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F*** Tsunami Aid

Guest guyman1966

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Let those Indonesian bastards rot in their own shit.

I can't begin to understand how we let people who need aid dictate terms. Most of those fuckers are Bin Ladden loving fuckers anyway...


I can't believe that you have the nerve to say this. If there were foreign forces operating within the United States you would want the governtment monitoring their activies , humanitarian or otherwise.... You should go melt away in your plastic world!!! F&*kin' red state-rednecker!!
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Guest pod

I'll take the middle ground here.

Paranoia is an institution in smaller nations....they're small, underpowered, and they see the records of larger colonial powers, they kind of get twitchy.

The other side of the coin, I don't see anything in Indonesia at all that would warrant the attention of the world's powerful nations. Seriously, they have a pretty high opinion of themselves, considering realistically all that they are is a chain of stinking jungle islands.

Call me crass, but come March, I would literally drop everything and run....hey, it is what they want, right? Out by March, I'm out by March. Not beginning to leave by March, out by March. Hospital's not done being rebuilt? Hey, you wanted us to leave?

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Guest slamminshaun

SUV's still rule!! 8)

LOL... a conservative with a humorous side.. are u sure your really a republican... perhaps your just a little confused?

No confusion about it, I'm as Republican as Abe Lincoln. We conservatives have to possess a humorous side, how else can we deal with the likes of Michael Moore and Howard Dean? Simply sit back and laugh our asses off.

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Guest web_norah

i wasnt going to print this because it is wrenching and thats not my style but when i read this comment made by the asshole who decided to post his all time dumbest comment/ thread ever........NOTE: put your sorry politics and upper cast bullshit and ship it back to wherever it is that you came from, you loser.

maybe once you read this and picture this happening to you (and people you care about), then you'd understand the anguish that comes from losing someone in a terrible tragedy, devastation, grief. this is a friend of mine (she was also meant to be going to Indonesia and Thailand)..........i also lost someone but have kept silent about it.

The world has seen this terrible tragedy and we have

both lost friends in untimely ways. One of my best friends was swept away by the waves, with her six month old daughter in Khaolak in Thailand. They were clinging to a palm tree with

her husband and the baby's father when this happened. He is

nearly demented with grief. My son was also in Thailand and he and

Patrice spent about nine days searching among the bodies in the

hopsitals and morgues and they have found nothing. Now all the bodies

have decomposed so much that there is very little chance of recognition.

Sam's family cant believe what has happened and are now consulting

mediums who keep giving them crazy stories about her being alive in the

hills so Sam's sister keeps going back to Thailand to look for her. The

area where they were and where I would have been if I'd gone with them

as originally planned is flattened but the family is desperate to believe

she is alive. With no bodies it is so cruelly prolonging their agony.and

there are thousands of people in the same situation. Today is the first

day I have been able to come back to work so I only just got your email.

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Guest guyman1966

I'm tired of the world demanding US aid - Only just to have them slap us in the face afterwards.

I respect the other view on this. I realize my view is somewhat unconventional, but why should we offer our hand only to keep getting kicked in the ass afterwards?

Will those governments we have helped out now help us hunt down Muslim terrorists inside their nations??? by the looks of this NBC report - I doubt it... and this region is a hot bed for those groups.

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Guest web_norah

Thanks Tim, thats very nice of you

i dont expect anyone to understand the specifics of my case -this is when ignorant political/ religious idiocies are out the door (in times like this one)...particularly, if you're dealing with a loss and seeing the images of people in total despair.

i am glad that there are people who do understand and think before they blurt stupidities out....

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Guest guyman1966
maybe once you read this and picture this happening to you (and people you care about), then you'd understand the anguish that comes from losing someone in a terrible tragedy, devastation, grief. this is a friend of mine (she was also meant to be going to Indonesia and Thailand)..........i also lost someone but have kept silent about it.

Did you ever hear of 9-11? We have all lost loved ones in tragic situations. I am sorry that so many people perished in this natural disaster - but it was caused by God - NOT MAN - and if these countries want our help, then they should be more cooperative. Especially in helping us avoid another MAN MADE disaster (like 9-11).

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Guest web_norah

you're an idiot and your remarks keep proving a point i made earlier. noone here is bringing up 9.11, that's a different thing that was caused under different circumstances .........your lack of sensitivity and tact makes you look worse by each comment you keep bringing up

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Guest guyman1966

you're an idiot and your remarks keep proving a point i made earlier. noone here is bringing up 9.11, that's a different thing that was caused under different circumstances .........your lack of sensitivity and tact makes you look worse by each comment you keep bringing up

A disaster is a disaster. Kind of like you. You are a disaster of a person.

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you have absolutely no concept of foreign relations. pod hit the nail on the head, these countries know nothing except paranoia when dealing with the larger industrialized coutries from the west. but, dumbass, don't you think this kind of thing will change this perception? i think it will.

and i find it terribly ironic that you censored yourself in the title of the thread, yet your true vulgarity permeates everything you type. go on, change the title to "FUCK tsunami aid", you might as well.

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Guest guyman1966

you have absolutely no concept of foreign relations. pod hit the nail on the head, these countries know nothing except paranoia when dealing with the larger industrialized coutries from the west. but, dumbass, don't you think this kind of thing will change this perception? i think it will.

