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OG and Roland review..

V. Barbarino

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good tunes out of both of them

both clubs had horrible crowds...

I think space had 5 girls and only 1 of them was hot.. Not sure what went wrong...

OG did really well, I really loved his set... Way more NYC ish.. Though I'm pulling the plug on the horn, og you use it to much.

Roland played well, but NOC never got packed and they are disorganized.

Not much of a crowd at 5am on the patio at NOC, got to check out greg, good stuff..


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I could not believe it when I saw that next to Players the parking was $25 dollars. Now THAT is ridiculous. The prices for parking in downtown are getting way too out of control. As for NOC im over it! Friday and Saturday there is like night and day. Fridays at NOC are amazing, and in my opinion Saturdays suck... goes to show why they say 'SATURDAYS BELONG TO SPACE'

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Guest ramon

i have a few points to make .. parking is absolutely retarded .. i was there the previous night and it was $10 and the next night it jumped up to $20 .. if only my stocks could increase like that over night.

noc's door is finally getting better. i appreciate the people who take care of me week in and week out.

i haven't done the vip thing yet, but i have setup a few reservations for friends and everything was taken care of in a timely matter.

oscar and greg killed it .. different vibes and different music (for the most part), but definitely what i wanted to hear. it's so tough to choose so i won't i do both. ;)

i was at nocturnal both friday and saturday this weekend and had a great time both nights. it was intresting to see the main room packed when i first walked in .. roland was playing greece 2000 remix of some sort. :)

greg was just being greg .. acapellas , beats , bootlegs .. i had an awesome time up there as well .. good life!!! and my nocturnal patio anthem record .. the sky is pink. :)

one last thing about nocturnal .. the wrist band stuff that nick posted about is true .. i havent' dealt with it in a few weeks due to my lack of timeliness (laziness), but its terrible when you try to go see the dj you went to go see and can't go to the room he's playing at because of a wrist band issue. my only solution to that is dj a = playing in a room where band is required than give that band to see that dj play. it doesnt need to be a vip band per say, but just a band that lets the consumer see the dj they came to see play. this can be done by seeing which list the person signed up for. :)

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one last thing about nocturnal .. the wrist band stuff that nick posted about is true .. i havent' dealt with it in a few weeks due to my lack of timeliness (laziness), but its terrible when you try to go see the dj you went to go see and can't go to the room he's playing at because of a wrist band issue. my only solution to that is dj a = playing in a room where band is required than give that band to see that dj play. it doesnt need to be a vip band per say, but just a band that lets the consumer see the dj they came to see play. this can be done by seeing which list the person signed up for. :)

This is why I havent been to see Greg yet. I just dont feel like dealing with door drama and once I get in if I cant go up to hear Greg Ill prob go apeshit on someone. LOL! ;D

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Guest dirtyhouse777

when going out gets this complicated, i think it's more than blatant the type of crowd they're appealing to.

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Guest macboy

Our first time there. Went earlier than most of you normally do. Karin was at the door and was very nice. Biz, thanks for the drinks. Had a great time last night. Roland, hope you do another main room set as I doubt we'll make it to an afterhours gig. :)

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Guest defunes

I want to think Angel for placing me on his list although I emailed him pretty late. The guy at the door was starting to be a lil rude and couldn't find me on his list...after I told him to look again he was geting frustrated but then saw my name and let me in.

On Roland. If saturdays belongs to space then for me Roland belongs to the patio. I usually love his sets and think he is right on the dot when he mixes, but yesterday it seemed like mixing was WORK. He didn't seem to be into it that much and the crowd responded accordingly. I stayed there till 3:30am and every time I looked around it seemed that my girl and I were the only ones dancing upstairs. I enjoyed my night but it was definetely not a WOW night. I don't know about everyone else but for me it seems like NOC is missing something..I can't place my finger on it but the vibe is not all there yet.

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Guest Satan

i dunno. ive yet to have much door trouble at all. but i hear ive been lucky cause i know certain people....i guess...

i was there all nite friday/sat morning...and vip was no problem, and roland was absolutely ON.

i have heard about the wristband issues though never experienced it.....may i suggest ONE BIG GAY ASS RAINBOW BRITE WRISTBAND that lets you in to every freaking section if you are willing to pay for it?

just a thought...i do like the club, and i have had fun

still, im a space junkie.

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Guest Civs

NOC definitely needs to fix that wristband issue. sucks when you go there and they lock you into a room. Don't get me wrong, I love the place and have been lucky to get a wristband. please guys, work on this issue otherwise you will loose customers. i've had drama at the door since i'm not part of the in the "IN" corwd and just a regular guy wanting to attend a kick ass party. I won't name names, but there are few at the door who are on a power trip. guys, it's not like your place is packed. ease up a little, all we are asking is to have a great time at your great party.

