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FDA OKs Ecstasy

V. Barbarino

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Guest lulamishka

This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

for example alcohol !! i cant drive for shit drunk .. tho i can drive awsome when stoned .. yet the wrong one is banned ??? wtf maite ?? fire zee missles !!

No. Have a nap...THEN fire zee missiles!!!

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This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

for example alcohol !! i cant drive for shit drunk .. tho i can drive awsome when stoned .. yet the wrong one is banned ??? wtf maite ?? fire zee missles !!

No. Have a nap...THEN fire zee missiles!!!

but im LE TIRED

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Guest daugher

It isn't to prevent cancer, it is to be used to lessen the pain during the final days of the disease.

Ya gotta have cancer? :-\

What if I'm just having a reeeeally bad day?


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This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

Are you that dumb??? You can grow your own corn but for some reason we don't. You can make your own beer but for some reason we don't. You can even make your own clothes, but for some reason we don't...

Your argument is that of a 3 year old immigrant in Dade county...

Taxes??? The real issue is: NSSAAFL <<<< get an education you dumb idiot..

MDMA was banned in 1984 once everyone and their mother was getting fucked up on it thoughout the 70's..

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Guest mursa

The drug act and DEA was created by Nixon as he was feeling threatened by much of the baby boomers back in late 60's early 70's as protest (vietnam) were rampant in the US , especially on college campuses .

Knowing that marijuana and lsd was widely used among those who opposed him, thats the reason he made those decisions ...very effective silencing mechanism imo .

It's all about controling a society and keeping it "herded" and non rebbelious .


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Guest mursa

This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

Are you that dumb??? You can grow your own corn but for some reason we don't. You can make your own beer but for some reason we don't. You can even make your own clothes, but for some reason we don't...

Your argument is that of a 3 year old immigrant in Dade county...

Taxes??? The real issue is: NSSAAFL <<<< get an education you dumb idiot..

MDMA was banned in 1984 once everyone and their mother was getting fucked up on it thoughout the 70's..

In the 70's only Therapists in the West Coast were using mdma ...

It was only really introduced into the party circuit in the early 80's in the austin/dallas area .

maybe you should educate yourself a lil better before calling others "dumb idiots" .

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Guest miniberries

This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

Are you that dumb??? You can grow your own corn but for some reason we don't. You can make your own beer but for some reason we don't. You can even make your own clothes, but for some reason we don't...

Your argument is that of a 3 year old immigrant in Dade county...

Taxes??? The real issue is: NSSAAFL <<<< get an education you dumb idiot..

MDMA was banned in 1984 once everyone and their mother was getting fucked up on it thoughout the 70's..

In the 70's only Therapists in the West Coast were using mdma ...

It was only really introduced into the party circuit in the early 80's in the austin/dallas area .

maybe you should educate yourself a lil better before calling others "dumb idiots" .

True that!

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Guest pod

The usual arguments will ensue. I'll say that it isn't the government's business if a person wants to fuck themselves up, Saleen'll say I should move to Tijuana, and so on.

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This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

Are you that dumb??? You can grow your own corn but for some reason we don't. You can make your own beer but for some reason we don't. You can even make your own clothes, but for some reason we don't...

Your argument is that of a 3 year old immigrant in Dade county...

Taxes??? The real issue is: NSSAAFL <<<< get an education you dumb idiot..

MDMA was banned in 1984 once everyone and their mother was getting fucked up on it thoughout the 70's..

In the 70's only Therapists in the West Coast were using mdma ...

It was only really introduced into the party circuit in the early 80's in the austin/dallas area .

maybe you should educate yourself a lil better before calling others "dumb idiots" .

So this comming from a guy who claims nixon made drugs illegal so he'd get more votes? So people who now can't do smack and coke and lsd and weed are gonna go sober and say "hey lets vote for nixon, since I can't do drugs anymore"

are you that dense????

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Guest mursa

This is great and all, but it will never be legal....

Government wants to control 100% everything you say, do, take, etc. and when it comes to "x" there would be people out there who will still be able to manufacture it on their own, like it's done now, so governement has no real benefit in making it legal. Perfect example: marijuana. I do believe it has some positive effects for terminally ill patients, but the government will never legallize it because anyone can grow it on their own. So no taxes, no profit, no nothing for government = illegal

But it's ok to take the drugs they do profit from.... :P

Are you that dumb??? You can grow your own corn but for some reason we don't. You can make your own beer but for some reason we don't. You can even make your own clothes, but for some reason we don't...