I’ll reply to you without having to resort to name calling - I don't agree with you about doing good and changing perception. In fact recent history will show that the more good we in fact do, the more people tend to resent us. We did rebuild Europe post WWII - and the good 'ole USA is not loved. There are more examples. And in theory - if people actually appreciated our efforts and became true "allies" then I'd have no problems with helping the world out.

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What are you guys even arguing about anymore?

Bad stuff has happened to all of us, I'm sure. The US (like it or not) helps out in a lot of places in the world where bad stuff happens, but it's always better press to talk about situations where the US "causes" bad situations. I for one, on a net basis, think the US probably does the world considerable good and we should be loved - but people are free to disagree, even as American citizens. We should NOT stop helping because we're not getting recognized for it...that's not why you help in the first place.

As for Indonesia...sure, let them be paranoid. The second our troops are in danger or unsafe at all because of their suspicions or interference...we're outta there...let them fend for themselves.

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Guest tres-b

1-The paranoid thinking of these smaller nations is humorous. If we wanted to take their land, we would. Keeping our troops/ships out is like wearing a seatbelt on the airplane.

2-There was a statement made above talking about how the US would react if forces from another nation were operating inside our borders. This will never happen unless we allow it to happen. We have the capabilities to deal with just about any issue that arises.

Having said that, the nations affected by this tragedy have the right to dictate what and who is inside their borders. While it is just idiotic to hinder relief efforts from us, it is their perogative.

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Guest lyrik

Yes it does really suck that these nations are being so difficult in regards to foreign aid...but whats the alternative here....not give aid and just let thousands upon thousands of people die from disease, dehydration etc. I agree that these govt's need a check - but now is not the time to make a statement while denying numerous innocents the help they so desperately need. Are we helping nations that may harbor terrorists possibly (not like we haven't done it before)...helping people that support terrorists and terrorist regimes...could be...but I don't think we can generalize several nations citizens under one ideology. Yes its terrible that some of these govts look to profit from this disaster or regain strangle holds in areas where they had been losing control or facing rebellion...but thats the govt and not the millions of people living in these areas. We also have to know that this is not just foreign countries and their own citizens that were only affected, but countires all around the world, including the US, are going through this as well since so many resorts and tourist hot spots were hit. Just think if your parents were on that beach vacationing and were swept away or perhaps they survived and nobody knew they had - would you want the US to pull their aid efforts out before they were found or before they could receive treatment (what if they were in a coma). Think about all the children 1 in 3 people that died from this were children and thousands more are left orphaned (including children of tourists)...without aid they die...without aid and military efforts more and more children would be kidnapped and sold into the fucking disgusting sex rings.

Its frustrating that we get opposition...but its not something new that we haven't seen before. If anything this should be a statement to the people that do so much babbling on about politics and rep vs dem and the Bush administration. We continue to give aid and fight for democracy - even in areas where we know we are opposed and people may have a negative attitude towards us...I guess an instinctive reaction is to automatically question why? Why should we do this - what have they ever done for us...what might they do for us (positively or negatively)...because its the right thing to do and well doing humantarian works should be as unconditional and selfless as possible - its called serving the betterness of mankind.

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Yes it does really suck that these nations are being so difficult in regards to foreign aid...but whats the alternative here....not give aid and just let thousands upon thousands of people die from disease, dehydration etc. I agree that these govt's need a check - but now is not the time to make a statement while denying numerous innocents the help they so desperately need. Are we helping nations that may harbor terrorists possibly (not like we haven't done it before)...helping people that support terrorists and terrorist regimes...could be...but I don't think we can generalize several nations citizens under one ideology. Yes its terrible that some of these govts look to profit from this disaster or regain strangle holds in areas where they had been losing control or facing rebellion...but thats the govt and not the millions of people living in these areas. We also have to know that this is not just foreign countries and their own citizens that were only affected, but countires all around the world, including the US, are going through this as well since so many resorts and tourist hot spots were hit. Just think if your parents were on that beach vacationing and were swept away or perhaps they survived and nobody knew they had - would you want the US to pull their aid efforts out before they were found or before they could receive treatment (what if they were in a coma). Think about all the children 1 in 3 people that died from this were children and thousands more are left orphaned (including children of tourists)...without aid they die...without aid and military efforts more and more children would be kidnapped and sold into the fucking disgusting sex rings.

Its frustrating that we get opposition...but its not something new that we haven't seen before. If anything this should be a statement to the people that do so much babbling on about politics and rep vs dem and the Bush administration. We continue to give aid and fight for democracy - even in areas where we know we are opposed and people may have a negative attitude towards us...I guess an instinctive reaction is to automatically question why? Why should we do this - what have they ever done for us...what might they do for us (positively or negatively)...because its the right thing to do and well doing humantarian works should be as unconditional and selfless as possible - its called serving the betterness of mankind.


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Guest guyman1966

because its the right thing to do and well doing humantarian works should be as unconditional and selfless as possible - its called serving the betterness of mankind.

Good post! And the above quote says it all.

I'm no changing my stance - but its great to have so many people thinking this morning. Just make sure you remember all of this when a terror cell from Asia hits the US and governments there were reluctant to help us prevent it in the first place. I guess I'm tired of the world expecting us to always do the right thing for mankind and then threat us like shit when they please.

Of course I dont enjoy people suffering and I did only single out the country that was giving us the difficult time. This thread is about one nation of many that we are helping.

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