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What changes and additions would you like to see

V. Barbarino

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Guest LdySphynx



Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not with this type of spelling :-\!!!!
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Guest LdySphynx

Step up and do a review then. ;D

Maybe if you would actually get paid for it :-X

Yeah whats up with that, unless u consider free entrance into the events getting paid................but I rather pay the entrance and get paid.
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i review a variety of stuff. im goin to review steve angello this week ..... and if u actually read my reviews luis u would see most of my aquabooty reviews at nocturnal ive had criticisms . only one nite for aquabooty has been stellar that ive reviewed so far.....

and i dont write to get in clubs for free. i write it because i love to write...... hell ive been writing my reviews for 2 yrs before i even started writing for cj .....

i use guest lists like 99% percent of u out there.... i just hit the events i know ill enjoy ..... thats why i wouldnt mind seeing a second reviewer as well to review more events at space or crobar both of which i havent been to in a while. though plan to in the near future......

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Guest coach

More comprehensive and more accurate club/party/night listings.

An automated macro on the forums so that whenever a newbie/tourist says "what is good on <date>?" it would automatically post a link to the club list for that night.

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Guest ericac

For there to be a next button in the pics galleries. I know this has been mentioned tons of times but its so annoying to look at a pic and then having to click back... Also personally because of this I don't look at all the pics in the gallery unless something catches my eye.


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Guest pussErox

I would like to see the main boards hot spots changed. So you don't have to click on the words to get to the thread. Just clicking in the box should be enough. Like the GU boards, and such.

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Guest LeVeL

How about increasing the size a person can have an avatar. And also how about giving us the ability to post a picture on our profiles that way people can know who is posting.

Just a thought.

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Guest barstar diana

more cities; more one to one interviews with international dj's ; and more of a global section--with better coverage of international events going on related to edm.

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Guest saintjohn
Yeah whats up with that, unless u consider free entrance into the events getting paid.

Nick's a nice guy, but I don't expect him to pay for something he can get for free.

I write for a living, but I've occasionally donated my services to CoolJunkie in the past because I simply wanted to do so. I only wrote about people, places, and things that interested me, and, because my articles weren't paid assignments, I didn't feel obligated to turn in a positive review just to keep the site's advertisers happy.

I wasn't paid for my efforts, but being associated with CoolJunkie opened a few doors and lead directly to some paying work for New Times. It was a nice bonus, but I would've contributed to CoolJunkie just for fun - even if it never helped my so-called career.

In theory, paying writers would improve the quality of the site's content. If the powers-that-be are satisfied with the way things are, though, why change a successful business model? The articles rarely provoke any discussion on the forums, anyway; aside from a few snide comments, I don't get the impression that people really care one way or another.

Personally, I'd like to see writers paid fairly for their work. Unfortunately, I doubt that this site's members will contribute to a PBS-style fundraising drive just to make that happen.

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Guest pod

I limited the sigs to prevent most image linking in sigs, as it slows down the board. Right now it is at 70. There's sigs over 70, but they got "grandfathered" in. But if you change your profile in any way, your sig will be chopped to 70 if it is over 70.

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A picture upload feature instead of having to paste a link. Whether it be for your avatar or to your post. Or at least for our posts allow us to copy and paste pics. Makes everything more user friendly. More smilies, animated ones like in TA and CP. Better software, new, fresh look. Better search engine. Some kind of section for guests that visit the site, that don't know much about the EDM scene, where they can receive a crash course on the music and culture( I.E, history of house music and how it evolved into all the different forms of EDM we now have. Also what would be helpful for visitors to the site would be a section where they can listen to different types of EDM to educate them in the process. For instance if they want to hear tech house,deep house, prog, minimal, trance, techno, electro etc, all they have to do is click and they get a sample mix. It can also open a lot of minds on the boards. Get Mr. EDM encyclopedia's help (Ramon). Pretty much revamping the whole site. Just some constructive criticism. ;)

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Guest Electric Eel

I limited the sigs to prevent most image linking in sigs, as it slows down the board. Right now it is at 70. There's sigs over 70, but they got "grandfathered" in. But if you change your profile in any way, your sig will be chopped to 70 if it is over 70.

I just tried changing my sig, it said I have 9 characters left however when I saved it and looked at my sig, it was cut off. ???

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Guest teabag

You guys should just use a bit more beer coupons and buy more bandwith :P. We did something like that in the office and now we can afford antibacterial disposable towels in the bathroom and kitchen.

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Guest r3nz0
We did something like that in the office and now we can afford antibacterial disposable towels in the bathroom and kitchen.

And that's always good, since you work in the restaurant business.

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Guest coach

Just a small thing. On the front page of the galleries, beside the title of each gallery, just put the date.

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Guest Untouchablepurple

Just a small thing. On the front page of the galleries, beside the title of each gallery, just put the date.


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