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Has this happened to you???

Guest MiamiNightLife

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Guest MiamiNightLife

Dear Space Management,

I frequent your nightclub in Miami at least once a month. I was last there this past Saturday Jan 15th to see Erick Morillo (one of my favorite DJs). Joining me was my wife and 8 of our friends. I write this letter to voice my disappointment with your security staff. Around 8am in the patio, my wife and her friend were dancing on one of the small stages. Out of nowhere one of the Space security guards grabbed my wife and pulled her down from the stage. He then proceeded to expel her out of the club. I asked him what was going on and all he said was “drugsâ€. I was in disbelief and I asked him where were the drugs? His response was, “don’t worry we’ll deal with this outsideâ€. Once we were outside, I asked him again where were the drugs? He didn’t respond. I then asked Jeff your security guard to please provide me with a valid reason for the expulsion. He didn’t want to talk to me. I then asked him if drugs were involved, that my wife would consent to a search with a police officer present. Jeff then got upset and told me, “The Space staff does not want you nor your wife in the clubâ€. He then went to get a police officer. I spoke with the officer and told him that all we wanted was a valid reason for the expulsion. To my surprise, the police officer told me, “do the right thing and go homeâ€. I asked why since we had done nothing wrong and still we had not received a valid reason for getting expelled out of the club. The officer then made himself clear, he said, “either you and your wife go home, or I will take you inâ€. I’m still in shock as to the words that came out of his mouth. It was apparent that we were not going to get a valid reason for getting kicked out nor were they willing to search my wife, funny since the first claim was drugs. You would figure that they would have searched her since "apparently" drugs were the issue. To top it off, I had an open tab with Greg in the patio. By the way Gregory knows my wife and I since we always go to him. Unlike others in the club, we buy alcohol and always open a bar tab. I asked if I could go get my drivers license and credit card. The response from Jeff was no, go home and come back another day. I turned to the officer and he also said no. We had no other choice but to leave without an explanation and without my credit card and drivers license.

I know that your staff must get a lot of BS, so I can understand their point. The thing I can’t understand is that all we wanted was a valid reason for the expulsion, which no one would give us. After discussing this event later in the day with our friends, what we perceive to have happened was that there was another girl on the stage. Apparently she did not like my wife and pointed to the security guards to kick her out. One of our friends saw the girl motion to the Space security. Your security will know what I’m talking about since apparently they knew the girl and abided to her wish. In the end, I "wasted" around $200 for an evening that turned out horrible and that we had so much looked forward to.

I know this letter may fall on deaf ears, but I just needed to voice myself even though in the end it may all be a waste of time. I’m still bothered by the event and only write this letter to you to put myself at ease. You know the saying, for every one complaint letter written, there must be a hundred more that were not written.

Either way, I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and I do hope your staff is a little more professional in the future.

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Guest ImAlwaysDancing

I don't mean to be rude i am sorry if this really did happen you you but honestly it sounds very hard to believe.

The security guard or the police aren't gonna "search" your wife if the supposed reason you are getting kicked out is because they saw her taking something...which is also ridiculous because we all now 97% of Space is openly taking/selling illegal substances. Who cares if she doesn't have anything on her..they are stating that they saw her doing something. Obviously you are saying you guys were completely innocent but really don’t think any security guard is going to go through all that just because some other chic didn’t like your wife. Did you ever have a history confrontation at the club? If it really was some big understanding I am sorry to hear it..and I do recall a post like this once before. However, clubs have the autority to make the discretion about anyone involving the safety of others. It would have been really funny if the girl that did all this to you was the one that we were all posting about with the new boobs and the attitude problem..then it would all make sense! Sorry about your night.

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Guest lyrik

I would have got arrested - no fuckin way I would leave my credit card and ID in that club. I consider that my personal property and I wouldn't give 2 shits what the cop told me. If anything I would have called the police or went to the nearest precinct and demanded my personal items back.

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Guest macboy

Don't ever expect any help ffrom the police outside Space. Fact. They are moonlighting for LP. Why do you think they are just sitting out there? They are not on patrol. Personally I think people should take badge numbers down and report them to IA and CCRB. One or two complaints won't do it, but after a while, you get enough of them, and they will have to investigate.

Just remember this, Space doesn't give a shit about you, only your money.

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Guest slamminshaun

You did the right thing posting your experience to this message board. It allows others to read your experience, but also allows people from Space to rebut your complaint if they choose to. I wouldn't have left without my card and DL, but that's just me. There's no way any court will uphold an arrest like that, and the cop knows it.

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Guest web_norah

Don't ever expect any help ffrom the police outside Space. Fact. They are moonlighting for LP. Why do you think they are just sitting out there? They are not on patrol. Personally I think people should take badge numbers down and report them to IA and CCRB. One or two complaints won't do it, but after a while, you get enough of them, and they will have to investigate.

