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Slight of Hand Marketing or Just Lies?

Guest JustDade

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Guest biznation00
You see, Mansion had tried to book Pete Tong for this date but he was not available so instead they did the next best thing… the “its all gone Pete Tong movie screeningâ€. No doubt this one takes the price as being one of the most ignorant promotional moves I have ever seen.

Biz, you are my boy and Oscar is like a brother but the company you guys are keeping lately has a lot to be desired. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I remain your humble host.


The pete tong screening was all my idea from the very start. I closed the deal on it & it was my doing as I explained it in my prior post, not the club's. Now about our Sunday night; "trying to book pete for that date" is a false statement! Of course, at a time like this trying to make the public believe this makes all the sense in the world. However, the reality is that it's not anywhere close to being true. We have no intention of booking guest djs. Its about branding this product for the sake of the clubbers enjoyment. For the sake of putting together a great party.

As for Mansion having its war with Sundance, that has nothing to do with why we came on board from our part. I had a conversation with sundance about my role with them in the future before I even went in the Mansion direction. With Made in Miami, we saw an opportunity to create something special together at a club that had the feel & resources to do so. On the other hand, your party at Suite is driven by the sole intention to take us down & there's no secret behind that.

Louis, as a person you know how I feel about you. Much respect & even as a business man I look up to you. I just couldn't do it the way you do. I'm not built that way. Guys like you make it to the top. Trump-like characters. Guys like me, survive & live to feed our soul. You & I will have a drink together & get along just fine outside of the business. Who would of ever thought if they saw us. I can't take anything away from you as a person. As a business man you are savy & relentless. A little too relentless, even so that sometimes you tend to forget about your boys & brothers...

Biz Martinez

exact font was taken as it is from the movie cover below...


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You see, Mansion had tried to book Pete Tong for this date but he was not available so instead they did the next best thing… the “its all gone Pete Tong movie screeningâ€. No doubt this one takes the price as being one of the most ignorant promotional moves I have ever seen.

Biz, you are my boy and Oscar is like a brother but the company you guys are keeping lately has a lot to be desired. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I remain your humble host.


The pete tong screening was all my idea from the very start. I closed the deal on it & it was my doing as I explained it in my prior post, not the club's. Now about our Sunday night; "trying to book pete for that date" is a false statement! Of course, at a time like this trying to make the public believe this makes all the sense in the world. However, the reality is that it's not anywhere close to being true. We have no intention of booking guest djs. Its about branding this product for the sake of the clubbers enjoyment. For the sake of putting together a great party.

As for Mansion having its war with Sundance, that has nothing to do with why we came on board from our part. I had a conversation with sundance about my role with them in the future before I even went in the Mansion direction. With Made in Miami, we saw an opportunity to create something special together at a club that had the feel & resources to do so. On the other hand, your party at Suite is driven by the sole intention to take us down & there's no secret behind that.

Louis, as a person you know how I feel about you. Much respect & even as a business man I look up to you. I just couldn't do it the way you do. I'm not built that way. Guys like you make it to the top. Trump-like characters. Guys like me, survive & live to feed our soul. You & I will have a drink together & get along just fine outside of the business. Who would of ever thought if they saw us. I can't take anything away from you as a person. As a business man you are savy & relentless. A little too relentless, even so that sometimes you tend to forget about your boys & brothers...

Biz Martinez

exact font was taken as it is from the movie cover below...


Do you have like a ton of motivational posters in your house? The way you speak about business is so absurd it's not even funny. LP is toying with you, and you don't see it. Stop playing his game! Stop and realize this is part of his plan, he's suckering you. He rattles you, he gets you so emotional you loose site of the real problem, the perception of your party is at stake!

PR 101..

We had some fuck ups at the club, we are sorry for any problems this may have caused, if you want a refund we'll gladly comp you for our next made in miami party.

That's it, that's all you had to post, LP can't counter that move..

