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How bad is the house scene and the industry?

V. Barbarino

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Guest Devilicious

This is about managent. And people doing the managing that probably should not.

LOL. You know the problem with people who are bad at their jobs? Since they do not possess the skills to do the job, they also do not possess the skills to recognize that they are doing a bad job.

As far as the House or any other club-related music biz tanking (can you say Trance 5 years ago?), aside from all the personality issues, it has to do with the music being able to connect with a wider audience, not just the head-bobbing partiers. Why isn't house music played widely on top 40 radio? Anybody know?

Massive commercial media conglomerates dominate the airwaves. The record companies are money hungry, and what's played on the radio is what's sold. There's no love for the little guy and no faith in putting something different on air.

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Guest pod

Faith is nice until the next shareholders' meeting.

You're not gonna find dance music on commercial radio. That's why they invented XM, the internet, and going out to clubs. Yeah I know, XM is way corporate, but the technology behind satellite radio enables a huge variety of stations.

As far as the scene being bad? Well, it isn't what is was, that is for sure. It takes a lot more than throwing a DJ name on the flyer to get people to come out. You can do that bit with someone like Erick, but anyone else, you have to attack all angles. Outside of this messageboard, the "music head" community is very small.

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Guest Adam Singer

This is about managent. And people doing the managing that probably should not.

LOL. You know the problem with people who are bad at their jobs? Since they do not possess the skills to do the job, they also do not possess the skills to recognize that they are doing a bad job.

As far as the House or any other club-related music biz tanking (can you say Trance 5 years ago?), aside from all the personality issues, it has to do with the music being able to connect with a wider audience, not just the head-bobbing partiers. Why isn't house music played widely on top 40 radio? Anybody know?

Massive commercial media conglomerates dominate the airwaves. The record companies are money hungry, and what's played on the radio is what's sold. There's no love for the little guy and no faith in putting something different on air.

that isnt the reason at all

most people like bad music, even if the big businesses embraced house/electronic music, people wouldnt listen

i for one am glad music i like isnt being played alongside all the mainstream crap...

really even most electronic music is boring, drab, and overplayed anyway, there is such an obscure amount of unique and inspiring musicians or even dj's out there lately it seems...

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Guest skywalker01

edm as a whole has gone through changes, and that is to be expected (as with any form of music) and i also think that the scene changes regionally, meaning what is popular in one area of the world may not be as popular elsewhere.

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Guest Darwin Castillo

what i hate about the scene and the industry is when people make stupid attempts to get your attention by spilling their drinks on you ...

some people just dont get a flying freakin' clue

.... how pathetic .... ::) ::)

So the guy wasnt cute enough? ;)

j/k... or was I?

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everything has it's highs and lows...

the higher and bigger it gets....

the lowe and worse it gets...

I could care less what other people say or think because I'm never gonna stop DJ-ing regardless if I play locally or around the globe...

And since I have a total perspective of what really goes on from the industry side as well as the consumer.... things are really dying out but evolving none the less. we hit a peak a few years ago and now are at the end of a down slide... by next year or two something else will pick up and push it back into the forefront....

just wait and see 8)

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Guest tbooty

Saleen you seem to have the answers to everything but when your shit fails you just blame it on everybody else. WTF? its a convenient, pussy, cop-out.

Why dont you stop talking shit and go out there and bust your ass.

I hate it when people still blame 911 for their problems, thats just pathetic.

We did our first big party in Miami 1 month after 911. When it was real fresh in everyones mind, the whole industry was depressed and didnt know what to do. It was in a shitty dead ass venue that was pretty much over and no one ever went to called "Billboard Live". We also put over 5500 ppl thru general admission that night.

Maybe you should go back to just being a fan? If you are doing this now "Just for the money" (as you claim) then you were never really a real fan in the first place, your just an opportunist.

Heres' why.. Because when the money is not around, you would still do it.. because you're a fan and its what you love to do.

Not for the glory, not for the money, not to get on some chat board and act like your a big fuck know it all. You do it because you love what you do!!!

Stick to counting beans or whatever it is you really you do. Im sure if you had any kind of real life you would spend a lot less time here.

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Guest michael^heaven

In my opinon, it's as bad as I've ever seen it.... We could be on the verge of a colapse of the house scene in the US.

