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Sweet 16 on MTV, - it is horrible

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Guest Davenavarro10

I can't agree with you more. The show is crap. I hope those kids get their asses kicked or are heckled on the street by people who recognize them from the show. Damn I miss the days when Mtv used to actually play videos and not crappy-ass reality shows.

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what about the chick that started to cry because she didnt get her Range Rover on the night of her birthday...

"daddddddddddddddy........ mom cancelled my credit card"

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Guest Cosmigonon

Well, what may seem ridiculous to you and me it's perfectly normal for them.

People with less resources than us in other parts of the world or even in this country would think that we (while growing up) were spoiled by having cable tv, cell phones, and whatnot, so in the end it all depends on the eye of the beholder.

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Guest siuol_leahcim

Well, what may seem ridiculous to you and me it's perfectly normal for them.

People with less resources than us in other parts of the world or even in this country would think that we (while growing up) were spoiled by having cable tv, cell phones, and whatnot, so in the end it all depends on the eye of the beholder.

you've got a good point there. and you really can't blame them 100%. their parents should be held more accountable for them being that way.

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Guest pod

They should show this program when they start debating about legalizing retroactive abortion.

Sad really, training them to be gold-digging whores early on.

"If I whine and put out I'll get whatever I want!"

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Guest trancepriest

Well, what may seem ridiculous to you and me it's perfectly normal for them.

People with less resources than us in other parts of the world or even in this country would think that we (while growing up) were spoiled by having cable tv, cell phones, and whatnot, so in the end it all depends on the eye of the beholder.

Hear Hear! Wealth is a relative thing. For example imagine a young girl going to Yale. She has enough money for food and her living expenses. She has a brand spanking new PowerMac G5 and 23" Cinema display. she has lots of clothes. She's got an iPod, Motorola Razr... and a Powerbook. she doesn't have to work at all.... everything was paid for by her parents. But this girls feels miserable poor... she thinks about money constantly... She wants to go to Paris with her friends but she can't afford it, she wants a nice imported convertible like her friends... but she can't afford it. She wants to have sophisticated parties (like her friends).. but can't afford it. She wants to live off campus in her own apartment but she can't afford it... So she feels miserable relative to her friends.

Alot of sociologist says that relative to the rest of the world.. no one is poor in America... if you guys know what poverty is like in the developing world... well then they have a point. All poverty in America is relative. Secretly I believe people watch these shows out of a longing for luxury and an amazement at their position in life vs. the people in the show.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

::) Whatever...

The people on that show are still obnoxious.

Fine if people have money and wealth. But does MTV really have to make a show out of it?

I'm rereading Fight Club right now and this show (and advertising) is a perfect example of the media perpetuating the "i want, i need" deal.

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," stories of celebrity lives, "Cribs," and now this.... it's getting old already

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Guest trancepriest

::) Whatever...

The people on that show are still obnoxious.

Fine if people have money and wealth. But does MTV really have to make a show out of it?

I'm rereading Fight Club right now and this show (and advertising) is a perfect example of the media perpetuating the "i want, i need" deal.

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," stories of celebrity lives, "Cribs," and now this.... it's getting old already

Lets go a little further into analysis of our own lifestyles. Clubbing. It's alot of obnoxious ego trippin stuff. O' no I don't have to wait in line... thats for regular people. Having to have nice outfits to maintain a certain image, VIP (well not everyone is into that.. but alot are)... alot of wasted money on socializing. The primary difference is that most people on here work to go clubbing.. while these spoiled girls get alot of their thrills for free. "i want, i need" to go see such and such a dj... " i want, i need" to go to ultra, "i want, i need" to go to 50% of the parties at WMC... "i want, ineed" to see all the hot club openings. A lifestyle fixed on heavy socializing.. to alot of people in the world that is spoiled.

Kids are dying over in Iraq.. and we talk of clubbing. The same self obnoxiousness thats found in those spoiled brats. This is an I based society. The ego is paramount. Whats really obnoxious is regular working stiffs feeling like their super stars... like a damn local celebrity or something... calling up club owners and talking like they deserve certain things. Their not in the mafia, their not in the industry... but yet they go around with these big egos of entitlement. Certain people on this board come to mind.

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the episode i saw the girl was ballin because her dad was late from work to get to her party and she had to wait outside longer then she wanted (cuz her dad had to escort her into the party) ::)

Actually Bling that was the one and only moment that I thought was sad. Of all the episodes so far I think that girl was the least spoiled. And it seemed as if she was more of a parent than either her own mother or father.

I have watched every episode just simply because its like watching a trainwreck and I love to watch the little rich kids get disappointed. From the girl who was upset because "Mom cancelled my credit card" to the father who flew his son to Nikki Beach on a school night just to win cool points with his kid. All these families are ridiculous, obnoxious and have far too much money to throw away. But whatever, we are all different, I just know that I will never be one of those people and thats just fine by me.

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Guest shannon_coolj.

::) Whatever...

The people on that show are still obnoxious.

Fine if people have money and wealth. But does MTV really have to make a show out of it?

I'm rereading Fight Club right now and this show (and advertising) is a perfect example of the media perpetuating the "i want, i need" deal.

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," stories of celebrity lives, "Cribs," and now this.... it's getting old already

Lets go a little further into analysis of our own lifestyles. Clubbing. It's alot of obnoxious ego trippin stuff. O' no I don't have to wait in line... thats for regular people. Having to have nice outfits to maintain a certain image, VIP (well not everyone is into that.. but alot are)... alot of wasted money on socializing. The primary difference is that most people on here work to go clubbing.. while these spoiled girls get alot of their thrills for free. "i want, i need" to go see such and such a dj... " i want, i need" to go to ultra, "i want, i need" to go to 50% of the parties at WMC... "i want, ineed" to see all the hot club openings. A lifestyle fixed on heavy socializing.. to alot of people in the world that is spoiled.