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Guest dgrutman

OK, excuse me if I am al little green here but I have not posted in a couple of years. I can't even figure out how to quote Biz's post. Anyways, I do believe its time that I came in and added a little flavor to this party. First and foremost let me begin by saying that there is no way in hell Biz would have done this deliberately. Space Camp taught him better than that. The fact is that some times the young Jedi does hang around with company that he shouldn’t and that company might not be the best. What seemed like a great idea can somehow backfire right in your face. The lesson to be learned here is not to advertise or sell a product you don’t stock. I can totally see how the Danny at Nocturnal thing can happen and I am willing to give Biz the benefit of the doubt as he has proven himself to be a man of his word. Let's let that be.

Now for the Pete incident... had this ad campaign not been so deviously crafted and had it not trampled so much with the truth, this incident would have never happened. Let's cut the crap here people and call it what it is. This movie is 2 years old. Why the hell would anyone be doing a screening now? Especially the week after Suite had 3 successful Sundays with big DJs. Has anyone even seen this movie? Is it so great that it needs a rebirth and screening now? If this is the screening when and where will it show next so I can see it? Fact is that this campaign had every intention of fooling clubbers to believe that Pete was going to be at Mansion. From the writing on the Mansion marquee to the big use of fonts on the fliers with PETE TONG in bigger letters than MURK… wait just a minute… wasn’t Sundays supposed to be about Miami? “Made in Miami is where we are from... Where we grew up... Where we call home...“ what in little Havana’s sake does Pete Tong have to do with Miami? Anyway, everyone here saw the promos for this party. It was a great Pete Tong ad campaign. Everyone I know was fooled into thinking Pete Tong would be at Mansion. It was so good it even fooled its own promoters who sent out E mails with “Guest DJ Pete Tong†on them and I hate to say it but it almost fooled me. At one point I was so confused that I called Mansion on Sunday night and asked if Pete Tong was performing and the girl who answered the phone replied "YES". I guess they fooled her too. Who they didn't fool was Pete or his manager who are not at all happy with this incident. You see, Mansion had tried to book Pete Tong for this date but he was not available so instead they did the next best thing… the “its all gone Pete Tong movie screeningâ€. No doubt this one takes the price as being one of the most ignorant promotional moves I have ever seen. Of all the DJs they could have picked to run this game on why would they pick the most powerful DJ in the planet? Why would you want to go mess with Mr. BBC? Guys, if you are going to play the game try to learn something about the players. If not, stick to what you do best, hip hop and top 40.

In conclusion, I have no doubt that Biz might not have meant for this to happen but the fact remains that it did. Sorry Biz but it’s very hard to distinguish one good apple in a rotten bunch. Mansion has done and will continue to do everything in its power to "rule" Sunday nights. Whether it be closing down the Sundance party at Amika by hiring 60 promoters and giving the house away every Sunday or fooling people to believe that Pete Tong would be performing when he is not. They will use whatever means are available to them, you and Oscar included, to get what they want. I am sorry everyone but I have dedicated way to many years to this industry and work too hard at bringing the best talent into this town to just sit back and watch this without making a comment. Biz, you are my boy and Oscar is like a brother but the company you guys are keeping lately has a lot to be desired. Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I remain your humble host.


Ps This posting thing is exhausting, I shall post again in a couple of years.

i love it



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Guest klit

I don't think anybody cares that much about this drama except the staff at mansion and staff behind the sleaze party. Makes for fun reading but in the end, everybody knows whats up on sunday nights. You want to hear local allstars oscar g and ralph falcon on a weekly basis then mansion is the place to be. You want to see high ranking special guest djs that played the night before at space, go to suite.

Biz has always come off as hard working and honest in his promotions and has built a network of supporters who I'm sure know this is not what he is about and will continue to support him and his parties. One fuckup in the way something was promoted won't break you in this industry, its how you deal with the people the ppl that felt misled with the promo that ultimately matters. Take care of them and make them feel they weren't duped and they'll be back. Especially since not much else going on the beach on a sunday night.

