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What would you fix with Nocturnal?

V. Barbarino

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Guest Damon7278

Never fuck with the cracker, or I listen to oscar g for 15 minutes, come over to your house and clog up your toliets, I been known to do that, space is still bitching at me about the roto rooter bill :)

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Guest Roxybella1

come on guys, share the love. we are missing the point, it's about the music. it's about the music. i don't go to clubs for the drama and the velvet rope bullshit. it's about the music. i hope we all love the music. that's what get's me there and has always gotten me there. been loving the music from they days back on 10 18. u know what i'm talking about turbo :) the roxy, limelight. f all this bs. we love the music. let's party to the music. next drink for both of u is on me. bros, we love the music or am i mistaken?????? u guys make the call...


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Guest Civs

LMAO. well isn't it?

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Guest Roxybella1

LMAO. well isn't it?


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Guest Roxybella1

Ok well I went back and read through all these posts, to see where the hell you guys went wrong, ok first of all Andrew.... Rick only mentions anything about Space when he talks about the Patio not opening early. Yeah ur right they do open it early but you said it yourself for "special events"(that I know of)why? Cause they know that on any given weekend if the patio was open the main room would probably not stay as packed as it would on a night that has a special event or guest DJ. Now another time he compares Space to Noc is when he speaks of the Security & Staff, which if you are going to jump on him about that you might as well jump on Matas(sorry Jesse just making a point) cause he mentioned it first. I will say this I have had friends that have bought 2 bottles and have been treated like complete crap so badly that Space had to actually give them back the money they spent on the bottles and even comp them a another for next time they went(which they never have gone back).

I also have 2 GFs that were in the bathroom and one handed a babywipes to the other and the lady in the bathroom called security thinking it was some kind of drug transaction, they were pulled from the bathroom in front of everyone embarrassed and got searched when the security gaurds saw that it was really a packet of baby wipes yeah they apologized but still they went through the worst experience they ever could have gone thru they left immidiately after that with their husbands. Now I on he other hand have never had complaints with the Space staff on the other hand I actually feel safe with them around and actually know a couple of them, but that more than half of them are on power trips YEAH they are, and that they abuse their power YEAH they do. Now Noc is a new club and I am more than certain that more and more of these stories from hell regarding security gaurds will be heard!!!

Now Andrew I know you LOVE Space and that its ur second home and that you will protect it like it was your own child, but don't start jumping on everything that Rick says and take it as him lashing out against Space for whatever reason, cause like I said, then you might as well jump on everyone that has ever talked bad about Space and what Rick said does not even compare to what has been said on these boards. So come on guys you guys were getting along great on Thursday, don't let a discussion about a Club and what needs to be changed about it get between whatever friendship you guys might have had or might have been getting started!!!

To be honest with you both of you over reacted, NOW CHILL DAMMIT or I will Spank the both of you the next time I see you(damn but Rick might actually like that :P)!!!!


I'm messing with you chica...it's nice to see how you can express your opinion..You cant expect everywhere to be perfect right??? Every club has its ups and its down...they have their nice people and their nasty rude people....Lets give Nocturnal a break...The problem here is that most of us love space and been going for a very long time and we dont want the crowd to shrink and die out in which I think will never happen ...We wana keep it alive!!!!

But in my opinion, I think Nocturnal is good for Friday afterhours and Space for Saturday nights and afterhours as well...its true, Saturday nights at Nocturnal are pretty dead...but its only a matter of time...the club is just growing....

but again....good to read your opinion ;):D

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Guest Roxybella1

word. will there be a test on this??


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Guest digital7


needs to be lower so that you & the dj can interact with one another. That seems to be the biggest problem with the Mainroom in my opinion.

This past Saturday I wanted to create some sense of containment on the bottom floor, so I had this twin L shape vip on the south end of the dancefloor to create some warmth on that cold plain bottom floor. It seemed to work, so in my opinion that was a good change. but that's minimal vs the dj booth issue. Roland can't see the dancefloor from where he's standing. he had to play blind most of the time. As the dj, you have to lean way over & get on your tip toes to see half of the floor.

That's the biggest issue with the Mainfloor. and i think it creates that lack of energy, lack of vibe on the bottom dance floor pit.

Crobar NY dj booth was in a horrible location and it interfered with the flow of the room when they first opened. but they found a solution & relocated it...

Mainroom booth is a big problem for the house djs!

I wonder who designed and built the main room booth?.. After spending all that money, they should have atleast gotten crowd interaction right. The booth desperately needs to get moved to the first floor.

Traffic flow with in the club. Just not outside in the patio. The problem consists at pretty much all vital cross sections of the club. I think there needs to be better circulation starting from the first floor up.

The band issue on saturdays has been taken care of.

I also feel that the side room where the open format is played should be reworked. Placing a DJ booth behind a bar gives no crowd interaction and the placement of the bar litterally takes up half of the room. Becuase of this, the flow of traffic in that room is dead and ofcourse once overall traffic of the club is imporoved, will also affect all other designated areas. Monitoring can improve as well and should be taken into consideration once and if the booth gets moved.

Im no engineer, nor do I excel at AutoCAD but this is my view of the side room.


As you can see, there are overall improvements that can be taken into consideration as far as booth placement and overall traffic. Just my .02 cents worth.

On a side note, it's good to see a good constructive thread go to waste AGAIN with all this drama. Let it go people. Really.

