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Guest Devilicious

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Guest tiltmiami

none.I belive that is a supreme power but not God,Why should i belive in the Bible since was translated so many times by many many different man that makes u wonder if they didnt change any to benifit them selfs.

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Guest Devilicious

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

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Guest pod

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Maybe a human brain as it exists today, but what is to say of the human brain of tomorrow? Either through evolution or through augmentation, we are bound to grow more intelligent.

By my estimates, organized religion is in for a nasty shake up in the next 100 years.

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Guest slamminshaun

EDM is my religion.

Faithless said it best....

This is my church

This is where I heal my hurt

It's a natural grace

Of watching young life shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

This is my church

This is where I heal my hurt

It's in the world I become

Content in the hum

Between voice and drum

It's in change

The poetic justice of cause and effect

Respect, love, compassion

This is my church

This is where I heal my hurt

For tonight

God is a DJ <---------------

This is my church

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Guest pod

That being said, I'd say science is my religion, if such a term could apply. I tend to have faith in the capabilities of people to develop and understand things.

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Guest The_Man

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

Right with ya all the way, bro. ;)

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Guest Cosmigonon

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

OMG, you put into words all that goes through my mind so much better than I would ever do...:o :o

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Guest JMT

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

i call that God, so i dont call myself an agnostic.

imho, it is rather silly (or ignorant for lack of a better word) to think the universe and all its matter just ALWAYS existed. that actually has nothing to do with religion.

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Guest Cosmigonon

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

i call that God, so i dont call myself an agnostic.

imho, it is rather ignorant to think the universe and all its matter just ALWAYS existed. that actually has nothing to do with religion.

Well, don't you think is ignorant to think that there is a being (God) that has some magical powers and that has always existed?

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Guest tiltmiami

who gives a flying fuck about religion.do u wanna something this religion bullshit is all to make money so those laizy asss can have a rich life.

i have an idea lets open a church all of us together,i'll be the new born again,Dan can be the priest then we hire some missionaries and lets collect some money.

look at that dude Benny Hinn,he makes more money than u know what.Y cause he uses gods name and peps dont forget its no taxes on churchs that means all the money its ours'

any one

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Guest The_Man

I'm sure God despises Benny Hinn. That guy is a damn tool. Anyone who uses God as a ploy for money is the worst form of scum.

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Guest JMT

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Maybe a human brain as it exists today, but what is to say of the human brain of tomorrow? Either through evolution or through augmentation, we are bound to grow more intelligent.

By my estimates, organized religion is in for a nasty shake up in the next 100 years.

its fascinating to think about. perhaps if we start growing new senses or something in the next 100 years, but if the previous 100 are a comparison its probably not going to happen. there is always going to be a limit to the human brain. a human would have to become omniscent. its beyond our power of observation.

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Guest JMT

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

i call that God, so i dont call myself an agnostic.

imho, it is rather ignorant to think the universe and all its matter just ALWAYS existed. that actually has nothing to do with religion.

Well, don't you think is ignorant to think that there is a being (God) that has some magical powers and that has always existed?

i already said, to me thinking there is a force that started this whole universe sounds LESS ignorant than the idea it just always was. its possibly beyond the limits of our brains, and cant be described with written words like "magical powers".

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Guest pod

Read up on the Omega Point for scientific theories and concepts that explain how someone could become a god.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_point ... to start, then check the external links.

As for a shake-up, I'm not suggesting that a sudden appearance of omniscient humans is going to do that...in the next 100 years, you'll have cloning, life-extension, and other such concepts, some of which go against what some organized religions teach.

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Guest trancepriest

They'll just conform religion to science just like they've always done. The world is flat... the earth is the center of the universe. ;D Then again they could just say screw being nice.. and start quartering/burning/torturing people again.

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Guest Cosmigonon

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

i call that God, so i dont call myself an agnostic.

imho, it is rather ignorant to think the universe and all its matter just ALWAYS existed. that actually has nothing to do with religion.

Well, don't you think is ignorant to think that there is a being (God) that has some magical powers and that has always existed?

i already said, to me thinking there is a force that started this whole universe sounds LESS ignorant than the idea it just always was. its possibly beyond the limits of our brains, and cant be described with written words like "magical powers".

But then who created God? Cause to you it sounds reasonable if there is a begginning to the universe rather than having it always existed. But then, the same idea applies to God.

You see, with faith you just can't use logic, cause it has none any way you look at it, that's why it's called faith, because you just believe in it, without having any proof.

So please don't call us ignorants because we don't follow your way of thinking of how things MAY be, cause you neither you nor I really know what's up. We can only wonder... ;)

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Guest pod

That could be the case as well. Oddly enough, there was a little article ages and ages ago in the LA Times when they first thought they found evidence of past life on Mars. Most of the lower-level church functionaries really didn't see an issue with it, but the higher level church people were undoubtedly a bit concerned. A sidebar mentioned Islam was alright with the concept of extraterrestrials, since the Koran says Allah is the master of many worlds, or something to that effect.

But yeah, it seems in the end that the science community has to smack the religious community pretty hardcore to get them to accept controversial findings.

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Guest The_Man

I let people believe what they want. I'm not here to save the world. My thing is, if you don't have faith that there is a God, then what can you have faith in? (rhetorical)

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Guest JMT

raised catholic, i believe in God. people who dont believe in some higher power are ignorant. imo. there HAD to be a beginning of the universe. to believe that it just always existed is far more silly than the notion of ANY supreme being.

The real question is who created God and how did God come about? If Godliness is creating universes.. then the human race could be Gods soon if we don't annihiliate ourselves first.

there is no reason to think a human mind can even comprehend whatever being or force created the universe.

Sounds like the definition of an agnostic :P

And you can fairly say people who don't believe in god are unenlightened, or that thy're going to hell, but claiming it's ignorant is incorrect. Ignorance implies being unaware of facts, knowledge...things that are proven. Religion is a matter of opinion

i call that God, so i dont call myself an agnostic.

imho, it is rather ignorant to think the universe and all its matter just ALWAYS existed. that actually has nothing to do with religion.

Well, don't you think is ignorant to think that there is a being (God) that has some magical powers and that has always existed?

i already said, to me thinking there is a force that started this whole universe sounds LESS ignorant than the idea it just always was. its possibly beyond the limits of our brains, and cant be described with written words like "magical powers".

But then who created God? Cause to you it sounds reasonable if there is a begginning to the universe rather than having it always existed. But then, the same idea applies to God.

You see, with faith you just can't use logic, cause it has none any way you look at it, that's why it's called faith, because you just believe in it, without having any proof.

So please don't call us ignorants because we don't follow your way of thinking of how things MAY be, cause you neither you nor I really know what's up. We can only wonder... ;)

like i said before, i dont think you can possibly comprehend whatever created the matter in the universe. so how could you possibly understand what created the creator? its just my opinion. accept it, reject it or ignore it.

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