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Guest dj_release

this has done it for me

you guys take this board waaaaaaay to seriously... highly doubt that was LP posting up there... why would he even waste his time on this bullshit.

you guys going at each other's party just hurts the already weak scene in Miami... it's all bullshit... if you guys can't see ... outsiders surely can

dont really care which party is the best because I'm not going to either one... but seriously going all out in a message board.... please ::)

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Guest Adikt

got it at 6:50 pm.

Sounds like someone from the Sleaze camp is cashing in on this all.... "sleazy bastids"..... lol

And the plot thickens................. :P


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Guest james stratus

This has gone so far now that I got an email from a fake hotmail address that was actually from the Space/Suite/Spirit email list bashing Mansion and favoring Suite!!!!! :o

Anyone else get this?

From: South Beach Times [sobetimes5@hotmail.com]

Subject: Lies Made In Miami


Mansion customers get Punked

Over a thousand people showed up to see Pete Tong at Mansion’s “Made In Miami†Sunday party last night. What was billed as the “screening of it’s all gone Pete Tong†with “Guest DJ Pete Tong†turned out to be another bait and switch typical of the style we have grown accustomed to from Mansion and their so called “celebrity†hosted parties. Pete Tong was “all gone†all right as a matter of fact Pete didn’t even know he had to be there! In fact he wasn't even in the country and Mansion never even booked the DJ. Instead they cleverly built a “punk†campaign and made everyone believe that Pete would be performing. This last minute desperation move comes as no surprise as Mansion’s Sunday attendance has drastically dropped since the opening of Sleaze Sundays at Suite just 3 weeks ago. In just 3 weeks Suite Sundays has delivered top talent such as Deep Dish, Roger Sanchez and Desyn Masiello along with some local favorites such as Ivano Bellini and Cedric Gervais. When confronted with this line up of world class DJs and the declining door numbers Mansion could not do any better than to pull the old French favorite “le commutateur†(the switch or also known on 12th and Washington Avenue as “le dupeâ€). Clubbers left the Sunday party disappointed and betrayed. Carlos Perez from Kendall had this to say, “my girlfriend and I drove all the way from Kendall. We didn’t even want to go out because abia un frio que chiflaba el mono (it was cold as f**k) but she loves Pete. I can’t believe I spent all my money on a VIP table and no Pete. Not even in that pelicula (movie) they were showing in there... no Pete anywhere.†It looks like Carlos, his girlfriend and a bunch of other local club goers got “Made in Miamiâ€. This just goes to show that just because it looks like Pete Tong and it smells like Pete Tong, it doesn’t mean you are not a getting a petit mensonge (small lie). Vous comprenez ?

I have no real love for Mansion itself, but too far people, too far!

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Guest thehammer

I was going to sit this one out, but i couldn't resist.


To start a thread like this is hilarious. Though I am not surprised with a name like 'NocturnalNoMore' it is obvious that you are only concerned about putting down events you are not part of, and venues you are not with. instead of using your energy towards the one's that you are. Maybe i should commend you for actually earning a living at it. And then with the back and forth about "he did this, and JLO, and BOB. do you know what you sound like? ::) :-X


You should be ashamed of yourself! Using, or letting your staff use your space mailing lists to fill everyone's mailboxes with hate mail putting down other events in the community. That's not nice, or very professional. The 'stealthy' hotmail address was a nice touch. ;)

Going out of your way to put this email together. And trying to ruin the reputation of the Murk party, and those involed, makes me wonder why that sleez(y) sunday is happening in the first place... :o

I would have much rather read a post of yours telling me why i should get out of my house and head to Suite on Sunday. Maybe in the next couple of years when you post again :-*


Your head is so far up LP's ass, it's going to take another thread, or possibly another website to really express my feeling on this.

