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How many people do you know?

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Have you ever thought about this? If you were to have a reunion of sorts of the people that you've known in your life time who you either know by name or you are known to them but you've never met them? So also people who know of you....What do think?

Would you have to lease out a coffee shop to hold all these people at your reunion? Or would you have to lease out a stadium?

What's you're best numerical estimate?

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Guest JMT

you love to come up with questions, but man this one is too much. i have no idea. 2200+ maybe? i have come accross many people who went to school with me that i never actually met but knew who i was.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

you love to come up with questions, but man this one is too much. i have no idea. 2200+ maybe? i have come accross many people who went to school with me that i never actually met but knew who i was.

I like to make people think. I bet you even Ken Jennings couldn't answer this one....Actually he probably could. His answer would be "What is 2"....(Funk and Wagnalls..the encyclopidias) lol...
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Guest rollyp66

Man well I have about 2300 people in my contact list, and that doesn't include most of the 4000 people I went to HS with. Damn I would have to say that I know a shit load of people. Ummm so I really can't even phatom the true number of jpeople... wow kinda crazy. Great Question

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Guest web_norah

people that i know well....maybe 10 (excludes my family). and i can count my friends with one hand. honestly. people that say they "know" more than 200 people are wacked. unless they're Madonna or something, knowing takes a lot of involvement, personally.

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Guest JMT

i pretty much knew 200 people in high school alone. the question didnt specify how well you need to know them just that you do at all. i come from a big family too.

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Guest lil_liz

A stadium.

I still have a good amount of friends from HS, some from previous jobs, and over the past 5 years of clubbing I have bung out with at least 6 different groups of people all with a huge following. Knew/know a lot of djs, promoters regulars...plus with me moving here I have 2 states now to list. With all the jobs I had the past year. If we are not counting family then yeah that will fill a stadium and what a party that would be.

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Guest Clarisa

A stadium will do fine. Like LIL Liz said all the people you encounter in the as far as work, school, party life, and personal life really adds up to a unimaginable number. Of course humans won't keep track of that number unless it's sex realted. ;D ;D

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Guest LeVeL

A stadium will do fine. Like LIL Liz said all the people you encounter in the as far as work, school, party life, and personal life really adds up to a unimaginable number. Of course humans won't keep track of that number unless it's sex realted. ;D ;D


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I have lived in 3 different states in the last 4 years have had 4 jobs and a crap load of aquantinces that I have either worked or partied with.

Not to put a damper on the original question, but...

I guess a question I have pondered before, since I had a serious illness a few years back.

If you were to die today. How big would your funeral be? being that a lot of us have friends in many states and other countries, what is realisitic. Would your friends in other cities even know, that something tragic happened to you? It might take a few days or a week till everyone finds out.

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Guest lil_liz

I have lived in 3 different states in the last 4 years have had 4 jobs and a crap load of aquantinces that I have either worked or partied with.

Not to put a damper on the original question, but...

I guess a question I have pondered before, since I had a serious illness a few years back.

If you were to die today. How big would your funeral be? being that a lot of us have friends in many states and other countries, what is realisitic. Would your friends in other cities even know, that something tragic happened to you? It might take a few days or a week till everyone finds out.

Not too big. I don't have a huge family and I am only good friends to those I truly care about and that are TRUE friends. It's funny I was just talking to one of my closest friends yesterday about this and she told me that moving here really made me realize who I am inside. Recently I have thought about who matters in my life and have weeded out those that don't. So even though my funeral would be small, thats ok because it's not how many friends you have, it's how loyal they are.

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Guest cutchemist

I used to know lots....sold rist bands at one of my b-day parties (at a club after hours just out side tampa 6 djs, santana, faline)....i had 300 rist bands....and ran out just an hour after the party began...

I was really into how many people i knew and never having to pay or wait to get in ne where in Ybor ( seems like such small potatoes now)

....but i've come to the conclusion now that kind of stuff is a waste of my life....

...I don't have time for ne club kid looking for a good time....

...I keep my eyes pealed for people that can enlighten me in some way...and i refuse to let ne one else in my life...

I just made a list of 20 extraordinary people who have brightened my life and i make every effort to keep them in my life...

unfortunatly only 1 of them are in the same state as me...

a few of them r on here.....which is why i am on here every day... ;D :-*

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well for me it would probably be an arena like the AAA!!!!

You mean all the people at your AA meeting???
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Guest swirlundergrounder

people that i know well....maybe 10 (excludes my family). and i can count my friends with one hand. honestly. people that say they "know" more than 200 people are wacked. unless they're Madonna or something, knowing takes a lot of involvement, personally.

No.... I know more than 200 people. I grew up and lived in the same area for 30 years and in a city like Seattle, people tend to stay put so you just accumulate friends over time...I still have about 4 friends that I've been in contact with for more than 25 years
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