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Ear Plugs in clubs...


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Ok a few questions:

1. Isn't it lows that hurt your ears more than highs? Highs move your ear drum quck and fast, the lows move it long and slow???

2. does the funktion one hurt your ears like lets say space's system?

3. A big name dj i know I ask him about this 2 years ago, he went to the dr and has natural wax that protects him.

4. I've had a very short ringing in my ear, what I read is that it's one of the hairs dying.

5. how do you know if the ear plugs really help?

6. can you still talk with them on?

7. isn't trance the real culprit?

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Ok a few questions:

1. Isn't it lows that hurt your ears more than highs? Highs move your ear drum quck and fast, the lows move it long and slow???

2. does the funktion one hurt your ears like lets say space's system?

3. A big name dj i know I ask him about this 2 years ago, he went to the dr and has natural wax that protects him.

4. I've had a very short ringing in my ear, what I read is that it's one of the hairs dying.

5. how do you know if the ear plugs really help?

6. can you still talk with them on?

7. isn't trance the real culprit?

1) no idea but I would imagine that the high pitches could do some serious damage as well as the lows

2) no idea...Crobar (at the back bar) and Space (inside) are where I mainly use my earplugs.

3) Yes, that is an option.

4) no idea

5) when my ears arent bleeding and arent ringing when i leave the club i feel i have accomplished at least SOME protection

6) yes

7) :P

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ok i read that site, it's kinda all bullshit...

the rock concert level it says without the plugs you can stay only 5 mins but with the plugs 1.25 hours...

I stay 7 hours!!!!!!!!!!! 7 times the aloted time...

those plugs are worthless. I guess the arguement is you are doing damage but not as bad as with none...

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I wouldnt say they are worthless but they arent going to prevent ALL damage either. But I didnt leave Space once with a small amount of blood in my ears ...ewwww. I hate it when I leave home without my earplugs, but to each his own. If you want PERFECT ears you would have to sit in silence...NOT an option.

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anythign over 90 db is considered significant exposure, and also more then an hour..I would have to look up my old Occupational Health adn hearing conservation manuals..from when i was in the Air Force..I do have a bit of tinitus..from my flightline days

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Guest lulamishka

Oh man, you have got to be kidding. Do you think that if you wear earplugs, you will not be able to hear the sound system?

Of course you'll be able to hear it to some extent, but it's not the same. Why pay to go out and listen to high quality sound at a high volume, and then muffle and mute the sound? I've had earplugs in before, the sound coming through them sounds nothing like what it does when you have an open ear canal. It doesn't just lower the level, it sounds like I'm listening to music being played in the next room, and I can do that myself at home (and with no cover charge, even!).

You can still hear the music just fine, and if you get the right ones, you can actually hear it better.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If you can provide a scientific explanation as to how putting something in your ear that blocks sound waves (or at least absorbs part of their energy) from hitting your eardrum allows you to hear *anything* better, I'd love to see it.

Mike and Josh, I hate to see it but you sound extremely ignorant in this thread. If you choose not to wear earplugs, thats fine, but dont come signing to me when you cant hear anymore. LOL! :P

Carisa, I gotta agree with you here.

I was at Space this weekend, and NO I was NOT standing in front of the speaker, but gawddamn I felt like my ears were bleeding. My left ear still bothered me a bit today from it!

The sound was wayyyy too loud at Space this weekend. And just like Carisa, I too had to go up to the patio for some relief.

You've gotta be kidding me if you don't think your once a week or so clubbing doesn't effect your hearing. I don't think I'll go back in a club w/o earplugs from now on.

So yea, don't come signing to me when you can't hear anymore.

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Guest General

not sure about the highs/lows but the sheer decibels do matter. every ear protection device is rated by its NRR. the closer you can keep the decibels to 85, the better off you are. i think there are some plugs that have about a NRR of 30.

heres another site:


great website.... I guess I still need to look for some way to measure the noise level in my car ???

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I rock my ear plugs every weekend. Matter of fact I keep a jar of ear plugs in my car. They are not that expensive.