Biz (poor Biz)

What can i say. When it rains, it pours. It's very unfortunate that both of these events happened during the same weekend. I think it's better you get them out of the way in one shot anyway, so it doesn't look like a pattern is forming. ;) You dont have to explain shit to anyone. Especially to the 3 stooges previously mentioned. You have a great reputation in clubland. It's clear to see on this thread the lengths some people will go to try and ruin the party you guys are doing. More importantly it's clear to see how hard you guys work at it, and the reasons that you are doing it in the first place.

Ok, so what did we learn today?

Dade: It makes you look foolish, a man of your age gabbing like an elementary school girl on this messageboard.

LP: that sneaky trick creating a quick hotmail account to send 'anonymous' emails doesn't work. And as far as you not posting for a couple of years, if your other CJ aliases are as 'stealth' as those emails i doubt it.

Saleen: my mind goes numb when i read your name, moving on

Biz: As exciting as it is to want to tell people about a possible guest spot, keep it a secret till the end!! It will have a much better impact if it happens. I think so anyway. Keep up the great work.

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Guest rhythmburn

this has done it for me

you guys take this board waaaaaaay to seriously... highly doubt that was LP posting up there... why would he even waste his time on this bullshit.

you guys going at each other's party just hurts the already weak scene in Miami... it's all bullshit... if you guys can't see ... outsiders surely can

dont really care which party is the best because I'm not going to either one... but seriously going all out in a message board.... please ::)

+1 ... time to transcend

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Guest JustDade

I was going to sit this one out, but i couldn't resist.


To start a thread like this is hilarious. Though I am not surprised with a name like 'NocturnalNoMore' it is obvious that you are only concerned about putting down events you are not part of, and venues you are not with. instead of using your energy towards the one's that you are. Maybe i should commend you for actually earning a living at it. And then with the back and forth about "he did this, and JLO, and BOB. do you know what you sound like? ::) :-X


You should be ashamed of yourself! Using, or letting your staff use your space mailing lists to fill everyone's mailboxes with hate mail putting down other events in the community. That's not nice, or very professional. The 'stealthy' hotmail address was a nice touch. ;)

Going out of your way to put this email together. And trying to ruin the reputation of the Murk party, and those involed, makes me wonder why that sleez(y) sunday is happening in the first place... :o

I would have much rather read a post of yours telling me why i should get out of my house and head to Suite on Sunday. Maybe in the next couple of years when you post again :-*


Your head is so far up LP's ass, it's going to take another thread, or possibly another website to really express my feeling on this.

Biz (poor Biz)

What can i say. When it rains, it pours. It's very unfortunate that both of these events happened during the same weekend. I think it's better you get them out of the way in one shot anyway, so it doesn't look like a pattern is forming. ;) You dont have to explain shit to anyone. Especially to the 3 stooges previously mentioned. You have a great reputation in clubland. It's clear to see on this thread the lengths some people will go to try and ruin the party you guys are doing. More importantly it's clear to see how hard you guys work at it, and the reasons that you are doing it in the first place.

Ok, so what did we learn today?

Dade: It makes you look foolish, a man of your age gabbing like an elementary school girl on this messageboard.

LP: that sneaky trick creating a quick hotmail account to send 'anonymous' emails doesn't work. And as far as you not posting for a couple of years, if your other CJ aliases are as 'stealth' as those emails i doubt it.

Saleen: my mind goes numb when i read your name, moving on

Biz: As exciting as it is to want to tell people about a possible guest spot, keep it a secret till the end!! It will have a much better impact if it happens. I think so anyway. Keep up the great work.

The one thing that we, (me, Saleen, Biz, and Lp), did was say what we had to say and sign our names to it. When you're enough of a person to do the same, then I'll give a shit what you say. Until then...you are just another pussy.

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Guest dj_release

I was going to sit this one out, but i couldn't resist.


