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so...what did everyone get for christmas?


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Guest ddg

got to spend it in with the company of all my family (immediate i mean) opening presents mostly for my 2 nieces and 1 nephew.....had a great (huge to say the least) x mas breakfast....fav gifts were mario tennis for gamecube and gift certificate to the gardens mall...

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Guest macboy

took my sister to crobar for her 21st bday . had a blast. to hip hop no less. 8) place had a decent size crowd goin................

Yeah, Leventhal. Blingster, crobar was hosting an alternative to the Matzo Ball last night, so I hope you met a nice jewish girl. :)

I ended up staying home last night and watching 3rd Rock reruns. Funny as hell!!!!!!!!!!

I bought my girlfriend the JBL OnStage speakers for her iPod. ;D


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Since I am looking at buying a house/condo currently, my dad got me some stuff I will need for my place. The gifts that I recieved this year are a little odd, they are useful, just not exciting.

100 ft heavy duty extension cord ( imagine the look on my face :o )

utility halogen light ::)

storage drawers :P

But the cool thing is that some other family members gave me money since they knew I was goign to purchase a new computer.

I got it a few days ago, this thing is sweet

Dell 8400 Dimension, 3.6 GH processor, 1 BG RAM, 200 GB Hard Drive, 19 inch High Definition Flat Panel LCD,

Plus Photoshop CS for my photography

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Guest slamminshaun

Got a picture frame from Brookstone that you download your digital pictures to and it does a slide show of them all.....looks hot on my sofa table.

Swiss Army cologne....

And, a beautiful wife whom I had the pleasure of spending my first Christmas with.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

A new Laptop. A Tobisha with a 15 inch High Def monitor, Pentium 4 with 4.4 gig processor, the works. Configured for handling multimedia files.

A Samsung 19 inch flat panel monitor for my desktop.

A Tivo which I love!!!

2 Lacoste polo shirts..Totally prepy

1 Ecko polo Shirt

A $200.00 gift certificate to CDW

Some pajama bottoms

A bunch of candy and cookies

Some cash from my relatives

My baby got way more stuff than I did of course!!!

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Guest pod

Archos AV140. 40 gigs, audio, video, and photo. $290. Take that, Jobs.

Clothes, some books, some cash. Plus a newfound urge to make my place livable.

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Guest LdySphynx

$450, from hubby to get whatever I wanted...so I got myself shoes & clothes!!!

$150 from Grandma

Bicycle from my Mom

Shoes and clothing from my Kids

And got to spend time with family & friends always the best gift you can get!!!!

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I haven't heard of a 19" HD display... if its really an HD LCD display... would definitely love to get it. I was looking to get a 23" Apple Cinema Display... but a cheaper PC variant would be great.

Sorry, I was wrong in saying it was HD. It is just a Ultra Sharp 19 inch LCD from Dell

Here is the one I got, Dell LCD

I am looking at the Apple HD monitor now, but I have been reading reviews when tryint o hook up the Apple monitor to a Windows based system. The high defiintion would be nice but it seems too many issues with non compatiability.

Does anyone have a a Apple HD LCD hooked up to a Windows PC? How is it?

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Guest Cosmigonon

Pioneer car CD player (given by myself). :P

Hay pobrecito.....dejame sacar el Violin ::)!!!

Coño, pero tu no paras de joder chica... ;D

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Guest LdySphynx

Pioneer car CD player (given by myself). :P

Hay pobrecito.....dejame sacar el Violin ::)!!!

Coño, pero tu no paras de joder... ;D

You should no by now, the answer to that :P!!!!!
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Guest Clarisa

I got GUCCI Rush, season 1 & 2 of Sex and the City, gift card and other little stuff.

Most important my sons priceless facial expression when opening gifts. ;D

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Guest ic143

The bf got me a Coach purse, a movie, had my car windows tinted, washed and waxed my car and a board game. Man is he a good guy or what??? :)

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Guest LeVeL

The bf got me a Coach purse, a movie, had my car windows tinted, washed and waxed my car and a board game. Man is he a good guy or what??? :)

Is that all :P

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Guest ic143

The bf got me a Coach purse' date=' a movie, had my car windows tinted, washed and waxed my car and a board game. Man is he a good guy or what??? :)


Is that all :P

I KNOW RIGHT!!! I was trying to be nice about it. ;) ;D

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