Just remember this, Space doesn't give a shit about you, only your money.

i absolutely agree, i'd have taken the badge number

and i know plenty of people who have gotten the boot from Space without any reason at all. after all, they reserve their right of entry bla bla but once you're outside and a cop handles this and starts acting funny, that's a totally separate issue there.

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Guest nicoleP2653

Wow, I feel your frustration to that. I also was there that night for Morillo, and we had the same exact thing happen to us too. My husband and I are frequent customers of Space, we dont go everyweekend, but we go for big events and bdays and stuff, and we were with alot of our friends minding our business , and all of a sudden I was told by a freind my husband had just got kicked out, so I go outside to find out what happened and my husband is yelling why am I being thrown out, what did I do? I was shocked how my husband was acting, and I have only seen him act that way when he didnt do anything. So they did not want to give a valid explanation to why he was thrown out.

So I tried to get it out of the bouncer outside and he was saying he was drunk, well dah, its space, people go there to drink, I mean space is open pretty much 24hours what do you expect. But my husband was buying a drink for me and was just grabbed for no reason and kicked out, they took his $200 gucci glasses off his face and threw him out, and when I was speaking with the bouncer, he was telling me to take my husband and get out or he was going to beat him up. Thats nice. Who do you bouncers think you are??? God, no, losers.... Anyways, we left, but pissed off because we spent a good amount of money only to get thrown out for no reason, and its funny how it happened before to him, they threw my husband out, then realized they had the wrong guy and let him back in, but it seems to me the bouncers have no respect for the people who are paying them, I mean comeone, we are the reason you get your paycheck.

Then the same night another one of our friends got kicked out too, they stole his wallet, broke his glasses and roughed him up meaning he has bruises all over his head, and body. He was underaged, already inside, and they found out from his cc tab he had going when they asked for his id, then kicked him out, put him in a cop car. I understand because he was underage but hello, half of the place is full of underage people, especially girls, and if you realize they are underage the last thing you should do is put your hands on them when you are the ones who were dumb enough to let him get through.

And another incident, my friend was thrown out one night because she feel asleep for like 20 secs, her eyes were closed, is this a reason to just grab a girl and put her outside. No, how bout just going up and saying, hey look, if you close your eyes again, you will have to go, like give people a warning. I guess its just so easy for them to treat everyone like crack heads, but ya know you have a place like space, where people go to dance to good music and drink with friends, things happen, just because her eyes were closed you dont jump to conclusions that she is fucked up, she was tired, you ever think of that???

But point is, it is messed up that bouncers kick people out because some girl or guy say hey kick that person out. No one should be able to do that. Space will soon enough have some lawsuits against them if they continue to have unnecessary roughness on us people of space and miami night life. We are the ones why you have your jobs and should not be treated like crack heads. Yeah there are some floating around, but not all of us are druggies and we should all be treated the same, and no one should be telling anyone to kick anyone out. That is just not right. But again, I am just voicing this because I feel your frustration, not being told what you did or why you are kicked out on your ass, especially when you are having a good time.

Sorry for this being so long, and yeah maybe some people dont believe it, but you are probably just sleeping with someone at space so thats why you dont think its going on or you agree it with it because maybe you think it will never happen to you, well it will. It happens to everyone.

Life goes on after Space, oh well shit happens, but Space is not the only place to go and have a good time and soon people will be tired of what goes on there, and soon more people will share their stories too. And this is not something that will ruin my life or anyones, its just what can we do to make it change, at least tell about it that it right??

By the way, my husband never got his glasses back, they just took him... so dont take your nice shit there cause if this happens you will get jacked.

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Dam thats really fucked up. I do believe it did happen.Space just isnt what it use to be and as of late ive seen peeps get treated like shyt.

One mornning on the patio some big muscle dude bumps into a small ass guy for no reason,and the small dude looks at him like wtf,then the small dude goes to security and tells him what happen obviously hes not going to try any shyt with the big dude,the juice head I guess was friends with the bouncer goes and whispers something into the securitys ear and comes back and ends up kicking out the little dude,for nothing.

Horse shyt I tell ya.. >:(

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Guest kcariaga

Sorry that all of this stuff has happened to the two of you, but Space staff is really not all bad. The club is pretty packed and there are a lot of people that they have to "manage". I think they do a pretty good job ensuring that the club is safe for its patrons. And by the way, I am not "sleeping with someone at Space".

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Guest probable


What do you guy's expect ?SPACE hasn't been the same in year's, BIG BROTHER has a hard on for every patron that enter's that club, none of the regular's go there anymore because the vibe suck's, you can't go there without being harrased all night who want's to deal with that shit?

