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Nitelife: Why do you do or why would you want to do this?

Guest biznation00

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Guest biznation00

I’ve always been a people person… It’s just in me and in my family before me.

When I got into this business (as much as I enjoyed Public Relations), I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. I remember asking my significant other for her thoughts, I guess to sort of reassure me that I was capable. The bottom line was that I was scared. I didn’t want to be the most popular promoter, I didn’t want to make the most $$. I wanted to do my job and survive failure & most of all, I wanted to learn.

I started doing a couple of small parties from House college parties to little cigar lounges out of all places. I even worked security (vip rope & exit rope at Krave), if you could believe that. At the time I worked with a promoter who basically fooled me into thinking I was getting fair treatment and $ out of my services. I didn’t know this side of the business & he brought me into it, so I was very naive & clueless. It ends up, I didn’t collect what I was promised, but to me that didn’t matter. He had this reputation of being that way & I was just glad that I could rise to the challenge and prove something to myself.

Around this time, someone else notices me & I got my break with Space Fridays, just as year 1 came to an end. I was a clubber for a long time since my teens, so I knew a good amount of people & I knew how to get around. I remember the clubs we went to back then, places like “Mars bar†& “the Edgeâ€. Ten years ago! It was right out of high school & to this day it’s hard to top the memories and good times we experienced then. Of course I’m older now & I will never see this the way I did then, but if there was ever a club that came close my experiences then it was the old Space & Shadow Lounge.

When I started with Space I wanted to make sure I was at the top of my game. I mean, this was a club that I had a lot of respect for and had soo many good times at. But to me, the good times were different now & it was all about business. I hit the streets everywhere I could and I did it at least twice a week during the week. I would make up extended school hours to my boss at my day job so that I could gather the time to do what I had to do for this business. I went everywhere, from the beach, to the malls, to the colleges to restaurants… Everywhere! I would always carry a stash of flyers and passes on me; ready to hand to anyone I had the opportunity to meet & ready to leave in plain sight. I did Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduation parties, anything to get people thru the door on my name. & I went out at least 4 times a week. At the time, networking was very hands on. You didn’t have the huge internet message board population, you didn’t have “my space†& if you had an email list of more than 5,000 people, chances are you were a club or a very successful promoter or promotion group. We didn’t rely on the internet as much as we do now & you had to just dive right in & get out there.

end part 1.

continue below...

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Guest biznation00

I would flyer FIU at 5am in the morning, the morning before class. I would have my school bag full of flyers & every bathroom I walked by in between class I would post a flyer on their mirror & at every recess table around campus & soda machine at Dade. I was obsessed! But I learned a lot and met soo many people along the way. Eventually I got to create my own parties with my own ideas at places like the old Space on the terrace at night, Kiss & hosted Friday nights at places like Spin. When we started the Saturdays at Space, it was a few months after Oscar had taken over & the patio with Ivano was growing in popularity & it was the hot spot. Afterhours, was what Space became known for early during that 2nd year. In the beginning we couldn’t get people to show up before 5am. But then, we got them there at 4 & then 3, then 2 & eventually the place was stuffed come 1am. It was a team effort and it was possible thru, the hard work and the lifestyle that everyone who was a part of it lived. And of course, Louis was the lead, the motivator by intimidation, but he knew how to do it & wasn’t stopping or slowing down for anyone.

I paid attention to the smallest detail… I gathered & learned soo much during that time that it’s helped me in soo many ways, even so much outside of nightlife. It’s almost 6 years later & here I am. Every job I take I give it my all. Giving it your all has many definitions based on the individual in each situation. In my case, giving it everything always meant losing something along the way. It means living this job like it’s your wife. Your job is first priority. Sad but true! It’s not about how popular you get, how much $$ you can make, or how many cool “friends†you have. It’s about surviving in a constant changing market with soo much competition ready to eat you alive from every angle that you can’t even image.

I do this because I’m a people person, I enjoy being different & creating something from nothing. I love to market my ideas & it feels good for that split second, that a large group of people accept & appreciate your idea & make you successful for the time. I live this lifestyle, I research it, I have a love and a hate for it. At the same time, as hard as it can get, I’ve kept my head straight. & I’ve taken & done every job not abandoning my morals or business ethics. If you have all these things for whatever business you decide to venture into, by all means do it. Chances are, you will be one successful businessman or die hard doing it!

Now ask yourself, why is it that I do this, or why is it that I want to do this?

Biz Martinez


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Guest bootstah

one word springs to mind......PASSION!

Good to know that some people are out there for the love of it all, and knowing that you are making a lot of people happy with the job that you do. Good work! ;D

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Guest lavosdeldiablo

I’ve always been a people person… It’s just in me and in my family before me.

When I got into this business (as much as I enjoyed Public Relations), I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. I remember asking my significant other for her thoughts, I guess to sort of reassure me that I was capable. The bottom line was that I was scared. I didn’t want to be the most popular promoter, I didn’t want to make the most $$. I wanted to do my job and survive failure & most of all, I wanted to learn.

I started doing a couple of small parties from House college parties to little cigar lounges out of all places. I even worked security (vip rope & exit rope at Krave), if you could believe that. At the time I worked with a promoter who basically fooled me into thinking I was getting fair treatment and $ out of my services. I didn’t know this side of the business & he brought me into it, so I was very naive & clueless. It ends up, I didn’t collect what I was promised, but to me that didn’t matter. He had this reputation of being that way & I was just glad that I could rise to the challenge and prove something to myself.

