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Guest Devilicious

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Guest Devilicious

What's yours? Not what you were raised as, but what you actually believe.

Terry's comments in another thread prompted my interest, along with a friend of mine who is atheist but doesn't want a lot of people knowing, which frustrates me.

I'm agnostic. If you don't know that means I believe while there may be some form of higher power, we as humans are incabable of knowing or comprehending its existance.

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both my parents jewish. IM not super religous. i dont really go to temple except on high holy days. had my bar mitzvah, got circumscized by a moyle when i was 6 or 7 days old

yep im jewish.......

its all in the nose.. oyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Guest trancepriest

I'm a christian hating atheist. I believe most of them are murderers, pornographers, pedophiles, thieves, whores, depressives, hypocrites and in general idiots and jealous bastards that pray to GOD asking him to harm good people. "GOD can you kill all Iraqis and Iranians please.. and while your at it kill my next door neighbor too." Don't trust christians. Although for some strange reason I actually like Jehovah's Witnesses.

P.S... I forgot to add con artists to the list. Things were so much better when there were occasional human sacrifices and naked rituals... before christians had to mess it all up with concepts of heavenly supremacy, human bonfires, genocide and torture.

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Guest Cosmigonon

I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 13 years, therefore I'm an atheist.

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Guest Seb

I'm not really sure what I am. I was baptized Catholic but went to an Anglican (Protestant Sect) church growing up. I guess you could say I'm Christian. However I never go to church and really don't believe any of its teachings. I guess I've just find so many errors in the way that Christian think. I mean to think that if I'm a good person but because I don't believe in Jesus I won't go to heaven is ridiculous. How could such a powerful and all knowing being be that superficial. I think all religions have good intentions, the problem is that most orgnanized religions use these good intentions and turn them around to control people. In the end I think if your a good person and you treat people with respect and a good heart then your soul will transpire to a greater level. You can call it heaven it doesn't really matter.

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In the end I think if your a good person and you treat people with respect and a good heart then your soul will transpire to a greater level. You can call it heaven it doesn't really matter.

Amen to that. I had an issue with my wife when I got married. She is Catholic raised, school, everything. I, on the other hand, am not. I was baptized but nothing else. So when wedding came around she wanted a catholic wedding. I said no way...maybe when I renew my vows. So therefore, I think I'm Catholic, just wasn't raised going to church or anything like that. God is God and he knows if your heart is good or if you choke children until they are almost dead and bring them back to life.

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Guest Devilicious

I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 13 years, therefore I'm an atheist.


I guess I've just find so many errors in the way that Christian think. I mean to think that if I'm a good person but because I don't believe in Jesus I won't go to heaven is ridiculous. How could such a powerful and all knowing being be that superficial. I think all religions have good intentions, the problem is that most orgnanized religions use these good intentions and turn them around to control people. In the end I think if your a good person and you treat people with respect and a good heart then your soul will transpire to a greater level. You can call it heaven it doesn't really matter.

I agree 100%

Further on the subject, I've always been interested in Eastern religions. I would love to learn more about Buddhism, and Islam too. If I were still in college I'd be taking courses on that.

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Guest slamminshaun

Baptized and confirmed Methodist.

Today, I'm Pedestrian. I see a church, I keep walking. :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I was raised a Catholic and I'm now a sexist....j/k..

I like learning about what different people believe in. I consider myself to be a very spiritual person. I like to take the best of what people believe in and combine it with the things that I believe in.

I think having faith in something is a very important thing and I think that if you have a strong faith in what you believe in and not try to impose it on others imo is the right way to go.

It's importnat for people to have a sort of moral center to sort out the everyday norms and taboos...

I odn't care if you're Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Catholic, Morman or whatever, just as long as long as you're a good person who treats me with respect and not look down on me like some of religious fanatics do, then you're OK in my book..

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Guest barstar diana

um im a catholic, buddist, because i believe the major tenents of both..so im a mutt

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Guest JMT

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

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Guest LeVeL

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly then the notion of ANY supreme being.

Soo True...

my Parents are Catholic and eventhough I have never set foot in a Church I am consider myself Catholic.

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Guest trancepriest

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

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Guest JMT

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

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Guest lulamishka

Further on the subject, I've always been interested in Eastern religions. I would love to learn more about Buddhism, and Islam too. If I were still in college I'd be taking courses on that.

Hey Tal, I have textbooks from religion courses I took @ FIU that you can borrow.

Oh, and I was raised Christian, although I am not very religious...I celebrate the major holidays with my family. And my dad is Jewish. So I celebrate the major Jewish holidays with him.

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