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Guest kurtispm8

That happens when a DJ plays a club that has a mediocre crowd @ best. It's hard to get a feel for the crowd when the crowd isn't feeling anything. :'(

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That happens when a DJ plays a club that has a mediocre crowd @ best. It's hard to get a feel for the crowd when the crowd isn't feeling anything. :'(

I agree, you can have the best DJ in the world with the worst crowd and the party will suck regardless. On the same token you can play an oscar g mix CD at space on a saturday night and have the place jumpin'.The responsiveness of the CROWD is what ultimately dictates the vibe. If Space had a sucky, clueless crowd like the hard rock clubs, no DJ and i mean NO DJ or sophisticated light system would create a good vibe. It's that simple...... A club, and any club for that matter is just a big room. Space had 5 years to find it's core Following. Noc is just getting started, it will get there eventually. I couldn't make it but could have predicted the end result. The Saturday crowd Nocturnal is trying to reach is not READY if you know what i mean. It like when Space started 5 years ago, the only difference is that Space didn't have any competiton next door back then.

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... On the same token you can play an oscar g mix CD at space on a saturday night and have the place jumpin'....

what the hell is this supossed to mean ..

that there could be no dj but just a cd playing on repeat all night long and the party will still be great ?

the comment u just made is like saying that the 10+ hour set Oscar played this weekend was nothing ... like if all the effort he put into his set was nothing because regardless the crowd is always good ..

that has to be one of the stupidest comments u have ever made

the success of the party @ space on saturdays consists of more than one element .. from the way they treat you at the door' date=' at the bar ... from the way the crowd reacts to the way [b']THE DJ PLAYS ... all of those factors and more coming together is what makes a party sucessful @ any club ... call it Amika, Crobar, Nocturnal, Space .... blah blah blah

week after week, djs at any club give their best (or at least this is the way it should be) so that any party becomes sucessfull, by you saying "you could just put a cd there and the party will still go" means that us djs are worthless at any given party






i had a fun time @ both places ... Ramon can testify on that

till next time

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that has to be one of the stupidest comments u have ever made

Andrew get your head out of your ass and read the whole paragraph. Stop being an emotional, hypersensitive little bitch and try to understand the reasoning behind what i said. I was comparing a clueless crowd and a good crowd. I NEVER said the DJ is worthless. But a dj alone canot motivate a clueless crowd. On the contrary. I always give DJs their props. Anybody on this board can attest to that.

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Guest LdySphynx

OG did really well, I really loved his set... Way more NYC ish.. Though I'm pulling the plug on the horn, og you use it to much.

LMMFAO, funny you should mention that.......cause I was actually told by someone that was in the booth that it was not Oscar who was pulling the horn or the spotlights for that matter ::), this person pulled the horn so much that they actually BROKE IT :o................i'll give you a little hint on who it was he's a local promoter ;)!!!

I guess he had a little TOO much to drink!!!

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Guest LdySphynx

That happens when a DJ plays a club that has a mediocre crowd @ best. It's hard to get a feel for the crowd when the crowd isn't feeling anything. :'(

I agree' date=' you can have the best DJ in the world with the worst crowd and the party will suck regardless. On the same token you can play an oscar g mix CD at space on a saturday night and have the place jumpin'.The CROWD is what ultimately creates and dictates the vibe. If Space had a sucky, clueless crowd like the hard rock clubs, no DJ and i mean NO DJ or sophisticated light system would create a good vibe. It's that simple...... A club, and any club for that matter is just a big room. Space had 5 years to find it's core Following. Noc is just getting started, it will get there eventually. I couldn't make it but could have predicted the end result. The Saturday crowd Nocturnal is trying to reach is not READY if you know what i mean. It like when Space started 5 years ago, the only difference is that Space didn't have any competiton next door back then.

[/quote']Actually I think you misunderstood kurtis post........but I have to disagree with you on the whole CD comment, THE DJ IS THE VIBE MAKER trust me if the DJ looks at the crowd and determines what his next song or mix is going to be to keep building to that momentum or to bring them down for a bit depending on the crowds reaction.....so you see how having a CD will NEVER work maybe it will but for like an hour or 2.

Now as for your night being shitty cause of the crowd, i've never been one to go by the crowd AT ALL, my thing is the music and the vibe I get from it FUCK THE CROWD I make my own night and my own VIBE!!!!

I think I can safely say that it has been more the times that the crowd at Space has not been I guess what you can call up to par, but it has not bothered me none......the music was amazing and the crowd I was with was even more amazing and that's all that I needed to make my night or morning. So as for you putting in a CD and just because the crowd maybe what you like, UH UH..........I rather it be the other way around but thats just my 2 cents!!!

BTW, I think what kurtis meant was if the crowd don't feel the DJ's(notice I mentioned the DJ) vibe that it's hard to feel the vibe yourself if the crowd is just like whatever, not that the crowd is not up to anyones liking.....this I can understand to an extent!!!