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Guest LeVeL

Ahhhhhh I have to say I love this thread ;D

seems to me you havent gotten over the fact you were BANNED from Space so now you say stuff that u didnt before ... (staff is not as friendly as... music is not as good as .... blah blah blah)

First of all we all got to see what type of an asshole this guy is by dropping a nasty cheap shot on Rick who he speaks to outside of the boards. This is so lame how people can say shit like this and then turn around and say hi to you when they see you in person. This really shows your true side buddy.. ::)

But you're too busy sucking balls Andrew to notice. The only time you will be in the DJ booth at space is when you're next to the DJ, never behind the turntables Andrew. You Suck!!!

Second I have to praise Rick on his statement here. it just truly speak the truth. Can be harsh but its certainly the truth, you have said something that I been saying for months now.

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Guest Satan

umm...err, this was a long thread

what biz said. and im glad to hear noc is going "bandless" instead of rainbow-brite.

see ya'll in a couple of weeks. its my turn to be on tour now.


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Guest LdySphynx

Ahhhhhh I have to say I love this thread ;D

seems to me you havent gotten over the fact you were BANNED from Space so now you say stuff that u didnt before ... (staff is not as friendly as... music is not as good as .... blah blah blah)

First of all we all got to see what type of an asshole this guy is by dropping a nasty cheap shot on Rick who he speaks to outside of the boards. This is so lame how people can say shit like this and then turn around and say hi to you when they see you in person. This really shows your true side buddy.. ::)

But you're too busy sucking balls Andrew to notice. The only time you will be in the DJ booth at space is when you're next to the DJ' date=' never behind the turntables Andrew. You Suck!!!


Second I have to praise Rick on his statement here. it just truly speak the truth. Can be harsh but its certainly the truth, you have said something that I been saying for months now.

Estas de pipi Luis:P!!!

This is so lame how people can say shit like this and then turn around and say hi to you when they see you in person.

I don't know why this surprises you so much, I had a discussion about this while back with a fellow junkie.....it seems to be something very common nowadays!!!!


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Guest pod

This is so lame how people can say shit like this and then turn around and say hi to you when they see you in person.

And people wonder why I told a certain Hellenic fellow to leave me alone.

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Guest LdySphynx

This is so lame how people can say shit like this and then turn around and say hi to you when they see you in person.

And people wonder why I told a certain Hellenic fellow to leave me alone.

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come on guys, share the love. we are missing the point, it's about the music. it's about the music. i don't go to clubs for the drama and the velvet rope bullshit. it's about the music. i hope we all love the music. that's what get's me there and has always gotten me there. been loving the music from they days back on 10 18. u know what i'm talking about turbo :) the roxy, limelight. f all this bs. we love the music. let's party to the music. next drink for both of u is on me. bros, we love the music or am i mistaken?????? u guys make the call...

i just counted and u said music 8 times :o

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come on guys, share the love. we are missing the point, it's about the music. it's about the music. i don't go to clubs for the drama and the velvet rope bullshit. it's about the music. i hope we all love the music. that's what get's me there and has always gotten me there. been loving the music from they days back on 10 18. u know what i'm talking about turbo :) the roxy, limelight. f all this bs. we love the music. let's party to the music. next drink for both of u is on me. bros, we love the music or am i mistaken?????? u guys make the call...

i just counted and u said music 8 times :o


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Consistency is my main issue..

it's a shame when I bring new people there and they try to go back on a different night and Hate It!

"Where's the DJ" is the common question everyone asks when they arrive to the first floor. the booth is prob my biggest concern outside of consisency. that booth is way too high for such a short room. it should have stepped down at least 2 feet ( I understand why it is not on the first floor but it's in a bad spot) Poor design to say it was soo expensive... but i have to admit.. it sounds damn good and has everything a DJ could want inside it (including your own mini bar, SWEET)

"Bi-Polar disorder" is the best way to describe the Fri. vibe vs. Sat.

Most of the time I was going on both nights until i got fed up with the treatment on Saturdays... the whole wristband thing is KILLING your sat vibe, more so than TAI (who still have not really impressed me) as a result now, I mainly go on Fridays only.

"Up the Down Staircase" is the best way to describe the maze of movement between the floors. Please pick a traffic flow, post signs and stick to it...

"Slash my wrists" is the best way to describe the whole VIP wristband thing. I hate leaving my friends behind when it takes me 30 min to get a wristband just to get to the patio. only to be told I have the wrong wristband! pick a color or number with color per floor and make it EZ.

"Dehydration" I too have sent people who buy bottles only to have their server leave them hanging with only half of the order if they can even get their order in 20 min.

I will say kudos on many many other things, like the friendly staff (in most cases) esp. the bartenders who are HOT and petty damn funny when you get to know them.

I actually wanted to wait the first 90 days before I said too much either way.... esp since I sill am waiting to "do my thang" on a montly basis but the simple fact(s) that have already been stated, the powers that bee already know this, but when the changes will be made "who knows"

My 0.2 Centavos

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Guest becha

:) :) :) :)

I am suprised about how small the club seems to be...

No doubt the roof top is second to none...

but as far as inside.... I was dissappointed with the lay out...

I agree with most posts about the booth...

i hung out in it for a while.. and most definitely it was difficult to see the floor below...

The energy could be hard to build when no one can really see you from the dance floor...

:( :( :( :(

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