It's gotten to the point where you can't even reach in your pocket for a ciggarette without having 10 people on your ass.................

Unfortunately the crackhead's have taken there toll on that place I did not even recognize it last time I was there It hasn't been the same since EDGAR V WAS THE RESIDENT, He made that place TRANSMISSION'S live's on forever...................................................

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What do you guy's expect ?SPACE hasn't been the same in year's, BIG BROTHER has a hard on for every patron that enter's that club, none of the regular's go there anymore because the vibe suck's, you can't go there without being harrased all night who want's to deal with that shit?

It's gotten to the point where you can't even reach in your pocket for a ciggarette without having 10 people on your ass.................

Unfortunately the crackhead's have taken there toll on that place I did not even recognize it last time I was there It hasn't been the same since EDGAR V WAS THE RESIDENT, He made that place TRANSMISSION'S live's on forever...................................................


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Once at the old space they accused my friend and me of selling E. I had two bouncers take my friend and myself out back to search us. Obviously they found nothing but while this was going down the rest of my friends about ten other people left the club. They though we got kicked out but we didn’t they let us back in because they where wrong, but like I said my friends left. They would have had to pay a re-entry fee to get back in. At that point we where all pissed off so we left and said fuck it. That is my horror story with Space.

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Guest LeVeL

This kind of shit happens all the time. But you have to be very suspicious to get kicked out the way you guys did. They probaby got the wrong idea. Probably your wife put a mint in her mouth and they thought it was a pill or something and decided to escort you out for that.

Something that small can create a conflict like that. I have seen it done before.

But too bad your fun time was ruined like that man.

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Guest barstar diana

i believe it happened, sometimes people put in authority positions go on power trips and you know where that leads too...sh*t like you went through...when will humans ever learn compassion towards others?

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Here is my gripe...I was @ space for RS way early. I'm talking 11:45 ish. Just me and my wife. We were in the Hip Hop room waiting for the main room to open. The VIP section was empty except for Tony Tone which is a resident Hip Hop DJ there. I put my drink on the railing to tie my shoes and just not have to carry it around and a bouncer from the VIP comes up to me and says I have to move my drink. I was like "what". He told me again with out an excuse. I moved it...I didn't want to be thrown out. But like 5 minutes later, 2 hot under aged girls get put in the VIP, you know they have no money, and were hanging with Tony Tone. Stepping all over the couches, spilling drinks everywhere. Definitely doing a lot more damage than my drink sitting on top of the railing. LP might bring in top notch talent, and the hosts might be great people, but the security staff at Space has always been biased. They SUCK. I respect the fact that they do what ever they want so pissing them off is not a good idea, but I definitely don't respect them as a person. Juice and X don't mix. Sorry if I don't go to Golds and hang out with you 30ish just found X look at my sexy body I'll kick your ass I never experienced this type of club before stupid ass. No ofense to anyone, but you know who I am referring to.

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Guest TATT4

Here's my bad experience my friend and I had. It was 9 am in the morning at Space, and my girls and i were hanging on the patio. One of my friends asked me to walk with her to the bathroom. As you know at the time inside, nobody is there..except those wondering in and out to use the restrooms. My friend was waiting for me to get out of the bathroom, and she had sat down on a couch in the VIP (nobody was even in the area then..not even a bouncer)..By the time I Got out of the restroom, I saw my friend being picked up and carried out. Mind you- this is a young woman who was just sitting down, she is not a frequent at space so she didn't know you couldn't sit inside for a sec while waiting. Instead of just asking her to get up..they put her arms on her and felt it necessary to "man-handle" her all the way down the stairs to throw her out. I was so upset that I started screaming at the bouncers to take his nasty hands off my girlfriend..and what do you know?? They picked me up and threw me out as well. Completely unnecessary. The ONLY time I think it is necessary to touch any person in a club when throwing them out is when they will not corporate at all, or when they are a serious threat to others or the bouncers themselves. But to put your hand on a young woman and bruise her arms?? Come on guys!! But after all...Like the Owner really gives a F*&^ about his patrons. I will say though- there are some very cool and very sweet bouncers at Space. Don't want to label them all. But Space should definitely have someone supervising and investigating all these things that happen...

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Guest LeVeL

is this some sort of "i want to shit on Space" Friday prank ???

Nooo Its just that a lot of people have had bad trips in the past at Space and now people have a thread to voice their experiences on.

I am all up for it. Sometimes shit happens and goes unnoticed to the regular clubber. This thread also serves as a do and donts of Space too.

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Guest musicalmissionary

One time... I went to Space... and had a really good time... met some really cool people... and heard some really good music on a really good sound system. No wait... I think that happened a bunch of times. ;D

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