To start a thread like this is hilarious. Though I am not surprised with a name like 'NocturnalNoMore' it is obvious that you are only concerned about putting down events you are not part of, and venues you are not with. instead of using your energy towards the one's that you are. Maybe i should commend you for actually earning a living at it. And then with the back and forth about "he did this, and JLO, and BOB. do you know what you sound like? ::) :-X


You should be ashamed of yourself! Using, or letting your staff use your space mailing lists to fill everyone's mailboxes with hate mail putting down other events in the community. That's not nice, or very professional. The 'stealthy' hotmail address was a nice touch. ;)

Going out of your way to put this email together. And trying to ruin the reputation of the Murk party, and those involed, makes me wonder why that sleez(y) sunday is happening in the first place... :o

I would have much rather read a post of yours telling me why i should get out of my house and head to Suite on Sunday. Maybe in the next couple of years when you post again :-*


Your head is so far up LP's ass, it's going to take another thread, or possibly another website to really express my feeling on this.

Biz (poor Biz)

What can i say. When it rains, it pours. It's very unfortunate that both of these events happened during the same weekend. I think it's better you get them out of the way in one shot anyway, so it doesn't look like a pattern is forming. ;) You dont have to explain shit to anyone. Especially to the 3 stooges previously mentioned. You have a great reputation in clubland. It's clear to see on this thread the lengths some people will go to try and ruin the party you guys are doing. More importantly it's clear to see how hard you guys work at it, and the reasons that you are doing it in the first place.

Ok, so what did we learn today?

Dade: It makes you look foolish, a man of your age gabbing like an elementary school girl on this messageboard.

LP: that sneaky trick creating a quick hotmail account to send 'anonymous' emails doesn't work. And as far as you not posting for a couple of years, if your other CJ aliases are as 'stealth' as those emails i doubt it.

Saleen: my mind goes numb when i read your name, moving on

Biz: As exciting as it is to want to tell people about a possible guest spot, keep it a secret till the end!! It will have a much better impact if it happens. I think so anyway. Keep up the great work.

The one thing that we, (me, Saleen, Biz, and Lp), did was say what we had to say and sign our names to it. When you're enough of a person to do the same, then I'll give a shit what you say. Until then...you are just another pussy.

yeah dude saying all this crap in a forum board makes you guys real men, props to all of you ::)

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Guest Untouchablepurple

The one thing that we, (me, Saleen, Biz, and Lp), did was say what we had to say and sign our names to it. When you're enough of a person to do the same, then I'll give a shit what you say. Until then...you are just another pussy.


he just called u a pussy ...

Dade see u in a bit ...

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Guest pmsound

Biz, don’t pay any attention to this "public war". It’s childish! Guys

like us work hard in doing our own thing while respecting our competition.

You & many others already know that I really enjoy working with u & Roland.

I rarely visited Mansion until recently. At Made in Miami, you & the party

make my crew & I feel so comfortable. U are a great host & the music & party

are great! I think certain people don’t deserve your time & attention

fighting this drama here on cooljunkie. You have two great parties in town &

you have worked very hard, and smart to get them to where they are. That’s just one of

the qualities that makes you the great promoter you are. You have my

support 100%, as well from soo many other people. Maybe they don’t post on

here, but I think you know who they are. So bro, let's keep rocking it @ LC

and Made in Miami!!!

Your friend,

Patrick M

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Guest djqba

Biz, don’t pay any attention to this "public war". It’s childish! Guys

like us work hard in doing our own thing while respecting our competition.

You & many others already know that I really enjoy working with u & Roland.

I rarely visited Mansion until recently. At Made in Miami, you & the party

make my crew & I feel so comfortable. U are a great host & the music & party

are great! I think certain people don’t deserve your time & attention

fighting this drama here on cooljunkie. You have two great parties in town &

you have worked very hard, and smart to get them to where they are. That’s just one of

the qualities that makes you the great promoter you are. You have my

support 100%, as well from soo many other people. Maybe they don’t post on

here, but I think you know who they are. So bro, let's keep rocking it @ LC

and Made in Miami!!!

Your friend,

Patrick M

+1 nuff said

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