the virtue of the woman I love be violated?

Or worse yet, I'm 45 years old, and I'm the father of a child. The invader has his way with my wife, and does unspeakable things with my child. That, or he breaks in, and I put a round in his brainstem. Kill the invader, or let the people I love be hurt? I'm sorry but I would kill to protect those close to me. Friends too. I'd throw down for some people on this board.

By all means killz the intruder!
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Guest pod

Intruders can have slick lawyers too. For all I know, Bill Gates' cousin could be a crackhead and invade my home. Sucks, but I think in that case, I would go to jail.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Intruders can have slick lawyers too. For all I know, Bill Gates' cousin could be a crackhead and invade my home. Sucks, but I think in that case, I would go to jail.

You have to kidding me! lol...
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Guest saintjohn
And you call me the homicidal maniac?

i did not call you a "homicidal maniac."

what we have here is a failure to communicate.

in your previous post, you stated:

I wanted to shoot at a car driving by my apartment with a loud system while I was trying to sleep

if that's not homicide, such an act would at least be manslaughter, although maybe a hotshot defense attorney could work out a reckless endangerment plea if you had no prior history of violence.

you also classified that desire as a "small temptation" - your words, not mine. i described your "small temptation" as an urge.

"shoot at a car driving by my apartment" = homicide

"small temptation" = urge

of course, you resisted the "small temptation" to shoot at another human being who posed no threat to you, therefore you are not a "homicidal maniac."

again, i never said you were.

you did state, however, that you felt, on multiple occasions, the "small temptation" to "pull (a gun) on someone who cut (you) off on the freeway" and "shoot at a car driving by (your) apartment."

if you meant what you typed, and i have no reason to suspect otherwise, you were tempted - to some degree - to fire a gun in the direction of a person or persons who did not pose an immediate, otherwise unavoidable lethal threat to you or any other innocent person.

if you weren't worried about someday giving into that "small temptation," why make such a big deal about getting rid of your gun?

look, i think it's admirable that you carefully assessed your reactions to people cutting you off on the freeway and cars driving by your apartment with loud stereos while you're trying to sleep and decided, out of an abundance of caution, to get rid of a gun that you might - just might - use inappropriately. that takes a degree of self-awareness and maturity that not enough people possess.

good for you.

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