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In short what i was saying is that Space has a good crowd. A good dj makes it 10X better. But Andrew over reacted to what I said. I've been to parties where my friends and I feeling the music and the DJ, but 90% of the people are not. What is a DJ to do when he has a horrible crowd that does not understand or feel the music ? How can he feed off a nonresponsive crowd?

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Guest LdySphynx

In short what i was saying is that Space has a good crowd. A good dj makes it 10X better. But Andrew over reacted to what I said. I've been to parties where my friends and I feeling the music' date=' but 90% of the people are not. What is a DJ to do when he has a horrible crowd that does not understand or feel the music? How can he feed off a nonresponsive crowd.

[/quote']Well yeah I see where ur coming from, and I understand but the thing is also the I can say that maybe out of the people that frequent the club scene today probably only 20% know a thing or 2 about music, the other 80%maybe its higher maybe its lower, just goes out o get drunk off thier asses and listen to whatever music (shit I have heard people refer to house music as techno or even trance)...........I feel like slapping them abside their heads but whatever.

The point that im getting at is this one, yeah I hear you on the whole nonresponsive crowd thing and a DJ not being able to work with them, but nowadays the people will dance to any type of EDM, just as long as it's EDM........sad but true.

And OH LORD don't let them hear that Horn or see the Spotlights cause they go NUTS and screaming and Jumping all over the place, but why cause it's just a natural reaction to the whole scene even if its ROCK the DJ is playing...........you get where im going!!!

That here it's actually hard to come across a nonresponsive crowd, I seriously cannot think of one time that I have been to Crobar or Space and not see the crowd responding to the DJ!!!

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Guest LdySphynx

i dont agree guys, im sorry...i really am really......

Well dont just say ur sorry, what don't you agree with??

Come on this is actually a very interesting topic, say what you feel!!!

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In short what i was saying is that Space has a good crowd. A good dj makes it 10X better. But Andrew over reacted to what I said. I've been to parties where my friends and I feeling the music, but 90% of the people are not. What is a DJ to do when he has a horrible crowd that does not understand or feel the music? How can he feed off a nonresponsive crowd.

Well yeah I see where ur coming from, and I understand but the thing is also the I can say that maybe out of the people that frequent the club scene today probably only 20% know a thing or 2 about music, the other 80% just goes out o get drunk off thier asses and listen to whatever music (shit I have heard people refer to house music as techno or even trance)...........I feel like slapping them abside their heads but whatever.

The point that im getting at is this one, yeah I hear you on the whole nonresponsive crowd thing and a DJ not beig able to work with them, but nowadays the people will dance to any type of EDM, just as long as it's EDM........sad but true.

And OH LORD don't let them hear that Horn or see the Spotlights cause they go NUTS and screaming and Jumping all over the place, but why cause it's just a natural reaction to the whole scene even if its ROCK the DJ is playing...........you get where im going!!!

That here it's actually hard to come across a nonresponsive crowd, I seriously cannot think of one time that I have been to Crobar or Space and not see the crowd responding to the DJ!!!

Ok I agree........ At least you understood where i was coming from.

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In short what i was saying is that Space has a good crowd. A good dj makes it 10X better. But Andrew over reacted to what I said. I've been to parties where my friends and I feeling the music, but 90% of the people are not. What is a DJ to do when he has a horrible crowd that does not understand or feel the music? How can he feed off a nonresponsive crowd.

(shit I have heard people refer to house music as techno or even trance)...........I feel like slapping them abside their heads but whatever.

please come to orlando and do that...im begging you...

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Guest LdySphynx

In short what i was saying is that Space has a good crowd. A good dj makes it 10X better. But Andrew over reacted to what I said. I've been to parties where my friends and I feeling the music' date=' but 90% of the people are not. What is a DJ to do when he has a horrible crowd that does not understand or feel the music? How can he feed off a nonresponsive crowd.

[/quote']Well yeah I see where ur coming from, and I understand but the thing is also the I can say that maybe out of the people that frequent the club scene today probably only 20% know a thing or 2 about music, the other 80% just goes out o get drunk off thier asses and listen to whatever music (shit I have heard people refer to house music as techno or even trance)...........I feel like slapping them abside their heads but whatever.

The point that im getting at is this one, yeah I hear you on the whole nonresponsive crowd thing and a DJ not beig able to work with them, but nowadays the people will dance to any type of EDM, just as long as it's EDM........sad but true.

And OH LORD don't let them hear that Horn or see the Spotlights cause they go NUTS and screaming and Jumping all over the place, but why cause it's just a natural reaction to the whole scene even if its ROCK the DJ is playing...........you get where im going!!!

That here it's actually hard to come across a nonresponsive crowd, I seriously cannot think of one time that I have been to Crobar or Space and not see the crowd responding to the DJ!!!

Ok I agree........ At least you understood where i was coming from.

Yes sir I do, and yes I think that Andrew overreacted just a tad.......but I guess it comes natural when to him it seems you are just attcking a DJs hard work!!!!
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