Around this time, someone else notices me & I got my break with Space Fridays, just as year 1 came to an end. I was a clubber for a long time since my teens, so I knew a good amount of people & I knew how to get around. I remember the clubs we went to back then, places like “Mars bar†& “the Edgeâ€. Ten years ago! It was right out of high school & to this day it’s hard to top the memories and good times we experienced then. Of course I’m older now & I will never see this the way I did then, but if there was ever a club that came close my experiences then it was the old Space & Shadow Lounge.

When I started with Space I wanted to make sure I was at the top of my game. I mean, this was a club that I had a lot of respect for and had soo many good times at. But to me, the good times were different now & it was all about business. I hit the streets everywhere I could and I did it at least twice a week during the week. I would make up extended school hours to my boss at my day job so that I could gather the time to do what I had to do for this business. I went everywhere, from the beach, to the malls, to the colleges to restaurants… Everywhere! I would always carry a stash of flyers and passes on me; ready to hand to anyone I had the opportunity to meet & ready to leave in plain sight. I did Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduation parties, anything to get people thru the door on my name. & I went out at least 4 times a week. At the time, networking was very hands on. You didn’t have the huge internet message board population, you didn’t have “my space†& if you had an email list of more than 5,000 people, chances are you were a club or a very successful promoter or promotion group. We didn’t rely on the internet as much as we do now & you had to just dive right in & get out there.

end part 1.

continue below...

i remember that cigar lounge, and i remember the shady promoter you speak of... you ve come a loooong way biz, props to you my friend... :)

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Guest Devilicious

Biz, you know you do it all for the booze.

lol, no that's why you do it Dan, for cold beer and dirty girls :P

Thanks for posting your thoughts Biz. :)

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Guest coach

Now ask yourself, why is it that I do this, or why is it that I want to do this?

Biz Martinez

Personally, I think it is kind of akin to writing, or any other creative pursuit. You know, a lot of writers say they do it because they "have to". If they don't write, they just go bonkers. Being an event producer/promoter, I have found, is much the same way. If you don't do it, it just burns inside you until you just can't stand it anymore.

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Guest ClubDiva05

Music has always been my escape and I've never been able to get enough of it.I've been known to dance all night. Beginning in the car on the way to the first club, the whole time there, then the walk to the car and the whole ride to usually NOCTURNAL(fri),SPACE(sat) afterhours, and there until they close.I even sleep with my mp3 player on.My worst fear is that I will go deaf because I am always pumping music into my heart through my ears!!!I just recently got back into the scene after a really traumatic relationship and this made me realize just how important music is to me.It has truly been my therapy and I don't think I would have recovered without it.So before this relationship I was on the fringes of being in the biz working the door at GR for like what seemed an eternity, but mostly I was just a club going party chic.It never seemed like enough, so when I came back I decided I needed more.I just started promoting a couple of months back with Phamous Sundays @Mansion and am just learning the ropes. Although it's not easy I love it!!!The highlight of my week came when I received a call from my boss telling me that I did a good job last week.Then this post from Biz, I can't begin to tell you what an inspiration you've just been to me.

To answer the ? I do this for the love of music, ppl, parties, and the energy you can only get from mixing these 3 together!

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Guest tiltmiami

Music, Network, No cover and free boos

I just love the scene we live a celebrety life style... everyone knows who we are and its cool.... i cant see my self doing nothing else

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Guest dj_release

this thread says a lot about who people are.... it's good to know that some do it for the passion they have for the scene... the others... well what goes around comes around we'll see what happens to you in the end ::)

good stuff Biz

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Guest Funketeer

i do what i like because i like what i do ....

but ..

why is this thread a "sticky" again ?

one day you'll be as important as Biz and the mods will make your cathartic essays of soul searching a sticky...for now, consider yourself lucky to drink for free


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this thread says a lot about who people are.... it's good to know that some do it for the passion they have for the scene... the others... well what goes around comes around we'll see what happens to you in the end ::)

good stuff Biz

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.

Greed is right.

Greed works.

Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.

And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Clubbing , but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.

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Guest rhythmburn

this thread says a lot about who people are.... it's good to know that some do it for the passion they have for the scene... the others... well what goes around comes around we'll see what happens to you in the end ::)

good stuff Biz

The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.

Greed is right.

Greed works.

Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.

Greed, in all of its forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.

And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Clubbing , but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.

thank you Mr. Gordon Gekko!!

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Guest djtroko

Biz, very nice piece of literature and you spoke from the heart which I admire. Truly that inner drive and passion for what you do will always keep you happy and accomplished of what it is you do. Keep it like that and congrats on all your achievements...



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Guest rollyp66

Passion for the music, it's people and the scene... this is why you are at the top of the game.

Much respect to you as always, glad we have had the chance to get to know one another on a business and more importantly as friends.

My hat goes off to you

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Guest skywalker01

biz, i wasn't sure where you were going with the post at first; for a second i thought you were going to say you got fucked over by someone. but as someone else stated, "passion" definitely sums it all up. in life, you must be passionate about a few things, whatever they may be. it makes life worth living. my passion is my family and my music. if i were in the industry i imagine i'd be passionate about my job as well because i truly love the scene. you are lucky to be doing what you love. rock on!

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Guest skywalker01

and just saw the thread about your birthday; explains why you were getting a little deep ;) birthdays are definitely a time for reflection

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