---What?? That's just a ridiculous statement. Miami, NYC, San Francisco all have very solid house scenes that aren't going to just disappear or colapse anytime soon. In addition, I don't think you're really appreciating what you have in your own backyard.

I must admit, after 11 years I'm over it and I'm done with it as a fan, it's just a business for me now.

---No offense. However, if that's the case than you never really loved the music to begin with. If it's just about money to you...thanks for letting us all know. We're all now very well aware of your position in the industry. ::)

All you djs out there, my advice, while you spin once a week, go to school and get a degree, you'll need it soon enough...


Jocks blame 9-11 and they may be right, but where they are all wrong is their thinking the scene will come back, it's not...

---Since when have djs blamed 911 for a decline in the industry? If anything, from just a financial stand, I would point fingers at internet downloading before I would even consider 911 as an option.

someone told me the UK scene is done


---This is, without a doubt, the most out there proclamation I think I've heard all year. Whoever is feeding you that line of bullsh#t should be shot outright. Or, tied & blindfolded, & dropped off at Fabric, The End, or Turnmills on any given weekend.

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Guest brasiliandrunk

Oye loca music is taking over , did you know their are only 2 producers of oye loca music ?!?!?! And i like that song I don’t want nobody baby, its a fun song. I think house music is supposed to be fun and catchy which most of it is... Hooks hooks hooks rule the books!

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Guest HouseJunkie

Is this another one of Saleen’s controversial thread?

This is like going to an Elvis impersonator conference and saying ‘the King is dead’.

A lot of things are not the same since 911, damn, if I was making the money I was making pre-911, I would have house on the beach, a chauffeur and my own personal House DJ.

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Guest DonCornholeone
Because when the money is not around, you would still do it.. because you're a fan and its what you love to do.

Not for the glory, not for the money, You do it because you love what you do!!!

Right on! I need to come check out one of these A-booty events! When is the next time you guys will have the dance floor primed up for me propah-like?

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Guest musicalmissionary
Because when the money is not around, you would still do it.. because you're a fan and its what you love to do.

Not for the glory, not for the money, You do it because you love what you do!!!

Right on! I need to come check out one of these A-booty events! When is the next time you guys will have the dance floor primed up for me propah-like?

This Friday and every Friday on the Nocturnal Rooftop. This Friday is Nickodemus (Turntables on the Hudson) and next Friday is Charles Webster (Peacefrog).

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Guest dirtyhouse777

first u have to remember that like E usage runs in a cycle, so does the dance music scene.

comparing miami and the UK is apples and oranges. in the UK people are cultured and more open minded to various styles of music and creativity. so naturally the scene at fabric and others is still alive and well. but i did hear some of the ibiza parties were lame this year.

in south america the scene is bursting, unbelievable. it's huge here. but so is E.

i think alot of good tracks have come out the year but a vibe is lacking. ill be back in a few weeks and able to tale a full estimate of the status of the miami scene, but in all honesty with the exception of space and shine (and noc?) i see a scene that no one gives a fuck about unless they a really into the music.

the music industry in general just sucks. internet has created an overexposure to music. nothing seems new or creative or interesting anymore. and the effect is amplified with house music.

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Guest Lotto

Curious to see what you guys think.. In my opinon, it's as bad as I've ever seen it.... We could be on the verge of a colapse of the house scene in the US.... I must admit, after 11 years I'm over it and I'm done with it as a fan, it's just a business for me now..

All you djs out there, my advice, while you spin once a week, go to school and get a degree, you'll need it soon enough...

Jocks blame 9-11 and they may be right, but where they are all wrong is their thinking the scene will come back, it's not...

House music will never die!

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Guest Spankmeister

WTF....such a pile of tripe

Saleen, just when I think your ego and negativity can't get any bigger, you continue to amaze me with your ignorant verbal diarrea...

If the 'scene' is dying, it is because of the likes of you, that are just in it for the money and don't care about anything else.

I say if you don't like it, go to Hip Hop clubs.

I can't believe I just wasted the last 4 minutes of my life reading this and actually responding... :o

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Guest DonCornholeone



Stone cold nailed!

Seriously though, that was me back in the days...but we had some cool shit going on with Nirvana, PJ, STP, etc.

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