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Guest General

Hi carisa 8) This is all great FYI, I actually thought about wearing some next time just to try it out, however, what about the sound system in your car? Is there perhaps a special place to take cars and have them tested? Just to find out if theres any damage being created.... and system that has been upgreaded rather then factory stock.

If you hear of any place let me know, thanks ;D

Hey you! I really have no idea about cars but that is a very good question. Luckily for me I still have the factory speakers and it doesnt rock out that much without some serious vibrations going on...right Pod. :P

Alright, I did my own little experiment since I couldn't find anything to measure the inside of a car. I wore only one ear plug while a 20min drive with the music about 2/3 of the way up. Afterwards i did notice the ear without had a bit of a ringing to it. So I guess you can have damage cause in your own car if you upgrade your car system :-[

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Guest coach
2. does the funktion one hurt your ears like lets say space's system?

Yes, the sound in Space nearly always hurts my ears.
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Guest saintjohn
1. Isn't it lows that hurt your ears more than highs? Highs move your ear drum quck and fast, the lows move it long and slow???


Noise-induced hearing loss is a sensorineural hearing deficit that begins at the higher frequencies (3,000 to 6,000 Hz) and develops gradually as a result of chronic exposure to excessive sound levels. Although the loss is typically symmetric, noise from such sources as firearms or sirens may produce an asymmetric loss. Acoustic trauma, a related condition, results from an acute exposure to short-term impulsive noise.


Sound is measured in decibels (dBs). Typically, sound pressure levels (SPLs) in industrial environments are expressed as dB(A), a modified scale which is weighted towards the higher-frequency sounds to which our ears are most sensitive.

It's worth noting that the decibel scale is logarithmic. An increase of 3 dB equals a doubling of sound intensity. Four hours of 88 dB noise is considered the equivalent of eight hours at 85 dB.

Foam earplugs that reduce sound levels by 30 dB are available at the local drugstore. Greater attenuation of ambient noise levels isn't practical with in-ear protection, however, because sound is also transmitted directly to our ear drums by the bones in our heads. If you want more protection, you'll need a combination of ear plugs and external hearing protectors, just like the deck crews on aircraft carriers.

Fortunately, nightclubs aren't that loud, really, unless you stand in front of a high-mid speaker enclosure. Also, some audiologists believe that extreme low frequency sound pressure levels actually protect our ears (to some degree) from the damaging effects of higher frequencies. In other words, those bass bins may be good for you.

Also, recent studies suggest that antioxidants may help protect the stereocilia in our ears from cellular metabolic overload, so make sure you get plenty of selenium, betacarotene, and vitamins C and E in your diet. Maybe Louis Puig could have a few more ingredients added to Space Fuel.

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Guest Civs

You don't know what you have until you loose it. If you are a clubber, ear plugs are a must. I have extra in the car just in case. Nver leave home without them. Also, living in paradise has it's consequences, wear sun block when going about your day to day activities. Not only will it protect you from skin cance, but will also prevent those dreaded wrinkles (hey i just discovered the fountaion of youth). Have fun and above all protect your body. You onlyu have one, well until the cloning begins :)

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Guest The_Man

Civs, good post but you are likely to get genius responses like, "I don't have skin cancer or wrinkles so there is nothing wrong" or "Sun block takes away from the tanning experience." ::)

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Guest Spankmeister

If a club's system isn't balanced/tweaked/equalized right, then it can be PAINFUL on the ears...

For example, a club in Toronto...Boa Redux...has 160,000 watts of power...you can FEEL the sound...it is awesome, so clean and pristine...but it is balanced sooo nicely that my ears never ring when I leave there, even after the 40 hour NYE marathon party...

But the Guvernment on the other hand...just LOUD sound...the space and the system isn't tweaked as well as Boa's...so my ears always ring after that club...

I always bring earplugs....I want to be able to enjoy the music as long as I can!

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Guest Civs

The Man,

I agree with you, if they don't see the damage all is ok. However, there is nothing wrong with preventive care. It all falls on the individual. My personal view is that too much of anything can cause harm. Either way, i'll keep putting the block on to hopefully stay looking young :)

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