Kids are dying over in Iraq.. and we talk of clubbing. The same self obnoxiousness thats found in those spoiled brats. This is an I based society. The ego is paramount. Whats really obnoxious is regular working stiffs feeling like their super stars... like a damn local celebrity or something... calling up club owners and talking like they deserve certain things. Their not in the mafia, their not in the industry... but yet they go around with these big egos of entitlement. Certain people on this board come to mind.

Clubbing has never been obnoxious ego trippin stuff for me. If I get into a club for free, that's great. If not, I will pay if it's a DJ/producer I really want to see. And I feel lucky to have worked for cooljunkie here and lunarmagazine in Atlanta - I got into a lot of clubs for free and got to meet a lot of artists I admire. I don't take that for granted.

And yeah, when I go out, I try to look nice. So what? Tribal women in Africa try to look nice when they put huge plates in their lips. What's the difference? No matter who you are, if you have the resources, you try to look nice (or at least presentable).

Kids are dying in Iraq and we're talking about clubbing. Well, ok. I do think about the kids dying in Iraq...and the tsunami victims...and people dying of AIDS in hospitals. I do pray for them...AND think about clubbing and music and my job and the people I love. You can be concerned with more than one thing at a time. Thinking about your life while people are dying in the world is not egotistical. It's part of our nature.

I agree with you that this is an I-based society. It has to be to a certain degree for you to survive in this world. But people take it to extremes - like those girls in the MTV show.

I work for a nonprofit and I see unselfishness everyday with my volunteers. They give up so much of their precious time, and time with their families to GIVE. I guess that's why I have a different perspective.

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Guest trancepriest

I think those kids have a right to act the way they do. Its all capitalism... flaunt it if u got it. If someone from say China was critiquing our excess lifestyles.. we wouldn't give a damn.. and so don't they (the rich kids).

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Guest trancepriest

They have a right to, but should they? I have a right to break wind in an elevator. Should I?

Do Americans have a right to use up all the resources that they do? Do we have a right to leave the TV on even though no one is watching? Do we have a right to run our computers 24/7 with no regards for energy consumption? Do we have a right to have to have 2 refrigerators and a deep freezer.. to have 3 cars. Damn right we have the right. Let some person from the developing world tell us how to live or to behave and we wouldn't give a FuK. Thats my point.. when it comes to us observing the behaviours of these rich kids. Those rich kids don't give a damn what we think.. and we Americans don't give a damn what the developing world thinks. The only thing that matters in this country is making money... and what you do with what you make. Thats what capitalism is based on. The freedom of being pampered. So what if they complain that their credit cards have been taken away. They have it like that. Wouldn't you have liked to have a credit card from your parents at their age.... and a car... and mad money?

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Guest trancepriest

That is true. The rich kids don't care since life is just fine from their perspective. Is their behavior disgusting? Sure it is.

My point overall is that our national behaviour is becoming disgusting to the rest of the world. Most people in foreign countries look at all Americans has spoiled. I remember how disgusted by civilians I was when I got out of the Marines. I hated this society based on materialism instead of character. But once I realized thats the way the game was... I tried to get mine. I view most people has spoiled, fake, not willing to make any sacrifices, pleasure loving... so I can't be an hypocrite and knock the behaviours of these rich kids.. in away we all want to be gay with an attitude.... a nation of pleasure loving queers... trendsetters and fashionistas spurred on by marketing... philosophically chanting capitalism.... on our way to the great American filmic dream.

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Guest Devilicious

I blame it all on the parents.

agreed 100%

Exercise some self-control and teach your kids some manners. I haven't seen the show, but it sounds like the parents have a lot of money and no class.

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Guest LdySphynx

put out I'll get whatever I want!"

Well if you put out you always get what you want ;)....thats the perception men have sadly given out to women!!!

Some women just abuse it!!!!

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Guest Cosmigonon

That is true. The rich kids don't care since life is just fine from their perspective. Is their behavior disgusting? Sure it is.

My point overall is that our national behaviour is becoming disgusting to the rest of the world. Most people in foreign countries look at all Americans has spoiled.

I think you hit the nail right on the head. The same way we criticize those kids, and think they live spoiled unreal lives, that's exactly the way most of the world sees the US.

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Guest pod

Thing is though, there's always someone below you who is jealous or thinks your behavior is disgusting. Europeans hate the US, Africans hate the Europeans, and so on down the line...

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Guest trancepriest

Thing is though, there's always someone below you who is jealous or thinks your behavior is disgusting. Europeans hate the US, Africans hate the Europeans, and so on down the line...

True. I'm not jealous of rich kids though... my goal is to make money off of them... lol. So they can be spoiled... take a crap in their pants and wear diapers all they want. I don't give a Fuk. This world is filled with a bunch of virus, cancerous human beings. And the worse thing to be other than a virus cancerous human being.. is to be an hypocrite on top of it. so with that said... hi my name is trancepriest... and i'm a greedy motherfukker... i love pleasure, i love orgies, i love decadence and i even like a snob attitude every now and then. And I wish I had a family credit card in H.S. and I wish I had an imported luxury car too. The only difference is that I hate people... so I don't give a damn about birthday parties or being around other viruses.

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