Your argument is that of a 3 year old immigrant in Dade county...

Taxes??? The real issue is: NSSAAFL <<<< get an education you dumb idiot..

MDMA was banned in 1984 once everyone and their mother was getting fucked up on it thoughout the 70's..

In the 70's only Therapists in the West Coast were using mdma ...

It was only really introduced into the party circuit in the early 80's in the austin/dallas area .

maybe you should educate yourself a lil better before calling others "dumb idiots" .

So this comming from a guy who claims nixon made drugs illegal so he'd get more votes? So people who now can't do smack and coke and lsd and weed are gonna go sober and say "hey lets vote for nixon, since I can't do drugs anymore"

are you that dense????

First off , i never said Nixon made drugs illegal so that he gains more votes , even though with all the anti-drug propoganda commercials (hysterical by the way) he did gain many votes among the prudish/puritan mentality that the ignorant have here in the US .

But what I primarily said is that he used the drug act to SILENCE a ever growing counter culture that was opposed to him politically.

Control !!!!!!! thats what it is ....now if your so naive as to think otherwise , then be my guest , you won't be alone in doing so .

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so getting kids off drugs such as lsd and weed is a way to control people?????

maybe the goverment was right that those drugs were bad. Didn't all those druggies in the 60's grow up and have kids and told their kids not to do drugs? Didn't our parents teach us what was forced upon them back then? Maybe our parents were so naive and dumb they needed the goverment to step in before things got really out of hand?

control, lol.....

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The usual arguments will ensue. I'll say that it isn't the government's business if a person wants to fuck themselves up, Saleen'll say I should move to Tijuana, and so on.


There are two people living on the same block in a tiny tiny small town...

Person one is a WW2 war hero. He cracked the code to the Japs and Germans enegima machies. He saved us from speaking German or Jap..

The person down the street is a lowlife loser who does crack and smack all day long. Has been in jail before for raping young girls.

The tiny town has one volunteer ambulance team.

At the very exact time of the day, 2 calls are placed to 911. The war hero is dying of a heartattack caused by his medication for his organ transplant that he need to survive his wounds in WW2...

The other guy is just oding...



Should we allow people to do drugs if they sign a waiver that we won't waste our resources on them to save thier life? But wait drugs a disease so if thats the case they we have to save their life?

Who pays for the funeral? Who pays for the cost of dealing with the dead at the Coroner's office for drug addicts.

Is there a costly investigation so we know this person wasn't murdered?

How much does that cost the tax payers?

On the way to the hospital the amblulance funded by tax payers dollars crashes into a bus load of lawyers, now what?

when reality sets in, the people who are left wing wackos on the drug stance will understand why drug are illegal.

NSSAAFL, someone is going to pay for your liberal drug use.

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Guest pod

Actually yes, a triage system should be put into place. Someone ODs, they get placed at the bottom. The WWII vet has a heart attack, they get placed at the top. Again, you fuck yourself up, that is fine, don't expect any help if you overdo it.

Liberalization of drug use probably cannot exist in todays society due to technological limitations and so forth. With a more developed emergency response system, the "waiver" system is possible.

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Guest cutchemist

Actually yes, a triage system should be put into place. Someone ODs, they get placed at the bottom. The WWII vet has a heart attack, they get placed at the top. Again, you fuck yourself up, that is fine, don't expect any help if you overdo it.

Liberalization of drug use probably cannot exist in todays society due to technological limitations and so forth. With a more developed emergency response system, the "waiver" system is possible.


but mr salteen.........really now.....how much are legal drugs costing all of us...how much are we gaining....

sorry yo.......ur argument is


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Guest pod

Read "Steel Beach" for such a scenario. In the book society is developed to a point where it is entirely possible to fuck yourself up royally and not be a burden to others. In other words, it is your own damn fault.

One thing I will concede to Saleen is that as things stand now, a liberal drug policy probably wouldn't fly, due to the issues I've just mentioned. It isn't possible to determine whether an emergency is due to an OD or a genuine health issue over the phone, so to speak.

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